Douluo's broken love can become stronger

Chapter 543 has been doing things that I like

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"alright, alright."

Qin Jian waved, and the ghost leave immediately returned the momentum.

The opposite people have a pressure on the body, all gasping at the big mouth.

I haven't thought of it, I have also become frightened at this moment.

The title is unable to resist ...

"Don't give it to me, then you will pass the master to the bamboo clear."

The Qin Jian voice did not fall, Zhu Zhuqing, who has not been talking, slowly, standing in front of Zhu You.


She reached out a white jade: "Please give me the master order ..."

This words came out, surrounding it is quiet.

All the people of the Jutan family see that Zhu Ziqing's eyes are like a traitor.

After all, relying on the strength of the martial arts referee, the power of the Marty, how do you want to make this kind of thing, how do you see anything that is doing a person? Many people instantly have a variety of conspiracy tricks ...

"Zhu Qing ..."

In the face of Zhu Ziqing, the face of Zhu You seems to be soft and many: "Seven years from home, finally come back, Dad miss you very much."

"Yes, Zhu Qing, you left the family for so many years, I am worried about you with your father, now I am finally returned, we are relieved." Mrs. Mrs. Bi Biline, also gave it up.

The outsiders look, it is a happy parent in the expression of the daughter.

Even Zhu Bi Lian took a few steps ago, it seems to hug Zhu Ziqing ...

However, Zhu Ziqing just hangs the eyes, and let Zhu Biline have a holiday, and then reach out to Zhu You: "Father, please give me the master order."

Master Zhu Jiao: "..."

The face of Zhu You was smoked, but it was still trying to maintain the look of Yan Yue: "Bamboo Qing, you are still small, even now inherited the position of the master, can't get everyone's recognition, why bother?"

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at the family everyone and saw indifference and alienation in their eyes.

But she didn't have any uncomfortable in her heart, she had determined that she cracked with her family, this person did not take these people to be their own loved ones, and even Zhu fang couple is not.

Let her make a marriage contract from a child and destined to live the next party. They have never given care for her parents.

They care about the interests of the family, but the family's strength, to sacrifice individuals, such as raising tits, and screening the heir.

This screening is not just her, but there is a small generation of each generation of family.

Everyone has to compete with their own brothers and sisters, otherwise they can only be silent, even, die.

"Father, I want the master's position, for the change of the family's inheritance system, let the future children, never struggle for survival."

She said faintly, the tone is determined, and the audience is slowly transmitted, and many people have a color.

There is a small number of people to have a look forward to it, and most people are obviously , completely do not believe.

"Change the inheritance system?"

Zhu You said with his hands, looking at her down: "Zhu Qing, I am ashamed for you."

"Just because you couldn't get this test, so you chose to escape, or even, I want to come back to change?"

He smiled and said: "I dare not face challenges, the pursuit of enjoyment, and finally only don't worry."

"Don't avoid challenge, go forward, this is the road of our soul."

"Bamboo Qing, you give up yourself, but don't come to the family!"

Finally, this sentence is extremely stricter, but it also said that many people have nodded.

"Pursuit of enjoyment? Is there anything wrong?"

"I give up myself?"

Zhu Zhuqing used the easiest and rude way to play his old face.


The six soul rings rose from the foot and shocked everyone.

"Soul Emperor?! 19-year-old soul!"

Many people shouted.

Zhu You is flashing in the eyes, but it can still be calm on the face: "Yes, I have known that the talent of Zhu Qing is the best in my children, and I don't live up to my expectation ..."


Next, a brock-shaded aperture was quickly spread, shrouded the 100-meter round.

Everyone knows that they are steep, just like being pressed.

Zhu You said that he just said halfway, and at this time, he exclaimed directly: "The field ?!"

Not only is him, even those of those people behind him are also tongue.

It is not shocked by them, the field is a small part of the title to have the ability to have, and now there is a 60-level soul emperor, how can it be shocking.

"Now, is I eligible to change the family?"

Zhu Zhuqing is clear and cold and swept the audience, and no one will open a time.

"I think that the inheritance of the family does not need to be carried out in a range of money, but should play everyone's talent. Everyone chooses to develop the road, suitable for the soul of the soul, suitable for management, develop family industries ... "

She slowly said that the sound was spread: "Not as now, all to practice, failure, send to the edge area, even hit the family, the victory continues to fight until the end."

"But the family is inheriting, and this is proven to be the most correct practice."

Zhu Youfu frowed: "You can so good, because parents have given you talent, and you are enough to work hard, plus adventures, I don't think other people can copy your road."

"The certificate of family millennium?"

Zhu Zhu Qing slowly said: "So, do you have a father, is the family get a title?"

Zhu You lived.

"The same is the royal family of the raising tinuman ... Are they got a title?" Zhu Zhuqing asked again.

The audience is quiet.

"Yes, my growth has a lot of adventures, but I know what I am good at, I will continue to play my lonself."

Zhu Zhuqing continued: "Although it can also spur, but it is not true from the heart, this kind of mood is different, and the last achievement will be very different."

"Only in compliance with your heart, I really want to make something you like, you can do your own strengths, you can do what you can do."

"I can prove this ..."

Qin Jian, who has not spoke, suddenly smiled, went to Zhuzhu tortion.


Huang Zi Zi black black black ... red!

The seven soul rings, especially the last 100,000 years of soul, the eyes of everyone.

Qin Jian is holding his hands, surrounded by the soul ring, slow Russen: "I just play my own strengths, and I have been doing things I like to do, so I can reach the 76th battle soul "

"19 years old! 76 battle soul holy ?!"

The audience is stunned, and the dog is losing.

"Oh, yes, I can also match the title of Douro ..."

Qin Jian once again lost a heavy bomb.

So, the whole world is quiet.