Douluo Ice Jade Swan

Chapter 357 Main line 120 chapter Jian Dou Luo's affirmation! (Subscribe!)

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"This is too ..." Snow Lingtian didn't know what adjective used in the day, to describe this thing ...

Just then, there was a footsteps, a disciple of a seven-poble transmite, standing outside the door, respecting the snow: "Ling Tian brother, Jian Dou Luo Long, please pass one Hey, the elderly said that he is waiting for you at the old place! "

"Old place?" Xue Lingmone muttered.

"I understand, you go down, I will go to the master for a while!" Snow Lingtian was silent after a moment, and the road was light.

That disciple, after hearing this, arched, said: "Yes!"

"Master is looking for me?" Xue Ling Tian low voice, "I am afraid that it is for Blue Power Overlord Longzong."


After a while, the Xue Lingtian that was packed, hurried to the place where the prince was practiced!

When I first arrived in the middle of the mountain, Xue Lingtian saw Jian Dou Luo, who had already standed on the hill ...

"Master!" Xue Ling Tian quickly walked two steps, running toward Juan Dou Ro, and then respectfully said.

After Jian Dou Luo heard the voice of Xue Lingtian, he grabbed his body. When I saw the snow, I suddenly opened: "Ling Tian, ​​you still have hurt, you don't have to follow I am like this ... "

"I am looking for you today, it is not to cultivate things ..." Jian Dou Luonedon, "Should you also hear me and ?" "

"Well!" Xue Lingnao nodded, "The disciple is also in the mouth of the disciples, knowing this ..."

"I am calling you today, it is for this thing!" Jian Dou Luo slowly!

"My reason why I am going to Blue Power, I am not only because of you, more because of the resentment of the past ..." Jian Dou Lu said here, slowly went to Snow In front of the day ...

I took the shoulder of Snow and I continued: "So you don't have to have this thing because of this matter, and if you have no you, we will have a break and blue electricity !!"

After Jian Dou Luo silently took a moment, Jian Dou Luo continued to open, whispered: "Ling Tian, ​​you ... do you understand what is the meaning of teacher ........."

After listening to this words, Snow Lingtian was so silent after a long time, only slowly said: "Master, I ... I understand ..."

After listening to this, Jian Dou Luo Longmou took a good air: "You understand, understand it ... I don't want you to have too much pressure, after all, in fact, the main reason is not your You are just a guides ... "

"You don't want to think too much ... In fact, I am afraid that you are not my disciple, but as long as you are bullying, we will take it for you!" Jian Dou Lu touched the snow Heaven's head, slow way.

After that, Jian Dou Luo ignorant is saying something, suddenly turned, put a hand: "Ling Tian, ​​things have been finished, you can go back ..."

"There is also the injury in your hand, I have to raise a month, I can go to practice the sword, I can't do it, let your injury aggravate, do you understand !!" Jian Dou Luo suddenly became serious ... ...

I heard this, Xue Lingtian quickly nodded: "Master you can rest assured, I understand! I will take a good harder this month ..."

"Well ..." I heard this sentence, Jianou Luo slightly nodded ...

Subsequently slowly: "Okay, then go back to seriously, I will give you some summary of the teacher for the teacher, you will take it for this time, if you feel bored, you can read Take a look ... "

"Yes!" Xue Lingtian was surprised.


half year later……

On the back of the seven treasures, Jian Dou Luo said, "Ling Tian, ​​you are very good, come to Qibao glazes for half a year, the principal of this teacher, it is almost you have to be Give the hollow! "

"Hey ..." Xue Lingtian's blood sword, one hand married, laughing, "It's not a master you taught, if you don't have your care, I can't make progress. So fast!"

"Ha ha ha ..." I heard this sentence, Jian Dou Lu laughed and pointed to Xue Lingtiandao. "You will talk, you will teach, you can't understand, you can't understand it. ……"

"Ling Tian, ​​you are so modest, you don't have to be so modest, your progress is seen for the teacher, there is any good modest ..." Jian Dou Luo looked at the road, "Although it is necessary to learn to be modest, but Excessive modest is not a good thing, what do you understand? "

"This ..." Snow Lingtian thought after a while, he raised his head slowly, "the spirit of the spirit ..."


Jian Dou Luo is very satisfied with this disciple. The disciple of Snow Lingtia is all satisfied, but the most satisfying place is his vicious attitude, as long as he puts forward his question, he will soon realize I have a question and correct it right!

Will n't be like other disciples, dead duck mouth is hard, just say that you have no problem, you will not change ...

"Since you have basically mastered the swords I have given to you now, I reached the time of the mountain, I have paused your request!" That said, this sword has paused, and then continue, "You now Can go to the mountain! "

"Lower Mountain?" When I heard this, Xue Lingtian looked at Jianou Luo.

"Why, don't you want to go down?" Jian Dou Luo jokes, "If you don't want to go down the mountain, tell me, let's continue ................"

"No ... no!" Jian Dou Lu's sentence did not finish, Xue Lingtian quickly put his hand, "I certainly want to go down the mountain, of course, I think ..."

"Okay, hurry back to pack up, give you a long holiday for the teacher, let you take a break!" Jian Dou Luo said, and laughed.

"Well!" Xue Lingtian nodded, "The master, I am going back now!"

The voice is just falling, the snow is full of joyful to the mountain!

At the same time, I also cheered in the mouth: "Great, I can finally go back !!!"

Looking at the back of the snow, Jianou Luo looked at: "Isn't it put a holiday, as so happy ... Sure enough, a child ..."

After that, Jian Dou Lu has turned his body and walked toward the mountain, and he muttered in his mouth: "When the snow is coming back, what do I want to teach him?"

"Hey ... it is a hurt, I don't seem to teach him in my hands ..."

PS: Thanks to the monthly ticket for "T-choice], thank you!

PS: I heard that the rewards and the recommended tickets, the book friends of the monthly ticket are handsome guys, beautiful women! (≧ ∇ ≦)