DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 549 Deep Stealth

The dinner Zhao Dingguo had promised to invite Yan Yuelan to eat was not finished.[]

Because the saint’s relic is expected, although this unexpected kiss is a bit abrupt, but Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan have been together for a long time, but it also means that it will come naturally.Although the atmosphere between the two was a bit awkward just after, but soon after the new slip-through monster discovered, the two of them returned to normal tacitly.

However, just after the two of them had cleaned up the monsters here, Yan Yuelan's father called.

Perhaps the situation is quite dangerous. Father Yan Yuelan's voice is so small that he can't hear him unless he listens carefully.In addition to the background noise on the phone, Zhao Dingguo listened attentively and figured out the purpose of his phone call-the old man was shopping at Wal-Mart, and a small wave of monsters unexpectedly appeared nearby. I don’t know if it’s something else. The strange group of places wandered past.In short, there is now a mess, very dangerous!

"I'll go over!"

Yan Yuelan didn't say anything, and immediately called for a helicopter, and wanted to go there.

However, the speed of the helicopter may not be as fast as possible in the city of Pearl City, which is full of tall buildings.On the contrary, Zhao Dingguo's Detective Griffin had fewer elbows and came and went freely.Hearing that "Old Zhangren" was in danger, Zhao Dingguo rode a griffon directly into the sky without calling.

Hurrying all the way, before the monsters that broke into the supermarket rushed to the fourth floor, Zhao Dingguo drove the griffon, like a suicide bomber, and rammed into it directly through the glass windows of the upper floors.The sound of splashing glass immediately attracted the attention of several Hellhounds on the fourth floor.However, they did not wait for them to come.Zhao Dingguo, who found the trace of the monster, had already jumped down from the upper floor, and then hooked the handrail. When he stood firmly again, he was already on the fourth floor.

Seeing these hell hounds rushing over, Zhao Dingguo recruited the lava elves, then cut out the agility and swift, and directly activated the crazy mask to kill.

Under his attack.[WWw.YZUU point m] These seemingly terrifying monsters were knocked over before they were close.

Seemingly hearing the sound of fighting, some of the bold people hiding at the top tried to stick their heads out.Seeing Zhao Dingguo fighting with a few monsters, there were two lava elves next to him to help.Immediately refreshed, he knew that non-human masters had come to destroy the monster.Seeing that the first Hellhound was easily killed, someone even whispered hello.

Four seconds passed in a flash.

Facing the siege of two other Hellhounds.Zhao Dingguo first sealed one with the astral confinement, then cut out the rapid cooling, and dealt with the other one with all his strength.After the dark green seal disappeared, Zhao Dingguo fought and retreated, and then cut out the ice wall skills.After using several methods that are incredible to ordinary people, these monsters that are deadly to ordinary people have been killed by him.

Unfortunately, they didn't lose anything.

However, Zhao Dingguo didn't come for dropped items.After confirming that there was no missing monster, he took out his phone again.Dialed the old man's phone.According to his answer, Zhao Dingguo soon found him among the shocked crowd.

Although it is winter, the old man's clothes are still quite fashionable.Seeing Zhao Dingguo coming, the old man first asked about his daughter's situation, and then praised Zhao Dingguo's timely rescue.Probably saw Zhao Dingguo's brave gesture just now.A middle-aged man in his forties next to him also kindly praised a few words, and then asked about the relationship between the old man and him.

"He, my son-in-law!"

The old man was so proud of showing off in front of his acquaintances, he couldn't help but set Zhao Dingguo's identity again.

At this time, Yan Yuelan had also rushed over by the Illuminati helicopter.Seeing that the old man was unharmed, he felt relieved.Because of the timely avoidance.The old man wasn't scared much.Seeing that her daughter is also here, this meeting has settled down, pulling her to chat with Zhao Dingguo.Finally, without a surprise, it returned to the old topic, getting married!

"I want to hold my grandson..."

Under the broken thoughts of the old man, Zhao Dingguo hesitated for a moment, and took the opportunity to hold Yan Yuelan's hand.Leaf*You*You

The latter moved a little uncomfortably, but in the end he let Zhao Dingguo hold it until he sent the old man back home-somehow, the relationship between the two began to change qualitatively.

In the next few days, Zhao Dingguo was also busy while enjoying this change.It is necessary to deal with the regular season in the twilight zone and the more frequent monster invasions in the real world. It is also necessary to prepare for killing the captain of the mouse team.For the current Lan Elf squad, if you want to kill the high-level prophet of the dusk, the explosive power is still lacking, and the hard control is also insufficient.Therefore, Zhao Dingguo intends to start from these two aspects and make preparations for sex.

However, before making a specific decision, Zhao Dingguo first ushered in the Jian Wu (annotated) deal.

