Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1066: Let Him Go

Looking at the sudden change in the style of painting, the two of them are here to talk about you and me. It's not like you just came and went and Mingguang has lost thousands of evolving people with heads, faces and combat capabilities, all over the city. The faces of ordinary people who are watching here are a bit unpleasant.

To show that people are bloody, someone immediately said cursingly,

"Gan Liniang, what the hell the garrison bitch is doing, isn't it? Lao Tzu killed this life today, Lao Tzu!"

The one with his arms out of his sleeves was about to rush up to Qin Mountain. Before he could bury his steps, he was kicked on the egg by the old lady next to him.

"You can, you can, why don't you go to heaven if you can?"

"Eh, mom, what are you doing, my ears... so many old people don't pinch my ears... what a shame... Mom, let go."

There was a lot of kind laughter around.

Just listen to his old mother's vicious education with his ears,

"I gave birth to you such a silly thing. When I wanted to send you to school, you still didn't learn well. I didn't know how to become a martial artist. After living for most of my life, I can't even understand you. The more you live, the more you end your life. Didn’t you hear that Liu and General Zhao talked about it? Everyone can do nothing. Who might as well sit down and have a talk, code people, get together, let’s have a game, let’s say, Yuanjing You don’t want money for nothing? It’s all the hard-earned money and head tax of the evolutionary adults, don’t you know!"


For example, General Ye Lao holds a big take on one side, and he talks about it with high-level officials of the Defense Army Development Committee.

"After all, it's the Zhao family's cub, who has promise and responsibility. Old man, I will never die when he is his age. Thousands of evolutionaries can calmly communicate with the enemy."

Mo Hongniang covered her red lips with her hands, her smile was too big,

"Lord Ye, when you were in Zhao Zheng's age group, weren't you busy driving the scattered tribes around Mingguang and the group of vicious dogs in Wolf City to the sky and the ground without a path?"

Several members of the garrison cast their lips secretly, and they felt that the following series of civilized language is not as good as "killing".

At that time, the old man Ye had definitely killed the red eye. He wandered around the Mingguang a long way, and the number of people who returned was less than one-third of the people buried in the same place.

General Ye Old worried,

"It seems that the defensive army has the advantage, the time and the place are good for the people, but it is a big disadvantage. Blood corpses, that is something that even evolvers can infect, if you don't die, there will be consequences."

Ye Ming came forward from nowhere,

"Dad, why don't you just evacuate the Xiacheng District, and whether it will survive or kill at that time, you can minimize casualties?"

The few seniors nearby raised their eyebrows calmly, with a kind smile on their faces, showing appreciation and encouragement.

It is said that this kind of high-level meeting is not qualified to participate in Ye Ming's level, even if the level is enough, he is a bottle of dissatisfied with half a bottle of goods.

Ye Ming suddenly jumped out to speak at this time, and more than one or two people rolled their eyes.

It's up to the owner to beat the dog, but no one jumped out to accuse him without wit.

"Oh?" General Ye Lao said, "Evacuate the Xiacheng District? The Xiacheng District has a population of more than eight million. Tell me, what should Mingguang use to evacuate these eight million people? To the outer city? The four-wall construction site? Or throw it away. In the wilderness?"

Ye Ming shrank back.

"It's better to be safe at this point. If the outer city doesn't work, just use four walls. It's nearly a hundred kilometers away. By then, the safety of the two city gates will be guaranteed!"

General Ye Lao waved his hand tiredly.

"You mean, let Mingguang shut himself out of the city?"

Ye Ming opened his mouth.

"No, I mean..."

"Okay, brat, are you in such a hurry to shame Laozi?"

Ye Ming retreated to the side dejectedly, and went sulking on his own.

I kept complaining in my heart: How can I say that my brother also has children and daughters who are over half a hundred years old, and this old man doesn't save me any face.

The guys as the audience sighed: Why did General Ye’s fame make such a prodigal? Considering the messy things Ye Ming has done before, tusk—maybe Ye Ming’s eight-year-old son is more suitable for him than Ye Ming. Epaulettes.

General Ye Lao commanded loudly,

"All members of the garrison are prepared. If the people in the Xiacheng district want to leave the city, open the city gates without asking questions, and send people to guard all the main traffic roads and city gates to resolutely avoid stampede accidents."

General Ye hesitated for a while,

"Well, if congestion occurs, it should be mainly young people."


This can be regarded as an unwritten rule-but no one has ever wanted to bring this bloody cruelty to the table like General Ye Lao.

General Ye Lao asked,

"Is there any news from the person sent out?"

Someone immediately replied,

"Miss Qing Yu and Master Wei Tianxing are already on their way, Master Warlock, we really can't contact us, uh, but Zhao Erye said he will find a way. The plants that swallowed the lake of blood have been found out. It belongs to Miss Zuo Chen... currently... uh... discussing the price, and..."

"Wait? What price to discuss?"

The man swallowed his saliva and looked embarrassed.

"Yes... Gao Daxiao... Gao Daxiao and Zuo Chen are familiar with each other and are discussing Zuo Chen's appearance fee..."

General Ye squeezed his eyebrows viciously, feeling that the soldiers he brought had never been so embarrassing in his life.

Resisting the urge to kill this man on the spot,


"Lin Chou was spread to a different space. We have sent someone to Yanhuishan. It is estimated that we will be able to get things back soon."

General Ye nodded.

"Hey, since when did our Mingguang soldiers also start to take the road to grabbing? When Lin Chou comes back, we have to make up for the little guy so that he won’t turn his face with us. That kid’s temper is simply It’s a dog."

Mo Hongniang said with a smile,

"Compensation? Ten million will be entrusted, point card!"

General Ye Lao rolled his eyes.

"Human spirit, you will do what you like."

All Mingguang points cards are held in the palm of the hand. At least it doesn’t need to take out tens of millions of standard source crystals at once.

Then, a civilian officer knocked on the door and entered the conference room.

"Report, someone from the Haiphong Line said to help deal with Guixu water..."

There was a sneer and boos.

General Ye Lao rolled his eyes and said without looking up,

"Let him go back wherever he came from, and the water from the ruins that will come out later will be damnably evaporated."

Everyone: Quiet!

"Hmm... wait a minute!" General Ye Lao suddenly changed his mind, "Aren't you going to help us deal with the Guixu water? Can't you let others run away for nothing? Take him to the blood lake~"

"Pouch" Mo Hongniang laughed.