Douluo's strongest son-in-law

Chapter 1241 Big Harvest!

The arrows shot in Qin Feng all hit the rabbit.

A arrow took three rabbits directly.

And six arrows are added together, a total of 18!

I have a bow next to the ice.

Is this wrong? !

This guy's archery technology is too high.

I just had two arrows in this wolf.

It is now directly emitted 6 arrows, and a three rabbits are used in an arrow.

Because it is a hungry, the ice heart is also a person who has seen many technically superb.

But I have never seen anything like an eye.

"What are you doing? Don't you hurry?"

I saw that this time, Qin Feng, a good look, said.

"Ah? Oh !!"

I heard this sentence, I was hurry to ran in the direction.

I thought it was a rabbit tonight.

The result did not think of 19 actually showed it.

It's really an unexpected harvest.

If there are so many rabbits, the grandfather's injury is not worried.

It can be basically sufficient in nutrients.

"Fast, go!"

I saw this time the ice heart was urged.

A very exciting posture of the whole person.

After all, here is the area of ​​the wolf demon.

And some rabbits are all them.

If other Wolf demon come back to find that so many rabbits are stolen and they are killed, they will definitely make a murderer in all the Thunder.

So what they have to do now is to hurry back to the previous cave.

No matter what happens outside.

Wait until this is over.


Qin Feng nodded slightly.

He is now more and more interested in this world that is completely contrary.

It seems to be such a monster, more like the owner.

They will do everything in the past.

For example, the cultivation of the animals.

Humans are more like the animals above the previous continent.

Live in the cave.

In most cases, you can find a wild creature or look for some wildlife.

Furthermore, it is going to steal this so-called monster.

He came to the task here, would it be to twist the position of human and these monsters?

It is true that this is an unlimited process.

Because many things are going to investigate.

"Hey, Qin Feng is, I didn't think that your archery technology is actually so accurate, today, there is a lot of you."

On the way they went back, I saw this time I said at the time of Qin Feng.

The whole person is a special grateful expression.

"Don't be grateful to me, I can eat this rabbit meat tonight. After all, there will be a few green vegetables, it is really difficult to pay."

The breeze shrugged slightly, and a pair of jokes said.

"Well, I promise you, I must make this rabbit to be beautiful, I will do this."

I heard this, the whole person, the whole person, patted the gesture of the chest.

Although you can't hurt yourself, but do these foods, she thinks themselves or can.

After all, from small to big, most of the time is not cooking.

"Well, then I will look forward to it!"

After listening to the other party, Qin Feng said very expectation to the other party.

"Don't you look at me!"

I saw this time, Qiubi said.

"Yes, I want to ask you a question."

I saw this time, Qin Feng said to Qiu Bingxin.

"Do you want to ask me? As long as I will, then I must tell you."

Qiubi is acknowledged.

After all, this is her savior.

If you want to know what to know, she can tell each other.

Of course, the premise is what you know.

If you don't know, then she has no way.

"Just a wolf demon, do you call it a monster?"

Qin Feng asked.


Autumn is nodded slightly.

She is somewhat curious, what is this man in front of me?

"What is your kindness you said before?"

I saw this time, Qin Feng asked.

"Head? I know, do you want to ask this kind of thing?"

Qiubi Heart will come back soon.


Qin Feng nodded slightly, he did want to ask the difference between the two creatures.

"The monsters are animals, and the gemmids are those plants into the fine, so they are ascend!"

I saw the autumn ice heart at this time to answer.

"Oh ..."

After hearing the other party's explanation, Qin Feng seems to understand what, suddenly nodded.

Soon, two people came to the hole.

"Grandpa will come back !!"

Just arrived at the door of the cave, I saw this time of the ice heart shouting.
