Douluo Great Shadow Douluo

Chapter 164 Cute cute dog

"This is the old man of Xuanzong? Don't know your surname?"

"Free expensive surname Liu, famous Xuan."

Liu is the surname of the school sister, and he and Lin Xuan have turned his name over, Sun Deyi smiled and said:

"Good name, good name, Liu Chang, don't ask me to sit in?"

"Our local temple is small, and he is resting."

Xuan Tian also smiled and refused. He struggled to automatically, his soul is as high as 76, and Sun Deyi is clearly only seventy-three levels. He does not believe that Sun is grateful. He arrogant, and suddenly, Sun has smiled and said:

"So, it is, I am Tang Ji, but I just came to Liu Chang, you, I don't know if I whatever I come to the North China Tour?"

Wanjinlou is Sun Deyi's Wen Zong's industry. Xuantian does not know what medicine sold in the gourd, thinking that Lin Xuan's squat is smiling and shakes his head:

"The host has an order, recently, should not be more good, wait for me to go back and ask the main owner, if he agrees, how do I go with the primary?"

"It is very good."

Sun Deyi said with a smile, he knew that Xuan Tian has made the biggest concession. If you feel that you will only feel stiff, so he will walk without a trace of water, and the two old people who are waiting to have come to Sun. Death, one of the old people said:

"Zong Lord, this Liu Tianxuan is too not to give you a face? It is also a seventy-third-level soul. The guy is so young, is it just that it has just broken the soul, what?"

"No, you are wrong with the old elders. Although Liu Tianxuan seems to be young and I am almost, it is really more than I have been teenager. I have been fifty-six, and his feelings are only forty-three, and his Soul is above me, and more than one level is higher than me, I am afraid that I have two levels above. "

Sun Deyi said with a dignified saying that the two old people were shocked about Sun Deyi for a long time. Although Sun Deyi was the worst soul of the northwest of the city, the other fewer people were the soul of the city. Seventy-five, but now there is a seventy-five or more soul south in the north, is it going to turn over?

"I know what you are thinking, so I will immediately down on the announcement, the scope is the whole city, anyone dares to have crimes at this time, it is sin. We Wen Zong, no matter whether people do not have the affection, we must show it in advance."


The two elders immediately disappeared in the same place, Sun Deyi is slowly walking on the road to start the fantasy, and Lin Xuan has been taken away from the blood egg, and a black puppy directly fluts to the forest A mess in the squeaky.

"Hahaha, itch itch."

Lin Xuan was laughing, and Yang Zhaohe Barbatos had already looked stupid. Although the three dogs were three heads, but it was not terrible, and the hair, silver, silver, green three colors of the skull Looking at Lin Xuan with Water's big eyes.



Barbabus and Yang Zha were at the same time, Lin Xuan was smashing his head, he could only looked at Yang Zhao, Barbabus couldn't help but pointed to Lin Xuan's nose. After listening, I was also dumbful. He looked at the most middle green skull of the purgatory dog. The head is not in the middle. The last one must be an evil attribute. At that time, if Lin Xuan is not careless, it will be altered.

"Master, spare me, I really don't know, you haven't figured it out yet, I was caught."

"Forget it, your guy doesn't understand, but it doesn't matter if the purgatory dog ​​arrives at the peak period. You bring him to the Shenli Tang San guy will never sit down."

Yang Zhao said helplessly said that Lin Xuan did not live in the Tang three predecessors, it was really a firefighting team. What happened to Tang San predecessors, and I don't know if I will live, but no matter what At least the purgatory dog ​​has been born.

"These three heads have their own consciousness, but they really have a lot of money."

Barbabus is also helpless, Tiago is more speechless. They actually be dripping with this stupid pig, and Silva is put down, as long as the purgatory dog ​​has a ninth, then the memory of the past Wake up, this is also the seed left before the purgatory dog.

"This is the blood of Tiago, but I don't recommend that you use it now, it may absorb for a long time."

Yang Zhari Yaoi's blood handed Lin Xuan. After Lin Xuan, smiled and looked at Tiago, Tiago only said that he laughed in the meat:

"I know you need a fine-schyrant to do experiments, send you."

"That's more thanks."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, Tiago has already put Lin Xuan's dog blood, but the face can only be with a smile, this is the most uncomfortable.

Lin Xuan hugged the prison dog back to Xuanzong. Although the purgatory dog ​​seems to be honest, Lin Xuan knows that this little guy has the strength of the soul. It is a soul of the soul. This is very good for the soul. of.

Lin Xuan came out and touched a solo snow, unbelievan, and looked at the purgatory dog ​​in Lin Xuan's hand, a three-head puppy did gave a lot of visual impact, Lin Xuan gave a single snow explained one After all, I understand what creatures in front of it, and the purgatory dog ​​is also felt in the unlike snow, especially the middle of the head, after all, it is the animal created by the phosphorus snake.

"Good cute little guy, is this this is my blood created?"

"of course."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, only lonely snow and purgatory dog ​​played a while, he was told about what happened today, Sun Deyi's arrival is not surprising, and Xuantian is also very good in the factory, now When he went to the horse, he and the solo Snow business have decided that three people go to the government to go to the meeting. After all, there is no holy spirit in the city that is not clear, he must guarantee the safety of the solo Snow.

So Lin Xuan let Xuan Tian go to the description of Sun Deyi, and after the day, they will go to Wanjinlou. Sun Deyi knows that it is naturally ecstatic, this is the signal from Lin Xuanfa, and their situation is thin, and other The place also got this news, the day after tomorrow is destined to be calm.

"Take him a name?"

Solitary, Into in the Xuanxuan bed.

"It's called Xiaojin, Xiaolong, and Silver Bar. After all, every head has an independent thinking ability, which is called it."

"It is also said that I am not good at taking the name."