Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 667: The First to Dragon God's Palace (second)

“Five-order Destruction Sword Soul, this is the true King Sword Soul, both essentially and powerfully, has reached the King's rank. ”

In the past, the Four Peaks Destruction Sword Soul, although there is also the power of the Fifth Peak Ordinary Sword Soul, counts as the King's Sword Soul, but in essence, the Four Peaks are the Four Peaks, and there is always some difference. Now, the Destruction Sword Soul has been raised to the Fifth Rank, which is essentially the Fifth Rank Sword Soul, which is one level higher than the Four Rank Peak. As for the Power, it is also equivalent to the Sixth Rank Ordinary Sword Soul.

“The fifth order is the king's sword soul, the sixth is the top king's sword soul, the seventh is the emperor's sword soul, the first order is harder than the first, each step will rise several times more powerful, even more, today in the will, I am not much weaker than the top king, only slightly weaker to use at most. ”

Ye Dust knew very well how horrible the fifth order Sword Destruction Soul was. Until then, without the use of swordsmanship, his strength and Heavenly Sword Sect were similar, and his defense was a little stronger than that of the other party. But now, with the fifth order Sword Destruction Soul, he could kill the other party in a few moves.

“Let's see what we can do first. ”

Standing in front of a false mountain, Ye Du Eyebrow heart slightly swelled up, the surface emitted a layer of black light like jade, the next moment, a faint black sword shadow rushed straight out, sweeping past on the false mountain, fast as a hallucination.

The fake mountain and the space in which it is located twisted slightly. The fake mountain, spinning and pounding, was broken down into the finest powder by a terrible sword for dozens of meters. Due to the speed at which it was destroyed, the fake mountain continued to blink several times. It did not collapse until it could not support its weight. It became a pile of flying ash, flying with the wind.

“It seems to be more powerful than imagined, and there is only one less trick to kill Sky Sword Sect. ”

The sword intent released by the fifth order destruction sword soul is really much stronger than the ordinary fifth order sword intent, it can completely influence reality, not to exaggerate, the will is below the fourth order, the leaf dust killing each other does not need to directly carry out, directly a sword intent, can kill the other soul, because leaf dust is not the king, if leaf dust is the king of life and death, a sword intent can even kill the top priest of the fourth order, ignore defense.

After all, the King of Life and Death employs a sword means much more intelligent than Leaf Dust. The same sword means, Leaf Dust definitely cannot resist the King.

“The sword soul has improved, and the attack power of sword art can improve a lot. ”

The power of swordsmanship is embodied in four aspects, true Yuan, Aoyi, sword intent, and soul power. Among them, sword intent accounts for a large proportion. Especially the five-order destruction sword intent. Soul power is mainly embodied in speed. Of course, the faster the speed, the higher the attack power.


With a breath of breath, Leaf Dust looked at the vision and secretly said: Destruction Sword Soul is already in the fifth order, do not know when immortal sword soul will form.

Destruction consists of killing, so we can draw the power of killing. Immortality and destruction are reciprocal. There is no one who draws who. It is just that the immortal sword soul seems more difficult to form than the destruction sword soul. Not a single word, destruction is easier than building.

Leaf dust has a premonition that one day something unexpected will happen when the immortal sword soul and the Destruction Sword soul reach a true balance.


South Luozhong Forbidden Land, underground secret chamber has a conveying stone door, conveying the energy vortex inside the stone door suddenly accelerated rotation, after three blinks, a figure was conveyed out, standing in front of the conveying stone door.

This is not who he is. He is the 18th Elder of the Dragon God's Palace Presbyterian.

Come on, come on, come on!

The footsteps rang and Long Biyun followed the secret path ladder down.

“Eighteen Elders. ”

18th Elder Wen smiled softly: "Miss, you have lost a lot of weight. ”

Long Biyun sighed and asked: "You are here for the leaves and dust. ”

“Well, the Great Elder asked me to talk to him. ”

“He also happened to have something for me to pass to the Dragon God's Palace. Since you are here, tell him in person. I will take you to the Ye family. ”

“Miss Luo leads the way. ”


Before they came to the Ye family, they were perceived by the leaf dust.

“Elder Dragon God Heavenly Palace? ”

According to the costumes of the eighteen elders, Ye Dust guessed each other's identities.

In the pavilion in the middle of the lake, leaf dust makes tea and waits there.

In the distance, the eighteen elders saw the leaf dust, in the pavilion, the young man attacked the blue clothes, his face was clean, the tea on the table exuded warmth, the temperament lined with leaf dust was very calm, without a hint of impatience, which is very rare among young people.

“Haha! ”

Smiling sharply, the Elders and Dragonflyn plundered into the pavilion.

“Ye Dust, you and I met for the first time, I am the 18th Elder of Dragon God's Ten Palace Presbyterian Association, my name is Yu.” Eighteen Elders did not immediately sit down and introduce themselves.

