Douluo Road Trip

Chapter 34 Leaving the Soul Hunting Forest

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Xing Sou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The little fox looked at Qianxuan in front of him, and didn't know what was thinking in his little head!

Qianxuan saw the little fox still hesitating!He picked up the little fox in one hand!

Resolutely said: "Go! I'll decide before I come! You don't go! I'll tie you away!"

"whispering sound!"

The little fox was lying in Qianxuan's arms with a hesitant look, after looking at Qianxuan's firm eyes!Screaming softly, it seems to agree!

"It's okay! You must have been an orphan since childhood! You have suffered a lot! But it doesn't matter! I am here now! You are no longer fighting alone!"

Qian Xuan grinned!This smile is a rare smile from the heart of joy and comfort in so many years!

"It's just that I will give you a name first!"

"Gentle and beautiful at rest! Sharp and evil when moving! It is the name of an ancient weapon called Moxie! It looks like you, a wise little guy! Or would you call Moxie? Qianmoxie?

Qian Xuan asked this little fox his opinion!It seems that the little fox also likes this name!


A cheerful cry!Gently licking the back of Qian Xuan's hand!

Qian Xuan also smiled and said, "Just like it!"

Qian Xuan looked at the Nether Leopard's spirit ring not far away!Adhering to the fine tradition of not wasting, he still summons the Shan Hai Jing to incorporate this spirit ring into the Shan Hai Jing!And bring the corpse of the Nether Leopard into two into the mountain and sea world!

At the exit of the Hunting Soul Forest!The strange lineup of one old, one young and one fox stands here!Looking back at the hunting soul forest in front of you!

"A whole month! That just passed! The time is so fast! It's just that this trip to the soul hunting forest also benefited a lot!"

Qian Xuan looked at the soul hunting forest in front of him and exclaimed!

The original 20th-level mana has also broken through to the 27th level, and the soul realm has also broken through from the early stage of the fourth soul swallowing thieves to the third soul bird Yin consummation!The physical body has also greatly improved a soul sect comparable to the forty-two and three-level!

Of course the biggest gain is the good luck of the mountain and sea world!And the inheritance of the Taishang Kaitian Sutra and the Taishang Heart Sutra!

Look at Mo Xie on his shoulders and stare out of the hunting forest!Full of curiosity!He didn't look back at the hunting forest where it had lived for a long time!There is no sorrow of leaving home!

Qian Xuan smiled and touched Mo Xie's chin and said: "It looks like you are ready! Seal us!"

Feng Lao replied: "Good young master!"

Then they stepped into the exit of the hunting forest!This trip to the hunting forest!It is officially over!

In the market outside the hunting forest, the small and cute Mo Xie on Qianxuan's shoulders attracted the attention of everyone in the market!

The little fox was originally courageous and extremely smart!He raised his head and looked around when he saw the novelty in the market!

Those merchants can't forget the scene where the old seal fell from the sky a month ago!Don't dare to watch more!But the merchants know that these soul masters who are very fluid coming and going do not know what happened in this market a month ago!Some people have confuses in their hearts!

Just when the old two Qianxuanfeng were about to leave the market!An arrogant and domineering voice interrupted Qianxuan's footsteps from behind!

"Boy, stop, how much is the little fox on your shoulder? I bought it!"

Qian Xuan was taken aback!I didn't think I could still encounter this kind of plot!

He turned his head to look at the speaker with a strange look.The sixth book

This person seems to be eight or nine years old!It seems that he is here to obtain the first spirit ring, and having such a talent in such a border city can be regarded as a little genius!The costume looks very luxurious!Haughty color on his face!There are six middle-aged guards who follow behind him!At first glance, he is a rich boy who is spoiled by a little talent!

"Moxie is my friend! Not for sale! Sorry!"

Qian Xuan didn't bother to care about such a rich kid!Just curious!According to the bloody plots read in previous lives!Accompanied by his own refusal!Will this rich kid really tell him to take it and snatch Moxie!

This rich boy saw Qianxuan's rejection!He was extremely proud and said: "Do you know who I am, kid? I'm the son of the city lord of Heaton! Innate spirit power is 7th grade, and he has become a spirit master at the age of eight. The genius who came to this hunting forest to obtain spirit rings! The existence of the Soul Saint or the Contra! While I am still not angry! Don't hurry up and send me the hands of the little fox on your shoulders!"

Qian Xuanpu sneered and said, "Isn't that if I won't give it to you, you are about to grab it!"

This rich kid was also taken aback!Although I don't know how Qianxuan knew what he thought!But still a little angrily said: "Then don't you send me here quickly!"

"It seems that you don't understand me! Moxie, I won't give it to you! You still honestly go hunting your soul beast to get your soul ring! Don't provoke right here! Some people you can't provoke It started!"

Qianxuan, a child who doesn't know how to be in the world and who doesn't know how to live, is too lazy to care!

Feng Feng said to the side: "Let's go, Feng Feng!"

"You! You! How dare you ignore me! Lausanne hastened to send someone to me! Take that fox from me!"

The rich boy said angrily to the leader behind him.

But the leader, Lausanne, looked at Qian Xuan who didn't put everyone in his eyes, and the old sealer who turned a blind eye to everything!Still persuaded: "Master, these two people are obviously not ordinary people, it is better not to provoke them!"

Hearing Lausanne’s answer, the rich boy was even more irritable, and said angrily: "Hurry up and bring me the little fox! Or go back and tell my father! You can’t eat and walk around!"

Lausanne also shook his head and sighed and said forward to Qianxuan: "Little brother, please forgive me! It's just that this fox can be transferred! The price is right!"

Qian Xuan sees this person is still relatively smooth!I want to resolve the matter peacefully!Sure enough, anyone who can become a leader is not a stupid person!It's just that this matter will definitely not go as he wants.

Faintly replied: "Do it if you want!"

Lausanne knew that the matter could not be resolved easily and clearly.

He bowed to the old Feng on the side and said, "Luosang, the fiftieth-level soul emperor, Wuhun Yanyang sword, please enlighten me!"

"Oh? Sword?"

Qianxuan's eyes brightened!He is also the first person to encounter Wuhun is a sword!Only the Seven Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect’s sword Douluo’s Seven Killing Swords was known in previous lives!

What the old man is about to say!Was interrupted by Qian Xuan!

"Let me do it!"

Qian Xuan was also a little eager to try when he heard that this man's martial soul was a sword!Want to learn from each other!See the swordsmanship of this Douluo!And soul skills!

Feng Lao said in disbelief, "Master, what do you mean?"

Qian Xuan nodded!Then stretched out his right hand!Tai Xuan sword appeared on Qian Xuan's right hand!The sword body also exudes a hot breath!The whole body exudes an edge!

Said to Lausanne on the side.


"Please enlighten me!"

The prototype of the little fox comes from Moxie in Yutiantian's work "Pets"!Was shocked by its ending at the time!I only wish to find you in the reincarnation!At that time I thought, if I write a novel in the future, I must write a Moxie myself!That's why there is the little fox now!