Dragon Blood Warrior

Chapter 293: Tongtian giant tower emerges!

And at this moment, near the ground of that golden pond in the center, a tall figure sitting on a plate suddenly slightly trembled, those closed eyes slowly opened, silk like electric spark of fine light flashed in those two dark eyes, it took a long time to fade.

“Hoo--! ”

Just woke up, Tatsumoto looked around a little vaguely, and his dark eyes restored clarity, his lips widened slightly, slowly exhaling a breath of turbidity.

At this time, his body was naked, his bronze robust body was full of fluorescent glow, every inch of muscle was shaking in obscurity, with powerful power, a long black hair scattered over his shoulder, his face was more fortitude, his eyes were deeper, and his tall body was under terrible pressure.

Feel the powerful power all over the body, the corner of the star meteor can't help but smile a little satisfied, the body's wars and internal qi are thicker, after walking into the imperial realm, the wars and internal gas energy has become liquid form, wars and gas energy flow automatically in the meridian, while internal gas energy is flowing in every inch of muscle, in the bone.


Chen Meteorology slightly picks eyebrows. There is actually some special fluctuation between the energy of war air that has been transformed into a liquid form in the body and the energy of internal gas. The relationship between the two seems to be tightening as a result. This makes the energy of war air move in Chen Meteorological Center, but a strange scene has appeared. The energy of internal gas actually works with it. This phenomenon is unprecedented!

Out of curiosity, Chen Meteorological God moves, running the internal gas energy in his body, and the war-gas energy also operates with it. The connection between the two is more tight, far beyond the imagination of Chen Meteorological. As long as one of the energies is arbitrarily operated, then, the other energies will run with it, both at the same time in the body, running along the alchemy operation route, giving Chen Meteorological a special feeling that cannot be explained clearly.

“Is it because the refining technique broke into the second realm? ”

Feeling the abnormality in the body, the star meteorite had to frown, the dark eyes flashed with the light of thought, spinning as if something remembered, whispering: “That Golden Dragon should be the strength of my soul, but what is the blood dragon? And the jade that somehow disappeared actually appeared around its neck! ”

Chen Meteor touched his own abdomen in alarm, he naturally knew that the bloody dragon was in his abdomen, but at this moment he could not detect it, because an unnamed power covered it, let him dispel the idea of wanting to find out, that strength, not that he could shake, as for the golden dragon, Chen Meteor could determine where his soul is, because he can feel it clearly now, just that the soul Golden Dragon seemed tired, fell asleep, so, Chen Meteor is also difficult to shake, can only call some of the divine power, but this part of the divine power, gives Chen Meteor a feeling of vastness, very huge.

“The divine power of the holy class! ”

Thinking for a long time without any results, Chen Meteor had to get rid of these doubts, feel unprecedented strength of his spirit and will, couldn't help but show a surprise on his face. It was good that his realm of divinity really broke through the bottleneck of the imperial peak and promoted to the realm of the sacred order.

“Boom...! ”

However, just as the star meteorite was immersed in such a surprise, a tremendous noise like the collapse of the sky, like the explosion of the planet, the horrible fluctuations of the whole heavens and the earth, that is, the solid and iron-cast wall of the cave had to be shaken.

Chen Meteor awoke instantly, stood up, a powerful and extreme breath inadvertently diffused from the tall bronze body, waved his hand, took out a white clothing from the space ring to put on, but the look on his face was quite disturbing, because this horrible fluctuation was so vast and terrible, forgiveness at this moment, the Chen Meteor heart also had to rise a slight sense of absurdity.

“Little man, it's a good time for you to leave! ”

At this moment, an old figure emerged with a hint of amazement in his tone.

Since the movement of the Tongtian giant tower began more and more frequently, more and more people have appeared above the Plains of Heaven, dominated by several major famous superpowers on the mainland, occupying the nearest and most advantageous position to the Tongtian giant tower.

The four great empires, the ancient six people who thought they were unknown, as well as Ice, Li, Furious, Sha and other supermassive forces, were all present in succession. Among them, there were elderly masters, obviously old monsters for many years, and all the sky giant towers similarly attracted their attention.

