DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 195 Talking About Bloodliness With The Invoker

"Zeus on the opposite side will be bothering soon'"

Hearing the voice from the zenith of the super god platform "like a god." Looking at the long prompt in the battlefield statistics of the nameplate, the blood demon couldn't help but said it out in fear and resentment c

His words immediately aroused the echo of the other guards.

Surpassing the killing of God is naturally an incomparable glory for the one who gets it.But for the opponent, it is a shame, unable to prevent the opponent from completing ten consecutive kills!Among these five people, those who know the rewards given by the extra evaluation are even more envy and hate towards Zhao Dingguo!

"Joining hands with him, we must not make him super god!"

I don’t know who said a word that immediately attracted the approval of the Vengeful Soul and Baihu: "Yes! Say nothing to make Zeus super god, otherwise he must die in front of us!"

After making such a decision, the five immediately coordinated, everything is to stop Zhao Dingguo Super God!

The guards who were facing the danger of being broken in three ways were all in their hearts, knowing that Xiao Xiao's failure was inevitable.Since you lose no matter what you do, you might as well simply attack the most rampant guy on the other side by the way. Although Zhao Dingguo didn’t have any special expressions or taunts when he killed them, his refresh was great, and it was true. It really stimulated the guards!

Therefore, they would rather give up the symbolic resistance at the end, and be ashamed!

In order to ensure success, the Gorefiend sold a piece of equipment and took out a sheep knife!

Seeing that the super soldier was about to appear, Zhao Dingguo knew that the victory was set.However, he looked at his godlike, always feeling a little dissatisfied.If you can take advantage of the opponent's world tree before it collapses, take another head, and replace Ping Lun with a super god to kill!

Therefore, when the guards approached him, Zhao Dingguo also ran into the guards!

But this meeting made Zhao Dingguo empty!

The five guards came together, ignoring the other heroes, and let the white tiger open the dark side of the moon exclusively for him.The earth-shaking sacred cow first jumped for three consecutive years and did not say, and then, the magic arrow of the soul of vengeance, the plasma field of the electric soul, the ultimate move of the blood demon plus the sheep knife to become a sheep...

Although Zhao Dingguo has the attributes of war drum, magic scepter, sheep knife, and black and yellow support, he has more than two thousand health. According to the current situation, even if his health is more than one thousand points, it may not be able to stop the guards from being so crazy. !

The spirit of vengeance ended Zeus as a god!

With Zhao Dingguo wanting to cry without tears, the five guards besieged him contentedly and triumphantly, ignoring that the World Tree next to him had fallen in half!In this way, Zhao Dingguo was kicked back by guards abruptly when he was away from the super god.

Less than half a minute later, this death team battle ended!

"The death team battle of the first match of the old battle is over! The comparison of the gods points of the two sides in this match:'Fei Xiu c said and said"

"The Scourge has the ultimate victory!"

"Because it is a death team battle, power will be deducted after failure. (Based on the current hero nameplate level) ten winning points (the number of times the user has participated in death team battles). If the user's current win points are insufficient, it will be permanently obliterated. If you win , You can choose to bring any of the same skills, equipment and props into the real world!"

"Four detected. The user of the four fierce super gods belongs to the natural disaster side and gets this field" v mouth, will get a random skill scroll of the king of gods Zeus!"

Sure enough, it was his u

The last time he was killed did not affect the ownership of the mouth!

After getting the Zeus random skill scroll, Zhao Dingguo was overjoyed, because the depression of the Super God being attacked by the sniper disappeared.Anyway, his bottom-line requirement can have an extra evaluation, and now he is satisfied with his mouth.However, in this team battle, because he had not exchanged the enhanced equipment before, he now has nothing to bring to the real world.

But that is not important!

With this lightning skill, the second step of Zhao Dingguo's lineage can be completed.Therefore, as soon as he returned to the super god space, he couldn't wait to open this scroll!

Which one of the three skills, arc lightning, lightning strike, and electrostatic field?

For Zhao Dingguo, arc lightning is obviously the most useless.His blue is limited, and he is not interested in the ability of Arc Lightning, which has a very short cooling, but generally damages.

As for the latter two, the passive skill electrostatic field is of course the best, and the lightning interruption and anti-concealment skills are also good!

In other words, a two-thirds probability will satisfy him!

After he confirmed that it was turned on, the Super God Platform quickly gave the final judgment-electrostatic field!

After drawing this passive skill, Zhao Dingguo was overjoyed, but he was drawn to the lottery.For the bloodline of the Invoker who is not lacking in skills, another active skill has little effect.And this passive percentage blood loss skill that can be triggered as long as there is lightning energy is quite useful for him!

