Douluo's broken love can become stronger

Chapter 667 Third Examination is what ghosts?

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The days are like this, such as Fei Hong, snow, no trace.

In two months, Qin Jian's every day is almost in the care of Poseth.

Wake up from the morning, go to three meals a day, every sister is sent to the mouth.

When you are resting, there will be a piano soothing spirit.

When you look at the scenery, there will be fruit snacks on hand.

Give him a massage every day, arrange your bath to relax.

He, live like a little princess ...

That is, one day during this period, the soul of the soul is raised to level 94.

This is also the result of the Qin Jian as much as possible, try to guide the brothers' relationship.

Otherwise, with this sister's attitude, add his strength, it is no difficulty.

The sea god arranged his daughter to be like this, it was also ...

"Three months, I don't know how Rong Rong and the second test of Xiao Dance ..."

The sunny morning, Qin Jian leisurely relying on the sun in Poseth.

It's not that he is so bad, but this new sister will be angry because he sees it ...

After that day, I said that I opened everything, so Poseth no longer hiding himself.

The kind of desire to care for him, and the Qin Jian is shocked.

In this way, it will not malformat ...

He is really worrying.

It seems that it is time to get some ,, pull the relationship back to normal men and women.

"Don't worry, they don't have anything ..."

Posxi listened to his words, gently smiled: "If you have a problem, several holy column guards will tell me immediately."

"Big priest ... adult?"

At this time, the slightly confused sound came from the direction of the temple.

Qin Jian and Pussey couldn't help but look at it: "Is it coming?"


In the next moment, the figure of Haijia Dou Luo appeared in the wood house, and the bouting is benting: "The big priest is here ... this ... this ..."

As a result, he saw that Qin Jian leaned against the leisurely model on Posi, almost did not fall from the sky.

He is stable and stable, and he shakes the sky to stand in the air.

Fortunately, Qin Jian and Poseth have no stimulating him, this time has been tacit separately, stand up.

"What happened?" Asked Poseth.

The seahopcharo has made it out of the shock from the sea.

At this time, I heard the question of Poseth, busy the first: "It is the second test of the two."

"Oh? Successfully adopted? That is very good." Posei smiled slightly.

"What is there?"

Seeing the appearance of Haima Dou Lu Luo, Poseth knows that things are not so simple.

"Hey, big priests," The seahorse Dou Luo is extremely quirky: "The third exam in the two is related to you."

Poseth and Qinjian under the look at the eyes, there are a few spoken spaces.

Obviously, this Po God is ready to do something to help ...


Three people looked up together and quickly came to the hippocampus holy column.

At this time, Ning Rongrong Xiao Dance, even Xiaobai, there are other six seals, Douro, have been here.

It is the same as three months ago.

"Sword brother!" "Brother!"

The two little elf did not wait for the Qin Jian to stand firm, and they rushed into his arms together.

Qin Jian was busy tightly in the willow waist, rotating and unloading their strength.

"Hey? You all broke through the soul?" He suddenly said.

The little dance hit his neck: "Well, I have passed the light of the Poseidon with Rongrong, got God's soul ring."

"It is good to have gains."

Qin Jian nodded with satisfaction.

Anyway, he is not intended to let Ning Rongrong or the little dance inherit the sea god of the gods. Think of that this is not that simple, so he is expected to enhance their level to the title of the title.

"What about the brother? Is there a harvest?"

Ning Rongrong was very skilled from the Qin Jian neck, and he didn't have a mouth.

Then she released Qin Jian, slowly swayed to the Poseid West Sniffing.

"Sure enough, the body is the taste of the big priest." She looked.

Everyone: "..."

"What are you doing?"

It is a bit embarrassed by Xiaobai and others. Puess is not allowed to have several people outside the Haimouro: "They are all guarded, don't leave."

Several title Douro opposed to the eyes, from each other's eyes.

"The big priest adults," we, "Finish princess eyes turn turn:" We are concerned about the situation of their third exam, after all, is related to the future of our Haizhi Island! "

"Care for the third test?"

Posxi is not bad: "What is this third test? How do you already know?"

Several holy column guards look at the sky, watch the sea of ​​sea, touch the hand, anyway, I don't want to see Poseth.

"Nothing ..."

Ning Rong stood is not far from her, and it is said: "It is to persuade you to do things with the swordsman, but also we have witnessed."

"What?" Qin Jian couldn't help but asked.

"Xiao Dance you said." Ning Rong has turned a big white eye.

The expression of the little dance has become a lemon, "It is to witness you kiss."


Qin Jian and Poseth were almost exclaimed at the same time.

Can not blame them not calm, this is really too much!

Even in Qin Jianyin, the Bai people heirs whitework, although it is also kissing, but then it is related to her own.

What is the doctor's test is to persuade people to kiss, witness someone else kissing? !

Especially for Ning Rongrong and Xiao Dance, this is the simplicity of witnessing their own men and other women kissing!

Is this Hazard to be a brain? !

"So, are you coming to watch the play?"

Qin Jian looked at Hailong Douro and the princess of the Finish, which was simply unable to spit.

This is really going, where is it taken to the field of eating melon, as long as he is, the surroundings will automatically convert to eat melon mode.

Xiaobai and others are also sorry, so there is no pair with him.

Qin Jian turned back, and Puessing pair, he saw a feeling of egg pain from each other.

Poseidon this big man!

If they didn't have some feelings during this time, he was so angry with him, and it may be yellow.

Which is forced to kiss?

Also ask someone to testify, is this not a big priest to a life in a minute?

"You should not use us to persuade it?"

Ning Rongrong has a hands with his hands, and it is said: "I have smelled, you are all the taste of each other, so it is not a small thing at all."

"I don't know what it will be like privately!" Xiao Dakukaire.

Qin Jian, Poseth: "..."