Douluo's broken love can become stronger

Chapter 288 Standing in the mainland's value peak

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"Pope down to €"

At this time, a high call drink, everyone is almost quiet.

Ning Rongrong three people temporarily stopped, very tacit understanding, did not add trouble to Qin Jian.

Compact the strife is within a small range is as our consensus ...

" ..."

A team of people came out from the side of the Pope of the Pope, and a total of 12 status was second only to the bishop of the Bucketball bishop slowly.

They have been going to the front of the Pope, and they are separated, six people per side.

"Long live! Long live! Long live! ..."

Next moment, shouting is like a landslide tsunami usually sounded throughout the Wushu City.

That is not just the sound of the neat defenders on the pope, and it is also the whole martial art city, and all the souls who are not allowed to be close to the Pope Mountain shout together.

For them, the Pope is the highest faith!

The huge temple door is open, and the leaves on the two doors are gradually deviated from the track.

All people are uncomfortable to condense to the direction of the door.

Qin Jian is burning, bringing the color of the expectation.

He is a long time to say that he is a long time ...

Well, real God.

The consciousness of the year, the feelings of the woman, only a female wolf's vain, and then she hunting the big dance aunt, the situation is urgent, and it is no longer hesitating, and she didn't carefully. She.

So this time, Qin Jian is also the first time I really saw this female Pope, his eighth Raiders and breakup objects ...

" ... ... ..."

Under the light golden sun, the woman slowly walked out of the hall, and Jin Hui was on her face, and it was dazzling.

Chankin's long skirt dress from the head to the foot, head wearing a purple gold crown, holding the defendor.

She has an illusory feeling, which seems to be unlimited.

Even no one should pay attention to her beautiful face, at this moment, her representative is the Wei Wei, who is the Wu Shu Temple.

The Cape Jinshi skirt is extremely fit, the dazzling dress is flashing, there are more than 100 red, blue, gold trory.

The purple gold crown in the head is even more likely to condense at this moment, all of her one person.

All Wushu Temple is here, all of them fall in the ground.

"See the Pope!"

This moment of instances can't be described, even if Qin Jian, in the shouts from the eight parties, can't help but somewhere.

"This is a woman standing in the mainland power and the peak of the value of the value ..." He is the heart.

"See the Pope!"

Under the wave-like atmosphere, the team members of the war are also kneeling.

Of course, Qin Jian did not kneel, he didn't want to give his future woman.

Seeing that he is not squatting, others will naturally be ignorant.

So under the public, seven people immediately became upright.

The point of view of the Bi East fell directly on them, and it was very unfaithful to look at the top Qin Jian.


The eye is suddenly shrinking in the East, and the color of the strange color is flashing from the bottom.

Qin Jian came up with his head, calm, no hitchhi, no enemy, just a calm.

The sun sprinkles on his face, reflecting a few familiar tastes.

There is no action and reaction than the East.

Everyone has aware of a very unusual, especially the master of watching the battle, and there is a kind of intuitive, what is he doesn't know, is happening ...

It was said that her eyes were seen from the japanese launcum that was compared with the nurtures. The lips were quietly cracked down: "Pope, he is Qin Jian."

This unusually beautiful female emphasis is obvious, and then it is slowly revealing a smile.

She turned into the left side of Ningfeng and Jian Dou Luo: "It turned out to be the pro-disciple of Qibao glazor Jian Dou Luo Luo, no wonder the unfortunateness."

The face of the swordurus Luo Tao board has the weird variation of a moment, so that it is a bit not impressed by the East.

It is still more compass that Ningfeng's facial expression management, he still maintains his gentle appearance, and his hands are in the gemstone scepter: "The Pope is awarded."

"It is not only the Jian Dou Luo Gian, and it should be also."

Biybe hosted in the east, waving slightly, for others: "You are flattening."

All those who fell into the ground did not get up, and then went to Qin Jian, and the look was solemn.

Even if he is a convult to win, a person's brilliance overwhelmed all teams, and there is no part to share the parties in the forever.

No one dares to look at him!

Even if the evil month, the vigilance of Qin Jian has also improved to the ultimate, they have never seen anything more than the young soul other than Ho Lena ...

Next, Pi East showed the champion prize, three soul bones.

Seeing everyone instantly became a hot look, nodded more than the Bi Dong, said: "This morning, it will be a personal knockout of the seven people in your three teams. The final winning team will occupy the opportunity, tomorrow Direct access to the championship, the negative team will compete for another final quota in the afternoon, now you can send the first player. "

A row of golden chairs have been in front of the Pope of the Pope. When the Pope is more than the ratio of the East, she sits down, sitting on the left side of Ningfeng and Jianou Lu Luo Xinxin, who is from Qibao glazes, and sits on the right side. Dou Luo Guan Charm and Chrysanthemum Fighting.

The first one of the Tianshui Team came to the soul Gu Qingbo, but her opponent Shrek's team Jingling is unexpected: "I abstains."

Everyone is one.

In the face of the opponent in the Wushu Temple, Gu Qing wao is exhausted, the next Simlan's Tailor will also abstain.

The Tianshui Team Shen Liyu Station has arrived in front of the Wushu Temple.

Everyone in this child couldn't touch the mind, I don't know what the Shrek war team is doing.

Bi Bi East, the eyes glanced in the master, the voice was slightly cold: "Our Wushu School team gives up the individual competition, directly enter the loser group for the afternoon."


The audience was stunned.

The master whispered: "Obviously the Qin Jian is out ... The two teams jointly try to try the martial arts of the Wushu Demon, how to blame my head ..."

At this time, the Tianshui Academy will raise his hand, and we said: "Our Tianshui team also gives up the morning of the afternoon, voluntarily enter the loser group."

All of this person understand what tricks played with the Slack Academy and Tianshui College.

They are unite together to deal with the Wu Shu Temple, there is Qin Jianju, and the two teams work closely.

When I went to the audience, the water ice came to Qin Jian in the Tianshui team to seek the next combat strategy: "Qin Jian, the joint testing their plan failed, how do we play in the afternoon?"

Seeing their two teams discussed together, the face of the Wuhun's Fang team was dark.

"Don't face it!"

Angry: "Qin Jian is in two teams, actually doing so!"

"What are you afraid of ..."

Hu Lena's eyes looked at the opposite Qin Jian, self-confidence: "As long as we do not give him a chance to integrate seven people, we will stand in an invincible."