DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 78-Axe King

There is no hero on the bot lane, where will the heroes of the disaster go?

Thinking of this, the shadow priest's face changed, and he quickly warned through the communication function of the nameplate: "There are few people on the way, be careful!"

However, Dark Mu's response was not unpleasant, but it was still too late.Before his words fell, the majestic announcement of the super god platform came from the hazy zenith.

first drop of blood!

Zhao Dingguo had just made up his first pawn, and his blood appeared!

In surprise, Zhao Dingguo quickly checked the battlefield statistics on the nameplate.It turned out that the tortured soul on the road was killed by the anti-mage of the natural disaster, and the Lich and the Vengeful Soul assisted!With three beating two, it was unexpected again, and this took the guard's blood in one fell swoop!

"One less person?"

The dark animal husbandry noticed that there was only one person on the road, and Windrunner was in the middle of the road with the gods, so he couldn't help but feel a little strange.But when the second wave of tree soldiers set off, he knew who the fifth hero of the natural disaster was!


This is a melee-powered hero with a skill similar to this taunt, and the ultimate is elimination.When the enemy's HP is less than a certain value, his ultimate move can directly kill the opponent.

However, this is not the characteristic of Axe King, his most representative skill is the third passive skill-counterattack spiral!

When being attacked by any enemy, there is a certain chance to launch a counterattack, causing at least 100 points of damage to the surrounding enemies, and still ignore the magic immunity!Therefore, the hero's favorite is that some melee units with low attack power surround him.In this way, he can continuously trigger the counter-attack spiral.Although this passive effect is triggered at a certain interval, it is only 0.65 seconds at most. Once a few times in the early stage, the damage will be very scary!

In comparison, a wave of tree soldiers is undoubtedly King Axe's favorite.

With a round shield on his body, King Axe can easily enter and exit the hinterland of the line, and then break a wave of pawns.In this way, he can not only enjoy the experience and money of the soldiers alone, but also prevent Zhao Dingguo and the others from getting the support of their own soldiers, being chased by the ghouls of natural disasters, and finally achieve the goal of pushing the tower quickly!

At this moment, the King Axe rushed out of the wild area just when the second wave of tree soldiers passed the second tower, and broke the line!

"It's King Axe!"

Seeing him appear, Dark Mu couldn't help frowning deeply.The opponent's hero's big move just restrained his thin burial skills, and his behavior of cutting off soldiers seriously interfered with Zhao Dingguo's black bird replenishment!

"You must go over and kill King Axe, and at the worst, you must beat him away!"

Dark Mu quickly made up his mind and informed Zhao Dingguo.Otherwise, he alone would not be able to kill King Axe.

"it is good!"

Zhao Dingguo knew that King Axe could not be left alone, so after reluctantly clearing the wave of ghouls under the tower, he chased him with Dark Mu.The hinterland of the army line is their guard's place, how can the Axe King be able to develop such a comfortable break?

The Axe of the natural disaster side obviously did not expect that the Blackbird and Dark Animal Husband would come so soon, so he was still waiting to terminate the third wave of treants.Seeing him not leaving, Zhao Dingguo and Dark Mu directly rushed up.

"Fuck, so decisive!"

Seeing that the guards came to kill quickly, King Axe cursed and didn't do much entanglement. He turned around and drilled into the wild area.

"Don't chase!"

Zhao Dingguo wanted to chase and kill him, but he was calmly held back by the dark animal husbandry: "He also has a pair of speed boots on his body, and his running speed is not slower than ours. Now we are only at level 2. As long as he wants to escape, let's kill. Can't drop. If you chase, you will be fooled. Of course, he can't get the money, but the two of us are also wasted by him!"

"Not bad!"

Zhao Dingguo reacted immediately and quickly followed the new Shuren soldiers back to the line of troops, and began to replenish troops seriously.

After knowing the opposing lineup,

The opponent also has the late stage of the enemy mage, and then the axe, the first hand and meat shield.Windrunner and Vengeful Soul also have their own control skills. Although they are not as big as the tide, they have a lot of point control and fast cooling.As for the lich, let alone, Zhao Dingguo had seen it during the regular season before, and once that terrifying big move was made, everyone had to give three points!