This skill-enhancing item from the ruler of the undead was unexpectedly popular.Only one day after Zhao Dingguo was listed on the internal auction platform, he received contact with four or five master masters of the evening rank.After talking to them one by one, Zhao Dingguo chose the one with the highest offer and prepared to talk with him face to face.

If appropriate, just trade this annotation directly.

Because the ban on the inability to display the power of super god users in front of ordinary people has been lifted, and the place of the transaction is in Pearl, in order to ensure his own safety, the master master brought three friends of the Twilight level to accompany.In this way, even if someone is unpredictable, they have to weigh their strength and consequences.

Of course, Zhao Dingguo himself didn't have that thought.

Because they had already talked about it in advance, after meeting, the two briefly chatted a few words and quickly finalized the deal.Taking into account the value of the sword dance annotation, and Zhao Dingguo is the one who is not worried about selling, so the master suffered a little loss. After redeeming a note with the same level of the Invoker skill, he also gave Zhao Dingguo an additional five hundred victories. point.

[Ghost Walk (Note)]

Special props.

It records some essentials of the ghost walk skills, which are the secrets of the Invoker's line.After use, the invoker will instantly become invisible when launching the ghost walk, cancel the fade time, and gain a deep invisible state for three seconds.In this state, the E damage received will be reduced by 50% and will not be revealed by ordinary anti-stealth means.

Note: Wow, it really became a ghost!

This annotation strengthens not the damage or the cooling time, but the rare enhancement of survivability.It doesn't matter if the fade time is cancelled, after all, the fade time of Ghost Walk is not long.The key is that the first three seconds after the skill is activated is a deep invisibility state, and this value is high.

Before that, Zhao Dingguo rarely used this skill when playing against Super God users, because his invisibility would be cracked by the opponent.These days, everyone who goes out must not carry a few dust of development, guards, etc. on their bodies.Cutting out the ghost walk will not only be easily cracked by the opponent's fans, but will waste an opportunity to derive other skills.

Now with three seconds of deep invisibility, everything is different.

Unless the enemy had already dusted his powder before he became invisible, or he was given a tracking technique and other skills, he would still appear after three seconds of deep invisibility.But if he waits for him to become invisible before turning back into hiding, it will only waste the dust of development.What's more, there is a special effect that reduces the E damage received by 50% in a deep invisibility state.This means that as long as the ghost walks out, no matter how bad the situation is, Zhao Dingguo can basically delay three seconds.

It can be said that in these short three seconds, the skill of Ghost Walk has been qualitatively improved!

After the deal was concluded, Zhao Dingguo was very satisfied with the enhanced Ghost Walk.Turning to look at the master, he was obviously quite excited.An extra 5% critical strike rate, plus 10% critical strike damage, is definitely a great improvement for the master.In the later stage, with a few pieces of magic equipment, the master's attack power can easily reach two or three hundred points.Once the sword dance's double crit effect is triggered, the damage is often five or six hundred or even higher.A 10% increase is 50 or 60 points at once.

You know, the saint's relic is only an additional sixty points of attack.

This is a transaction that both parties are satisfied with.

After getting up and sending off the opponent, Zhao Dingguo returned his attention to the captain of the team dealing with the rats.

Zhao Dingguo has already considered in detail how to not give him any chance.If it is the most comfortable way, it would be to buy a scroll of doomsday's ultimate move.After this skill, the captain of the mouse team can't do anything.Fifteen seconds is enough for Zhao Dingguo and the others to solve any problems.However, the price of the scroll of the doomsday ultimate move is beyond imagination.Even if Zhao Dingguo went bankrupt and bought one, he would inevitably lose money, which is too uneconomical.

Since this doesn't work, you can only consider other strong control skills, or collocation with skill enhancement type consumption scrolls!

Speaking of strong control skills, this is too much. The famous Hammer Gang members all possess strong control skills.However, these skills control time is not long enough.Some skills, such as black magic, have a long control time at full level, but they have the same disadvantage, that is, the price is too expensive.There are two really good quality and low price-the first is the dragon knight's tail-wagging skill; the second is the bomber's paralysis trap.

This was carefully selected by Zhao Dingguo based on his familiarity with TA.

Shenlong's tail-wagging skill, even if only one level, has a stun time of 2.5 seconds.The Bomberman’s paralysis trap is the same. At level 1, the stun time is up to 3 seconds, which is a skill with a long control time.Because of the different types, there is no continuous use, resulting in a rapid increase in resistance to methods.With these two skills, with Zhao Dingguo's strong attack on the hurricane, and Lao Li's horseshoe trampling on the back, control time should be enough.

The most important thing is that the scrolls of these two skills are not expensive because they have no damage or low damage.(You are welcome to come and your support is my greatest motivation.)