Douluo Ice Jade Swan

Chapter 368 Main line One hundred and thirty-one chapters to Shrek! (Subscribe!)

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"Chong ... impulsive ??" Snow Emperor looked at Xue Lingtiandao, "Xue Lingtian, the emperor's thickness of your face, it is really a great meal!"

"I also said that I will hold it ??? This is your only one?"

"Snow Tiantian, you have a good memory, you really just, just hug it ..." The Snow Emperor wiped the sweat that did not exist on the head, holding his head.

"Also ..., I will hold more for a while, let's take a while." Xue Lingtian recalled, showing an embarrassing smile, "I have to take a while should not be too much ..."

"Oh ..." Xue Emperor looked at Xue Lingtiandao, "Do you think ... all like this, you still don't think too much?"

"Then you think, what do you do, in order to be too much in your eyes ..." Snow Emperor smirked to the Snow Tiandao, "Xue Lingtian, usually, it is quite smart, how to come When this kind of thing is, I am confronted! "

"I ??" Xue Lingtian pointed to himself, "I am stupid, Snow Emperor, you can't make rumors ..."

"Hey ..." Snow Emperor shook his head, said that I didn't want to discuss this kind of topic with Xue Lingtian ...


After a while, Snow Emperor suddenly remembered what, once again, ask: "Snow Lingtian, you are not afraid to wait for you to come back, your snow sister retalmed you?"

The Snow Emily recalled the way, with the refers to the way: "I see her look at the time, but I am very angry ..."

"Oh, this ah ..." Xue Ling Tian wanted for a while, "Not afraid, just think that I went to the big forest this time, it is not necessarily alive, so ..."

Snow Emperor has not finished, Snow Emperor suddenly interrupted: "Snow Lingtian, have you ever thought, if you live back, what should I do?"

When I heard this sentence, the Snow Tiantian suddenly stunned in the original place, and the voice was abrupt!

After a while, the snow is stiff to the head of the body, and the face is bitter, "this ... this ... I really didn't think about it."

"I didn't think about it?" The snow emperor is expected to look at the snow, "this matter, you can ignore it ??"

After the Snow Tiantian was silent, it revealed a barely smile to the Snow Emperor. "Nothing, Snow Emperor ..."

"Anyway, the ship went to the bridge to naturally, and when I was waiting for me to go back, she had forgotten her sister ..." Snow Lingtian is somewhat uncertain.

"Oh ..." Snow Emperor is taking the road, "Snow Lingtian, you are serious, do you think she is really like to forget this thing ..."

"Or, do you think maybe?"


"Amount ..." Snow Lingtian was silent after a while, and he smiled and smiled in the snow emperor. "Snow Emperor, you think ... Do I still have a chance ..."

"Well ..." Snow Emperor smiled, then softly, "but possibilities, and you live with the success rate of the starry forest ..."

"This ... Snow Emperor, then I am not dead, ..." Xue Ling is a bitter way.

"No, you don't have a good hope!" Snow Emperor smiled.

"Ha ha……"


"Ah !! I don't care !!" Xue Lingtian collapsed, "the future thing, then let's talk, when you say it, Xueci is really forgotten ..."

"Snow Tian, ​​you .........."

If the snow emperor has not finished, the Snow is suddenly smashed at this ear: "I don't listen, I don't listen !! You don't talk anymore, your mouth is poisonous !!"

Xue Lingtian angry said: "I am very good at today, now I am full, chaos !!"

"Oh ..." Snow Emperor shook his head, and looked at Xue Lingtiandao, "Poor children, come here, it is self-deceived ..."

"I don't say it, don't say it ..." After seeing the Xue Lingtian angry eyes, the Snow Emperor hurriedly covered his mouth, then the 'search', disappeared in front of Xue Lingtian ...

"Snow Emperor !!" Xue Lingtian bite his teeth.


After a while, Xue Lingtian smashed his head, helplessly said: "Hey ... After the matter, then let's talk, now I am going to find Ning Rongrong ..."

"Hey ..." After the Snow is helpless, he walked toward the position of the carriage in front of the car ...

"Master, go to Soto City!" After finishing, Xue Lingtian stepped on the carriage!

That car, after a look, I quickly sat up, piled up the smile of face, facing the Snow Tiandao: "Good! Little Mother, you are doing it, the old man will start now!"

"Well ..." Xue Lingtian faintly said, "When I arrived in Sotown, I called me, I have to take a break first ..."


"Young master, you can rest assured, the little old people, I have a car, that is, the first-class level of the Tiangou Empire, will never delay you!"

"Less nonsense, hurry to hurry!" After that, Snow Tiantian took this heavy emotion, and he embarrassed to the road to the Shrek Academy ...


Time is passed, and I came to the evening ...

The carriage slowly parked outside the city gate of Soto City.

"Young master? Are you awake?" The car stopped the carriage, and then forwarded to the snow in the car and asked softly.

"Is it happened?" The carriage came out of the sound of Snow Tianfa ...

Subsequently, the Snowy day opened the curtain one hand, one hand held the front, and jumped on the carriage!

"Is this the Tu Turka, which is the Tiangou City, only in Sofou City, ..." Xue Ling Tianwangwei, "Snow," Sure enough, although in size, it is still more than the sky City, but in the prosperous level, it also has a few different things ... "

"Hey, the young master said, don't look at this Sotown City doesn't have the sky, but the prosperity of it is far better than Tiandu City!" The car is attached to the road.

"Oh ??" Xue Lingtian is interested in the way. "You said this Sotown City, it is more prosperous than Tiancha City."

"Of course, the young master, you think that there is a lot of emperors of the Tiangou Empire, there is a lot of things that are not allowed, but Soto City is different. It is not that the emperor has some industries naturally open. ...... "

PS: Thanks to the monthly ticket of [reciprocal], thank you!

PS: I heard that the rewards and the recommended tickets, the book friends of the monthly ticket are handsome guys, beautiful women! (≧ ∇ ≦)