"My lord!" Bai Fei was called by Su Luo to his side.

Su Luo looked at Bai Fei, who was carrying the little fox wherever she went, a strange brilliance flashed in her eyes.

Bai Fei is really careful with her daughter.

But Su Luo can also understand the other's mentality, after all, she has only one relative in this world.

"Sit!" Su Luo pointed to the seat in front of him.

"My lord, I don't know what is going on for me to come here?" Bai Fei rushed to Su Luo as soon as she received a voice transmission. Su Luo called her, she didn't know why.

"Remember when you came to me, I once said that the best way to protect your daughter is not to ask for help, but to become stronger!" Su Luo said flatly.

"Thank you, sir, with three times the time flow rate of the Purple Tower, I can definitely become the supreme earth!" Bai Fei's eyes flashed with confidence.

Three times the flow rate, he believed that he could definitely break through to Earth Supreme.

Su Luo shook his head and slowly said, "Even if there are three times the flow rate, you want to break through to the Supreme Earth is a very rare problem."

Su Luo stood up and stood with his hands in his hands, with a deep gaze, "The world is full of countless races. For the time being, human beings are left alone. For other races, the most important thing is blood.

As a spirit beast, although you have the blood of the moonheart fox in your body, it is clear that this blood is not activated, so you can only be regarded as a spirit beast.

It is quite difficult for a spirit beast to break through to the supreme.

Many talents, spirit beasts that rank higher than you, will die in catastrophe when they break through the supreme earlier.

You are already the Supreme, you should be able to understand the catastrophe of breaking through the Supreme!"

Su Luo's words made Bai Fei look heavy.

Indeed, when she broke through to the Supreme, she almost died. If it weren't for Tian Hao's help, she would have died long ago, and after breaking through the Supreme, she would obviously have more difficulty in practicing, and she felt that she had insufficient stamina.

"The spirit beast wants to break through to the supreme, and the degree of difficulty is a hundred times, a thousand times more difficult than that.

Do you think that with three times the time flow rate of the Purple Tower, can you break through?"

Su Luo's words are like a basin of cold water.

She only understood at this time that she thought too much about everything.

Breakthrough Earth Supreme, not to mention spirit beasts, even god beasts are very dangerous, and a bad one will die in disaster.

With Bai Fei's potential, let alone whether it is possible to break through to Earth Supreme, but facing Earth Supreme's catastrophe, her chance of death is as high as 90%.

"My lord, you called me, it shouldn't be to beat me!" Bai Fei raised her head and looked at Su Luo with bright eyes.

She believes that Su Luo is definitely not a person who likes to hit people. Since she called herself, perhaps it was to help her break through.

"I promised to help you break through the Earth Supreme! Of course, I can only give you one chance. As for whether you can break through, it depends on your own." Su Luo said lightly, "If you want to break through the Earth Supreme, you can start from three aspects. Promote."

Su Luo paused, as if thinking about how to express it.

Bai Fei's spirit was shocked, her face was serious.

"The biggest difference between Earth Supreme and Human Supreme lies in the power of law.

If you want to break through to the supremacy of the earth, you can start from three aspects: the strength of the soul body, the concentration of blood, and the perception of the law."

The soul body refers to the body and soul.

The bloodline refers to the bloodline of the beast in Bai Fei's body.

Bai Fei is a descendant of the sacred beast. There is the blood of the sacred beast in his body. It is only because the blood is too thin that it does not appear. As long as you find a way to increase the concentration of the blood of the sacred beast, it will be much easier for Bai Fei to become a beast and break through the catastrophe of the supreme earth.

The improvement of the soul and body is also to increase the possibility of her being robbed.

As for the law perception, it is to help Bai Fei adapt to the earth supreme ability early, and through the power of perceiving the law, it may help her to make a better breakthrough.

Su Luo pointed to the hall behind him, "Li'er is already waiting for you inside, go in!"

"To help you break through, ordinary methods are not very useful, so you have to understand that this method is more extreme.

There is even a certain chance of ruining you, causing you to lose your cultivation.

And once you succeed, you can step into the supremacy of the earth, and the sky will be brighter ever since."

Su Luo's voice was flat, "If you don't want to, I won't force you. As long as you stay at the Purple Spirit Academy for one day, I will protect your mother and daughter for one day."

After Su Luo said these words, he stopped paying attention to Bai Fei.

Su Luo had already fulfilled his promise and provided Bai Fei with an opportunity. As for whether the other party dared to try something, it was up to the other party to decide.

Bai Fei looked at the little fox, and after a long time she got up slowly, and put the little guy in front of Su Luo, "If, if I fail, please take care of my daughter!"

After saying this, Bai Fei turned and stepped into the hall.

Only Su Luo and the little fox remained on the island.

The little fox is still young, and she doesn't know that her mother will go through a test of life and death. If she succeeds, she will live.

Of course, failure will not die, but from now on, he can only be an ordinary fox, and his cultivation skills are scattered, and there is no possibility of even re-cultivation.

Su Luo took out a pill from Najie. The little guy had already eaten the Qi Ling Pill, so the pill Su Luo took out was not the Qi Ling Pill, but a more precious medicine than the Qi Ling Pill. Panacea.

Ling Ling Pill is more precious than Ling Qi Pill, and it does not have the resistance of Ling Ling Pill.

In other words, the Ling Pill can be used all the time.

Of course, it is not unlimited. After taking a certain amount, the effect will be lost.

But at that time, almost all the potential of a creature has been developed.

In other words, the greater the potential of the creatures, the more Spiritual Pills they can take.

In addition, this pill can only be used on the life under the gods. Once the creature steps into the god level, the pill will lose its effect.

When the pill was taken out, the little guy's eyes were straight.

Although she didn't know what this pill was, the instinctive desire made her show a look of desire.

Su Luo smiled softly and placed the pill in front of the little guy, and then the little guy couldn't wait to take the pill.

A soft energy swept the little guy's whole body, and I don't know if it was an illusion, the hair on the little guy's body seemed to become brighter.

The little guy yawned and fell asleep on the table..

Su Luo smiled lightly, he knew that this was the pill that had begun to work.

"Full of potential, but also full of contradictions!" Su Luo spoke softly, and then twelve golden needles condensed in his palm, piercing twelve parts of the little guy's body.