Sun Xiaodong left.

He came here to see Chen Liang, it seems to just find someone, telling about his "History History".

From the head to the end, his attitude is very good, and the goodness tends to abnormally.

In Kitzheng, Chen Liang smashed the tea, and his eyes flashed. If you think.

It can be sure, Sun Xiaodong's friendly is not installed, like him as a friend, or more accurately, is a ... the same.



Chen Liangmiao, and refreshing, re-recalling the story that Sun Xiaodong said.

The other party turned the corner and said a big pass, what did you want to express?

Jan Le did not know the dead.

If there is no fragrance to fall into the nose, Chen Liang looks up and obeys the accident.

"Miss L.?"

The special woman of Hung is a blessing, then went out, handle the door.

"How about talking?"

Yu Ji sat in the position of Sun Xiaodong, clearly didn't apply any cosmetics, but the face is white like a snow, the clear color is getting more and more, and the color of the red lips.

Chen Liang shake his head, as he did: "I don't even know what he is looking for, he just tells me his workplace."

Yan Ji didn't talk, I don't know where to take a banknote, put it on the low teapole.

Chen Liang bowed.

That is a dollar bill.

And it is back up.

On the mysterious pyramid, a strange eyes are silent to monitor this world.

Chen Liang's eyes change, suddenly looked up, and looked at Yu Ji.


"When do you contact you?"

In the case of the videos, Yu Ji is an amazing road.

Chen Liangzhi, "Miss Yan, I am ..."

"I'm not."

Yu Ji shook his head.

"Masonous will not receive women."

Chen Liang is silent.

"Sun Xiaodong is a member of the mason, which should be the purpose of him."

Yu Ji once again released a shocking message.

Chen Liang's eyes contracted and finally.

"Miss Yan, how do you know that he is a mason?"

"The mission has been committed to recruiting elite talents in various industries. After thousands of years, their membership has reached a very terrible number, not only Sun Xiaodong, but also in my country."

"such as?"

Chen Liang's consciousness asked.

Yu Ji looked at him and did not satisfy his curiosity.

"Who joins the colption, with you, there is not much relationship with you, the most important thing for you is your own choice."

"my choice?"

"Look, the masonry should contact you for a long time, Sun Xiaodong is looking for you, should also be aware of the principal, in order to persuade you more."

Yu Ji watched Chen Liang.

"Now, listen to his hammer history, what do you want? Do you want to join them?"

Sun Xiaodong is a mason.

No wonder his bodyguards maliciously provocate themselves, and he did not show any hostility afterwards.

He is just to complete a task.

"I have never thought of my colleagues."

Chen Liang did not have much hesitation and thinking, and responded very quickly.

"Why? Join all the global huge people, you can make anyone fly Huang Tengda, or even changed against the sky."

Chen Liang shook his head.

"I know that the collections will be open, but I have never like constraints."

"There is no white lunch in this world, what you have lost, and it will lose something."

Yu Ji did not express the information, just quietly looked at Chen Liang, it seems to study what he said is true or false.

Chen Liang's expression is very calm, and it is very calm. Let the other party to take yourself, drink tea.

Quiet in the box.

Two people sitting relatively, all of them.

"Miss Yan, you are doing this, why do you understand?"

Chen Liang put down the empty cup and took the initiative to break the silence.

"Do you really want to know?"

At that moment, Chen Liang found that this cold-blooded woman's look is very different, but he still nodded.

Yu Ji silently took a moment, then opened his mouth.

"Because I used to have a boss, a mid-level member of the mason."

Rao is Chen Liang, can't help but expose the color.

Yu Ji looked at him and smiled.

"Or more accurate description, is my righteous father."

Chen Liang's eyes are constantly flashing.

This is his first time he heard the past.

Of course, after I know this legendary woman, he is not a curious tried to check about her information, but it has nothing.

Even with a strong Internet, there is no record on the background of the .

no one knows.

Or no one dares to mention.

Even if it is disclosed online.

Chen Liang did not expect that he heard the past of Yu Ji was, it turned out from her mouth.

"Are you surprised?"

Yu Ji looked at him.

No matter how it is in my heart, you will slowly recover calm down on the surface of Chen Liang.

"In fact, there is nothing surprised. I am a woman, if there is no background, what have everything to have today? Are you not all like this?"

Chen Liang may feel that he doesn't have a good thing, but he can't leave at this time.

"I am like you, no, I am not even as good as you, I am growing up in the welfare home, eight years old, by a man adopted, he sent me to school, church me riding, hunting, golf, looking for people to learn The evolution of the upper class society is also him, let me learn how to kill. "

It is very stunned by changing his own destiny. It is not like grateful, not like resentment, it is a taste that is difficult to cut.

In fact, it can be seen from the previous boss.

"His name is Zou Pingyi, you may hear his name."

Yu Ji whispered to supplement.

Chen Liangqi pore concrete.

He is not chasing stars.

But this name is really like a thunder!

Zou Pingyi.

The front East China Sea is rich.

If there is a word in this era, Zou Pingyi is absolutely counted!

When he was the most scenery, he called the wind in the East Sea, no matter the black and white, no matter where you came, see him, who is not honored by Mr. Zou?

It is estimated that no one can get rid of his collapse, almost overnight.

The rumors are rumored to be arrested for commercial crimes, but what is the fact that there is no exact news, the public is just mixed with their own guesses.

No wonder.

Inheriting Most of Zou Zhengyi's own assets can have the status of today, it is not surprising.

"Zou Pingyi, is a member of the mason?"

If this is to pass, it is definitely a surprised quarter.

So saying.

His collapse will not be because ...

Yan Ji didn't talk anymore, although he looked at Chen Liang, but it can be seen from her eyes, her mind is not here.

Into the past things should be a rematch of her memories.

Chen Liang did not continue to explore, you can know these, he is full of satisfaction.

"Miss Yan, thank you."

He is sincere.