Ye Dust stood up and his palms falsely guided him: “I've been waiting for the Dragon God Tenmiya to send someone over, Elder Yu, please sit down. ”

Sitting on both sides, Long Biyun spoke to Ye Dust: “Ye Dust, the Eighteenth Presbyterian Council and you will tell us about the specific situation of the Dragon God's Palace. The final decision will still be made by you. ”

Ye dust gently sipped the tea and said directly: “Let's talk about the specific situation at the Dragon God's Palace! ”


The 18th elder looked at Lomby Art with dismay and said: “It's not as famous as meeting each other. By your words alone, you have to impress me. You can't change your attitude without dragging mud into your work. No wonder you have been at the forefront for so many years. You are now the first sword sect in centuries on the Real Spirit Continent. ”

Ye dust is terrible, deeply shocked to the eighteenth elder, he is not a solo martial artist on the river and lake, nor is he the elder of the small sect gate, but is a member of the Presbyterian Council of the Dragon God's Palace. He has a very good set of people, but in front of Ye dust, he can't see through each other's everything, but he doesn't need to see through each other. Just one sentence from each other, he knows that Ye dust is better than he thought.

"'Elder Yu rarely comes to the Ye family,' said Ye Dust. 'If you don't want to talk about business, just drink some tea. ”

“Okay, have some tea. ”

Eighteen Elders naturally know nothing to say.

Lomby helpless smile.


South Luozhong Forbidden Site, Leaf Dust and Eighteen Elders stand in front of the Stone Gate.

“Lady, let's take a step.” The Eighteenth Elder turned back.

Dragonfly nodded and said to Ye Dust: “Ye Dust, be careful, everything matters with your own life, you need to know that your own value far exceeds other things. ”

“I have my share. ”

Leaf dust certainly does not have a fever.

“Okay, let's go. ”

The eighteenth elder first stepped into the conveying stone gate, followed closely by leaves and dust.


The Dragon Goddess Palace is situated on a huge island, which has taken the world of previous generations of leaves and dust, absolutely a small continent, on an island, where countless buildings are fluctuating and layered, while in the center of the island, a larger building, the building center, is a magnificent palace surrounded by giant dragon statues, a huge momentum running straight into the clouds, making it impossible for the clouds in the sky to converge.

Leaf dust and eighteen elders appeared in the core area of the island, looking outward, without a glance, and the cloud fog made the architecture invisible, like a heavenly resort, spectacular and luxurious.

Out of the portal stone door, the two of them came to a square.

In the square, there are often many visitors, most of whom are the core disciples of Dragon God's Palace, as well as some deacons and outdoor elders.

“Elder XVIII! ”

“Elder Eighteen! ”

Along the way, from time to time, there are greetings with the eighteen elders. The status of the elders is not the inner gate elder of the general sect. Because the Dragon God Temple is the reason for the top five grade sects, the rank is more strict, often in the same rank, and there are many small ranks. The elders are the top rank throughout the Dragon God Temple, handling all the affairs of the Dragon God Temple.

Elder XVIII is very gentle, a little hint.

“Who is this man, looking so young? ”

“The mid-term peak of the Linghai realm is cultivated to be, at most, twenty years old! ”

“Let eighteen elders accompany you in person, tsk. ”

These are not fools. Young people who can be accompanied by the 18th Elders themselves will never be easy. It is clear from the attitude of the 18th Elder and Ye Dust to speak, that the two are of equal status and do not have any inferiority.

Leaf dust did not pay attention to the sight of others, he swept down and found that Nodak's area was covered with a layer of restraint, which was horrible, without a trace, as if hidden in the sky.

In particular, he was shocked that the trees planted on the roadside in the core area were rare varieties, including Chinese taxi trees, Chinese tapewood trees, Chinese evergreen trees, none of the inferior trees, and the flowers in the flower garden were numerous, the lowest were inferior, and the middle grade flowers were numerous.

Under these trees, the heavens and the earth are very energetic, cultivating half the effort, and these flowers and plants, collecting just a few strains, can be refined into valuable Dan medicine.

Trees and flowers and grasses are of good quality and naturally require a lot of nutrition, so from time to time, leaves and dust can be seen watering flowers and grass trees. These waters are not ordinary waters. They contain a kind of vibrant energy. If you are not afraid to embarrass yourself, it is fine to drink them. If you get a small family with no grade, it will definitely be hidden and will not be used for watering.

With a deep breath of cold air, Ye Dust finally understood the strength of some five-pin sects. The so-called six-pin sects and five-pin sects are not worth mentioning.

Looking up, in the deeper part of the Dragon God's Palace of Heaven, there are also a number of tall sky trees. Dust and fog cover the leaves can only see the most recent strains, but these strains, without exception, are all of the finest grade, countless times more precious than the average fine spiritual grass. You know, in the grass, the value of the trees is the highest, often tens or even hundreds of times that of other spiritual grass.

“Ye Dust, how about Dragon God Heavenly Palace? ”

Eighteen Elders can see that leaf dust is shocking.

Leaf Dust said honestly: “Stronger than imagined. ”

“The strength of the Dragon God Temple is not superficial, but everything has a price. Because of the strength, more resources are needed. Once the resources cannot keep up, it is easy to go wrong. Not to exaggerate, the resources required by the Dragon God Temple are at least one hundred times the average six-pick sect. Six to five products, you can pretend to be the realm of the Linghai to live and die. ”

With one king of life and death, the Liuping Sect can become the most ordinary five-grade sect. If it develops for hundreds of years, it can become a medium five-grade sect. A top five-grade sect like the Dragon God Temple will take at least a millennium to develop before it is possible.

ps: I got up early in the morning, I slept too much for lunch, I was a little late for chapter two, chapter three is expected after dawn, there will be no shortage. Don't be weak monthly tickets for everyone. If I say too much, it will definitely be more. Can my brothers and sisters fire a little more intensely?

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets ( and your support is my biggest motivation.)