Therefore, since the lineup does not take up much advantage, his later performance is very important!

There is pressure to have motivation!

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo began to earn money under pressure.He kept adjusting his position, hiding behind the fiercely slaying treants and ghouls, and controlled the black birds attached to him to breathe and replenish soldiers.

However, the axe king of natural disasters is obviously determined to carry out the cause of severance.When Anmu and Zhao Dingguo returned to the bottom of a tower, he surreptitiously watched in the wilderness for a while, slipped out again, and continued to cut off troops.He put on a posture of the enemy advancing and retreating, and the enemy garrisoning me, which really caused Zhao Dingguo and Dark Mu a headache!

If this axe is not solved, they don't want to develop in peace.

After solving another wave of ghouls, Zhao Dingguo and Dark Mu found King Axe again.But this time, they took a little detour and killed them through the jungle under a tower.And this time, King Axe's luck was not so good. He was shot for several rounds by several melee treant soldiers. Although his health was lost a lot, he only triggered a counterattack spiral in the end!

This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity!

The dark animal husbandry who suddenly rushed out of the woods hit King Axe by surprise, and his shadow wave caused a big trouble to King Axe.

The dark animal husbandry's skill is actually a combination of healing and damage reduction. It treats one's own unit and naturally damages nearby enemies in a small area.Although the specific value is only 140 points up to level 4, the victory lies in its fast cooldown and can jump and heal up to four nearby units.And this effect has another feature, that is, it can be superimposed!

In other words, the three tree soldiers who cling to the king of Axe slap each received one treatment, but the king of Axe would suffer three injuries!

Although King Axe’s ultimatum restrains Dark Shepherd’s thin burial, once King Axe attempts to break his troops, Shadow Demon of Dark Shepherd can also make King Axe very uncomfortable.To some extent, this reflects the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the heroes in DOTA!

Axe’s health was only half left, and after the shadow wave damage was superimposed, his health dropped sharply.However, seeing that Zhao Dingguo did not show up, King Axe thought that Dark Shepherd was the only one coming, and he was reluctant to bear a few treants nearby who were dissatisfied with his blood, so he stayed for a few more seconds!

This little time will undoubtedly determine his death date!

The Dark Shepherd's Shadow Wave had a cooling time of only four seconds. When the King Axe took the Treant Soldiers and turned around to escape, he had eaten two Shadow Waves in succession, and was beaten several times by the Dark Shepherd.You know, this is a death team battle, the dark animal husbandry comes with artificial legs and the ring of kings, and the attack power and attack speed are very objective.When King Axe got into the wild area, his HP was only a little!

What greeted him was naturally Zhao Dingguo's attack!

If Zhao Dingguo followed the dark animal husbandry as soon as he came up, King Axe would definitely turn around and run away.Now he is hiding on the route where King Axe escaped last time, and staged a scene of waiting for the rabbit, and he happened to kill King Axe!

In addition to the kill rewards, the experience gained also made him rise to level three in one fell swoop!

After taking such a head, the loss caused by Axe's interference in the early stage was basically made up for most.While he was still counting seconds at the resurrection spring of the natural disaster, Zhao Dingguo seized the opportunity and developed rapidly.

At this time, the battle between the top and the middle is in full swing!

The natural disaster side only arranged a spoiler and cut off the Axe in the bottom road, and gathered three heroes on their superior road.With three against two, it is natural to have the idea of ​​exploding the guards on the road.Although the combination of Tide and the tortured soul is very sharp, the two met before, and they cooperated quite tacitly, but they were taken a blood first at the beginning, and then they were firmly suppressed in the scene!

The natural disaster side who consciously had the advantage once wanted to rush the tower and kill it. Although he successfully killed the old deer, the Lich who rushed too far was also hit by a huge wave by the tide hunter.This is a skill that integrates deceleration, damage and defense reduction. With the attack of the defensive tower, it kills the Lich to the limit!