Douluo's broken love can become stronger

Chapter 86-The Summoning Chapter

You can search for "Douluo's Broken Love Can Become Strong Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Not much nonsense, it's on the shelves today.

The explosion is coming soon, ask for support!

I am quite satisfied with this book up to now. The emotional drama is really suitable for me.

Together with the fellow Zhuxian who was sealed, I have written more than two million words. I have never been scribbled in emotional jokes. You see that you should have confidence in me now.

The first two heroines are over, and they will enter the Shura field mode later. The real excitement lies behind.

This book will not be too long. After all, it is a fan of novels, and the autonomy is relatively low. I don't want to repeat the plot of the original book too much. I will try to intersperse more originals with beginning and end, and it should end in about a million words.

The next one is going to make a Naruto's broken-in love version of the same people, the outline framework has been set up, that is, which heroines are still under consideration, I hope everyone can accompany me to watch and go on.

Don't pull too much, turn around and talk about the things on the shelves.

Genuine reading is really very, very important (the space is limited and hundreds of millions are omitted).

Why are there almost no Douluo colleagues who are unfinished or eunuchs?It was because the subscription data was too broken and was abandoned by the website every minute.

Many authors are interested in generating electricity for love, but the cool subscription data will continue to consume power, and finally shut down...

Therefore, I implore everyone to support the genuine, thanks!

At the same time, I hope you don’t read it at 4:30 in the morning, because I will often turn on anti-theft (anyway, everyone should be sleeping at this time, right? There is no liver emperor? No? No?) Wushen e-book

I hope to continue the good results in the new book term...

The following is the plan for the latest release:

At present, the recommended ticket owe is more rewarding owing, and the total is...

emmm... Chapter 55 I'm going!


10 more on the same day!

After that, 5 more periods of time per day until the manuscripts are exhausted.

The latter increase depends on everyone, 50 are set to add one more, 300 recommended votes add one more, 50 monthly tickets add one more, the rudder owner adds one more, and the leader adds 10 more.

At last!

First order!

Ask for automatic subscription!

I will keep writing down and bring you more beautiful stories and emotional dramas. I hope you can watch them with me!Go on!

(The author is looking at you expectantly with big watery eyes)