DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 515

The Wandering Swordsman, in addition to the skill of the energy gear, actually learned a first-level bristly back.(For reading novels, you can go to Ye Zi·Yu~Yu M)

This is a passive skill from the Gangbeast, which can reduce the enemy's back and side damage.With this passivity, coupled with the enhanced defense of War Cry, it is very difficult for Pat Pai Xiong to chase the wandering swordsman.However, as the core figure of the Zinc American team, how can Pai Xiong only have these methods?

After slapped Lao Li's No Light Shield with a slap, he slapped Xiong with a cold snort and activated his own skills.

Huangquan from the undead flying dragon trembled!

This skill can extract the enemy's movement speed and attack speed, and then greatly bless yourself.For Pai Xiong, who relies heavily on bursts and is hungry for an output environment, Huang Quan's trembling is simply a magical skill.Even if it is only one level, it is enough to put the wandering swordsman in a dangerous situation again.

The elves use their skills against the wandering swordsman in a timely manner, from the tidal wave messenger!

Combining deceleration, armor reduction and damage, it is a perfect match with Pai Xiong.

Being set on fire, the wandering swordsman was nervous, but not particularly panicked.Because he noticed that the dark animal husbandry that Lao Li had summoned hadn't taken any action yet.Since the skill learned was not Shadow Wave, it was probably the undead skill of Thin Burial.Five seconds of not dying is enough to ensure his safety.However, the first-level thin burial has a long cooling time.In the end, Zhao Dingguo didn't let Lao Li use this skill, but instead ejected the wandering swordsman with his cool push stick!

The methods were used one after another, but they were all cancelled, and the output time of Pai Xiong was wasted a little bit.

While rescuing his teammates again, Zhao Dingguo's plasma field and electrostatic connection were launched together, and the target was naturally the main DPS of the Zinc Mei team.Although the damage caused by the close distance is very general, don't forget another passive skill of Zhao Dingguo-electrostatic field!

All abilities with lightning elements will trigger an electric shock from the electrostatic field when activated.

All the skills of the electric soul are related to thunder and lightning, so both the previous electrostatic connection and the current plasma field have successfully triggered the electrostatic field.[WWw.YZUUm] The moment the plasma field shot.A light blue flash of light appeared on the heads of several nearby enemies, and they received an electric shock of 4% of their current health. They also received 30 additional moonlight damage!

The successive multiple damages, as well as the gorgeous and chaotic skill effects, made the people of the Zinc Beauty team feel a little more disturbed.

At this time, Ice Soul also began to work together with Zhao Dingguo to solve the problem.

You know, Ice Soul's ultimate move only has a 45-second cooling time.After playing a big move from the beginning, it is about to cool down now.Once his ice crystals exploded and hit again.Will play a decisive role in the battle.For the people of the Zinc American team, the main output player failed to kill anyone in one round of skills. Zhao Dingguo was five on four. He himself had an immortal shield, and his situation was very embarrassing.

Just when they were in a dilemma, the ice crystals of the ice soul exploded again.

Due to the mistake of the Zinc Beauty team's position and the fact that this passerby Ice Soul's consciousness is really good, his big hit three people in one fell swoop.This perfect big move completely defeated the determination of the Zinc American team.

The member who summoned Shadow Fiend started Windrunner's wind step in half blood.Evacuate first.

After the ogre mage once again threw a flame and exploded, he also fled under the accelerated effect of bloodthirsty art.

On the contrary, the elf and Patt Bear, who possessed the Lightning Chain, were both left behind. When their HP was hit to a minimum, they were bombarded by ice crystals and died.

The cold ghost's hands burst into red.If you count one blood, it's tantamount to a triple kill!

At this time, the trumpets of the two armies sent troops even just sounded.

Because of the battle caused by patted bears stealing Roshan, it ended with the Zinc American team losing three people and Zhao Dingguo's record of zero casualties in the contact temptation.[Ye*zi] [You*you] It was a big mistake to pat Xiong Zhizai's must-have Immortal Shield. Then the panda Jiu Xian wanted to steal the shield and was killed, which was the second mistake.In the end, playing more with less is not surprising if you lose.

The unsuccessful start made the morale of the Zinc American team much lower.

On the other hand, on the natural disaster side, taking advantage of the victory of World War I.Zhao Dingguo and the others gathered in the middle and forcibly pushed down a tower of the guards.

Although everyone's average level is lower, but the equipment is not bad, so the speed of pushing the tower is also very fast.Finding that all of our heroes could not be reached, the Zinc American team did not even open the tower defense.Directly gave up this defensive tower-this is also the most likely situation for death team battles after the god position is high.

Now everyone's pedigree level is not high, it's not bad, you may only lose a few outer towers once you lose.If you get to the edge of the stronghold mode, and when the point of God points is two thousand three or four, you will often lose the rhythm of the high ground all the way, and you may even be directly broken by the opponent.Lay the victory!