Electrostatic Field

Every time you release a lightning skill, you can use an instant electric shock to reduce the current level of the enemy's life c in a certain range, and reduce the nephew who is proportional to the current life.The damage ignores magic immunity and is effective for normal units and invisible units!

Note: Only those who have the blood of Zeus can give full play to the power of determination.

Needless to say, the power of this skill is natural. Unfortunately, after Zhao Dingguo learned it, he immediately received a prompt from the Super God platform. Because he did not have the blood of Zeus, he could only play part of the power of this skill.And if there are other bloodlines, the effect of this skill will fluctuate depending on the fit of the bloodlines obtained!

If there is a serious discrepancy, Zhao Dingguo can only choose to give up this skill, or compulsively learn, and then play a low and pitiful effect, and at the same time play a valuable skill position for this!

Of course, it is not worth the loss!

On the contrary, if that bloodline has similarities with Zeus and a high degree of fit, the electrostatic field may be perfectly superimposed!

In this situation, Zhao Dingguo can only play 60% of the effect of the static field, which means that every time he uses the lightning skill, he reduces the current health value of the surrounding target gills.However, among Zhao Dingguo's current three skills, Ice Shards and Astral Imprisonment are not lightning skills, and they cannot trigger this passive at all.If it's not for pedigree considerations, learning this skill alone would make people laugh out loud!

But anyway, the second step of Zhao Dingguo's descent mission is considered to have fulfilled the conditions in full.

After returning to the real world, Zhao Dingguo soon waited for the opportunity to enter the main plane again.Without saying a word, he used the teleport skills on the badge to enter the main plane, and then went straight to the Invoker Manor in the World Tree Base Camp.

In order to pull this super master from the natural disasters to his own camp, the high-level guards obviously took a lot of thought.

This is a manor full of blood elves. You can see the style of the elves and the luxury of the royal family.The combination of the two creates this unique courtyard.Perhaps the Invoker’s skills are all deployed with ults based on the three elements, so if you learn ordinary skills alone, the effect is not as good as the attribute addition.So if it weren't for pedigree, almost no super god user would find it here!

Moreover, the arrogance of the blood elf royal family made Calgar not so close.

The two factors add up, resulting in very few super-sweet users here looking for opportunities.

When Zhao Dingguo reported his intentions, the elf housekeeper outside the door politely invited him in.It happened that Carl returned from the Southern Wilderness for the third time yesterday, and now it happens to be free to see him!

"It's you!"

Seeing Zhao Dingguo coming in, Carl squinted his eyes slightly in the white windbreaker that remained unchanged forever.At this moment, he really remembered the young little samurai who went to find him in Daze in the Southern Wilderness overnight!

"Master Invoker!"

Zhao Dingguo’s respectful salute, he never dared to slack off this future mentor and the top plot hero of the guard.

Carl nodded, looked at him up and down, a look of surprise flashed across his face.However, as a strong man, he cleverly concealed this expression, and just said flatly: "Before, other samurai told me that if you are alone for three days, you should have a new vision when you meet Measure him. I thought it was a bit exaggerated before, but now it doesn’t seem unreasonable!"

This actually shows his satisfaction.

Although he didn't say it directly, Zhao Dingguo could still hear the meaning, and while feeling a little proud, he was also a little humble.

Invoker Carl didn't care about this, waved his hand and said: "When I saw you at the time, you were just a newcomer who ignored you, and you didn't know anything about the three elements of ice, thunder and fire. You have mastered the specializations of the two elements, and you have also learned static fields from Zeus. It is really rare! I think, since you have come to see me, you should have mastered the magic of the ice element, right?"

He sensed an electrostatic field from the halo effect of his passive skill, but he would not notice this skill like Ice Shards if Zhao Dingguo didn't let go.

"The skills of the Giant Seamen?"

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's condensed reduced ice fragments, Carl was slightly surprised. He thought that Zhao Dingguo had chosen the skills of Ice Girl.However, since it was definitely an ice skill, he wouldn't care too much.For this person who can quickly meet his strict test, Carl has a good feeling in his heart, and he really starts to investigate him as his heir!

"Did you know? The inheritance of bloodlines actually depends on the qualifications of the disciples. Judging from the fact that the heroes of the past generations have passed down, the inheritance that different people can accept is limited. The weakest may only be passed down to the lowest level. The disabled ischemic ancestry. And stronger people may inherit flawless, rare and even perfect bloodlines!"

Carl asked Zhao Dingguo to sit down, served him wine that was a specialty of the Elf Royal Family, and then introduced some details of the inheritance.According to him, even in the Guards, there are very few strong plotters who can get the perfect bloodline.In most cases, you get the rare level!

For other bloodlines whose ultimate ability is up to level three, the rare level is basically sufficient.

However, it seems that the difference between the rare and the perfect is a world of difference for the very special situation and the four-level ultimatum!(To be continued)