Dominate the world from signing in

Chapter 785 Father and Son

Colorado prison.

The United States is re-high.

Gusman is ventilated on the air.

Because of his identity, and the legendary experience of the previous jailbreak, it is very strict to his tube in prisons, not only from other prisoners, and there are several prison guards to take gun tail.

When all the aura is removed, this notorious big drug lord looks like an ordinary untrusted ordinary person. If it is not a prisoner, you can't see any places, or even round face type. It still has some honest.

At this point he sat on the bench, looked at the white clouds and blue sky, and it seems to be the freedom to go out.

However, people who entered this prison, most of them have not breathed the outside air in this life.

What's more, if you commit crimes, if you don't pay attention to "humanity", I am afraid that the gun will be less than a hundred times.

Looking at it, he suddenly inexplicably fell on the ground, like epilepsy, and the whole body began twitching.

Several prison police were shocked and immediately ran over.

"Guzman, don't think about it! Get up."

I am kicking him with a preserver.

It has no response, and the convulsions are more violent, the face is gradually black, and the mouth spittering is started.

A few prison guards looked at the eyes, realized that they were wrong, and even busy picking up the walk: "There is a prisoner in the second supervision, and the medical staff will come to come!"


Prison Medical Center.

Gurzman is lying in bed, and the situation has improved, and it is hanging.

According to doctor diagnosis, his situation is because of food poisoning.

at this time.

A doctor wearing a mask is doing some inquiry to Gazman.

"How did you come in ?!"

Gusman is equipped with a normal look, but the fundus is very horrified.

Because this white coat standing on the bed is not a doctor, but his son Aquarium.

"Father, you can rest assured that it is a favorite of the Ward family, and there will be no someone."

I have been re-admitted to my father for many years, and I added a situation of nearly "dead escape". At this time, Aquious is also very excited.

"Father, Rodriggs gang guy communication CIA, stealing Sinai, and also imprisoned me, you don't know how I came over these years."

"Are they imprisoned?"

For this news, Gazman seems to be more unexpected.

Aquiwan's eyes have a strong resentment, then pull up the sleeves to show their own arms.

Even if some wounds have begun to heal, clearly visible various scars are shocking.

"Who is this ?!"

"Abybrah! He put me in the dungeon, and taking it to me."

Gusman's eyes are difficult to cover anger. It seems that he knows that his son is hurt, but it does not expect such people to be such a big courage, and they dare to treat his son.

"Don't he don't want to live!"

"Father, now Abybra has been caught."

"I caught it? What is going on?"

In this alert copper wall, the news is really relatively occluded.

"It is CIA! After I was rescued by the cold front, I recorded a video, exposed the things that Rodriguez and CIA collude, CIA, in order to wash their own suspects, so put Ababra as a tool. "

When you say this, Aquiwan is very happy. It should be that you can feel that your own practice is more high, borrowing the knife and killing people, not fighting, can do not seem to feel like this, even repertrous:

"You do this, it is too much to hit, so, you will give it a sin of CIA completely."

Aquiwan only exposed an eye-free eye unconsulted.

"Father, we have fallen to this point today, all CIA has to have, I am afraid of sin them ?!"


Guzman observed four weeks, and found that no one, whispered: "There is no forever friend, there is no forever enemies, some, only forever! I was caught because of CIA, but does not mean You have to break with them, weak meat, food, is the unchanging truth! You want to retreat from Rodriggs to take back to Sinaya, you need to do a good relationship with CIA, or even cooperate with them! "

Gurzman can become a big drug lord who is known from a unlessed poor boy, it is indeed a certain reason.

This kind of thought will be absolutely universal.

At least as the son's Aquarium has not reached this realm.

"Father, why do I have to cooperate with CIA? They are still tracing my falling in the world!"

Gusman Shen Sheng: "It is because you take the initiative to provoke them, they will do this, if you have not exposed them, do you think they will stare at you? No, they don't care. They care, just benefits. Who can bring them to benefit, who will support it. "

Aquarium listened to something.

"Father, but you are ..."

"It's because I am like you, it is more young, no one is unknown, a cia, why do you ordered me? So I was now closed here. Aquiwan, you must understand, some forces, you are fighting of."

Gurzman's eyes mean.

Aquiwan was silent, and the emotions were calm down.

"Father, I know what you mean, but I have found a partner now."

"Do you say Ward Group?"

Gusman said: "This family, I have heard, although they are also very powerful in the United States, but in Mexico, they don't have too much energy, at least CIA."

"Do not!"

Ajiwan immediately: "Father, now the situation is different from before, it is dead, now the Seat Group is in hand by Ward Group, and is fighting with Sinaa, both sides in Los Rammons played for two months, Sinai is heavy, and even Seda also passed the help of CJNG, the solitary army was deeply in-depth, and I broke into Erdalton, where there was a lot of it, but also because of them Help, the cold front can save me so smoothly. "

Gurzman's eye fluctuate, obviously surprised.

"Do you still have this?"

"Father, has the support of Ward Group and Seat, even if Cia is not worth afraid, one day later, I will cut Rodrigue people to hand down!"

Gusman silence half.

"What conditions do you pay?"

Aquiwan and his opposition, did not hide, will be negotiated with Chen Liang's negotiations and trails.

"Father, I haven't chosing ..."

He thought that he sacrificed half of the income of Sina Roy, his father would blame him, who knew Gutzman but looks deep, unexpectedly.

"You should promise him the first condition, obey his leadership, if you finally want to live."