After removing one of the enemy's towers, Zhao Dingguo and the others gave it a little supply.Subsequently, the five people skipped the early laning phase and directly entered the group and wandering period.

This is also impossible.

The enemies are elves and slap bears. As long as someone is seen by them, the two pass the pass, and the direct round is a spike.After all, they had taken a lot of money since the war started. After buying the flying messenger, Lao Li and the ice soul contributed a group of investigating guards and a fog of tricks.While doing the field of vision, while opening the fog, prepare to catch people.

However, after walking around in a circle, they really didn't find a trace of the enemy.

The people in the Zinc Beauty team are not stupid. Although they have not taken care of their vision for the time being, when there is no trace of the natural disaster hero on the soldiers line, it is still not clear that they are looking for themselves?At the order of the Zinc American team leader, they retracted one by one early.The five people of the natural disasters were not so arrogant that they rushed to the tower to fight with the enemy without a line of troops, so they could only return to the line and advance in a group!

The goal this time is a tower on the bottom of the guard.

Noting the action of the natural disaster, the five guards of the guards naturally rushed over and defended.

Since everyone has a good equipment foundation, even if they were killed in a small group before, the gap between the two sides is still not big.What's more, Zhao Dingguo, the main force with an 11-level pedigree, can't use the Invoker skill. The Zinc Beauty Squad is defending from the tower, so the actual situation is that the Zinc Beauty Squad is better!

Zhao Dingguo's progress was not smooth.

The outbreak of Pai Bear and Elf is not covered, not to mention that the two of them are pedigree masters with extraordinary strength.Especially the dark animal husbandry, who is the most important thing, if Pat Xiong and the elf go ahead with others, his thin burial might also save them.But if you get the first hand, it might be dangerous.Therefore, Lao Li's dark animal husbandry position is quite rear, and is under the protection of Zhao Dingguo's astral confinement.

With this kind of position, the Zinc American team won't have too many opportunities.

The first wave of troops quickly converged.

On the Zinc American team, the Panda Jiuxian is still in the front.Before stealing the shield, he couldn't be killed, and the panda Jiuxian gave a blood for nothing, but his equipment was actually very good.This time there are teammates following behind, and the panda has a lot of confidence.When you stop there, there is a posture that I won't even want to pass in front of me.The ogre magicians and shadow demons shrank under the tower, waiting for opportunities.

After several waves of soldiers tried, Zhao Dingguo and the others were not very sure, and did not dare to step forward.

Even more cunning is that after cleaning up the first wave of soldiers, Pai Xiong, who was still showing his face on the line, hid it.No one knows whether he has shrunk behind the tower, or is hiding in the bushes under the first guard tower, or if he has any stealth skills.In short, the loss of this guy's vision made the members of the natural disaster a little uneasy.

"It's not easy..."

Although the opportunity to enter the tower with the help of the line of troops, it slightly consumed the durability of the defense tower.But in the absence of summoning or clone units, just by grinding it from time to time, I don't know how long it will take to consume the tower, not to mention the defensive runes still exist.After a brief exchange of opinions, Zhao Dingguo and the others took advantage of the fact that the opponent's line was not up, and they all chose to retreat.

Of course, the five did not really leave, but took a few steps back and hid in the wild again.

This is a trick that Zhao Dingguo has suffered before and used it to cheat others more than once.If the people of the Zinc American team really think they are leaving and rush out of the tower to make money and push the line, the five people squatting in the dark wilderness will swarm out, hit them by surprise, and then take the tower!

However, the Zinc American team is still not fooled.

The reason for their judgment is very simple, the soldiers on the road, the soldiers from the guards are about to rush under the tower of the natural disaster.If the heroes of the natural disasters really evacuated, how could no one go to take the line?It is under the tower of natural disasters, and safety is guaranteed.Even if the bear and the elves are teleported, other people from the natural disaster party can immediately TP rescue!

Since no one has passed by, and Ice Soul has not recruited soldiers, it proves that they have probably not left.

The trick of retreat is not advanced, and the people of the Zinc American team have naturally played it.They were never fooled, and when they came back from the army line, they were quickly cleared.If the line of soldiers came out of the tower, the five would not go forward.In a word, unless there are figures of natural disasters on the soldiers line, they will not leave rashly!

This cautious and turtle-like defense made Zhao Dingguo a little blinded.

When he had a headache, Yan Yuelan put forward an idea.Since it's not easy to retreat for advance, how about letting the snake out of the hole?

After concise communication, the five people of natural disasters quickly determined their plans.Three seconds later, Yan Yuelan TP arrived on the road alone and began to take up the line.It was just that she was very careful. She had been hovering near the defensive tower and refused to stay away. From time to time, she would retreat back a bit, looking like she was alerting the elves and pat bears to attack.

Yan Yuelan's performance was very good, and the people in the Zinc Beauty team did not have any doubts.RQ

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