On the plains of the sky, countless eyes are watching the giant tower of the sky that stretches over the Gorge of Heaven. The horrific pressure of the dark shadows of the heavens and the earth is that the faces of some elderly masters are full of cloudiness.

“Boong Lung Lung...”

The giant tower swayed again, and the huge pitch black tower seemed to support the pillars of the heavens and the earth. At this moment, it suddenly swayed and swayed, and this sky on the plains of the sky also changed color. The endless clouds rolled over, emitting a burst of thunder, huge threat to photograph the mind, and all the hearts were filled with depression.

“The giant tower is moving again! ”

“The giant tower is moving again! ”

The movement of the Tongtian giant tower immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the Tianjin Plain. In a moment, a single shout quickly spread. Those supermassive forces reacted the fastest, and their masters had already flashed out, occupying a favourable position, because they found that the movement of the Tongtian giant tower was extremely intense, more than several times stronger than before.

“Roar--! ”

Suddenly, a worldly beast roaring with infinite ferocity swept out of the sky tower, and fierce sound waves swept out like a storm, allowing the delicate space cracks near the sky tower to unfold instantly, the space seemed overburdened, like a broken glass window, a wave of sway.

This outrageous beast roared and all the people of the instant period changed color for it. This outrageous beast roar was too familiar. At the end of the holy race three years ago, a sudden outcry of the world beast roared. At that time, the sound waves of the beast roar alone gave birth and killed many people. It was terrible, leaving indelible shadows in the hearts of those who survived at that time.

And now the roar of the immortal beast is similar to the roar of the immortal beast. No, it should be said to be the same.

“Run! ”

Just moments after the roar of this worldly beast just sounded, I don't know who shouted, then the same shouts spread, these are the people who survived, at this moment when I heard the roar of the worldly beast, as if I remembered something extremely terrible, pale face, shocked screaming.

“Roar--! ”

Unexpectedly, the absolute beast roar is astonishing. The whole plain of heaven trembles violently for it. The invisible sound waves of terror are instantly emitted from the giant tower, and the space near the tower that was already overburdened is instantly swept away, and a path like the space crack of the big mouth of the star beast emits the horror waves of the extinct beast roar, which means that the space is blown apart.

When the giant tower had not risen, the horror wave of the world's beast shouted instantly killed so many people. Now the horror wave of the world's beast shouted naturally more horrible. Many people could not react at all, and were instantly shocked by these rapidly spreading sound waves into a bloody mist. Others escaped slowly, but also difficult to escape, without exception, and were shocked into a bloody mist.

Blinking kung fu, this plain area is once again filled with blood, several major forces, as well as small forces, scattered solo people, are all devastated, right here blinking kung fu, the dead are probably thousands, blood permeates every inch of the land here, the area is covered with a strong bloody breath, the red earth tells the harsh story just now.

“Order me--! ”

Finally, several powerful people reacted, stomped up, the vast and horrible atmosphere rushed to the sky, the space was instantly settled, and the horror waves of sparing the world's beasts were gradually extinguished, difficult to transmit out.

“War Mighty! ”

“It's a war hero! ”

“Lord Venerable has taken action! ”

When these mighty men strike, they naturally attract the attention of all. When the next one sounds a shout of reverence and fear, the mighty men of war are the most horrific beings on the entire continent. It is usually rare to see them at first sight, that is, when the five mighty men appeared at the time of the Holy Sacrament, they never appeared again, and they were never seen before.

These beings are all ghostly, ordinary people are difficult to predict, in almost all warriors' minds, they are very mysterious, the power of the mighty can be unpredictable.

The mighty, who are known as the mighty, possess superb power, dare not disobey, although some are exaggerated, enough to illustrate the horror of the mighty.

“Everybody pull out quickly! ”

The majestic voice of the mighty shouted in this space slightly, and everyone dared not to resist, not to mention now was the perfect time to escape. The roar of the mighty beast just now made everyone's scalp numb and instantly shook thousands of warriors to death, how powerful this is, no one is willing to stay any longer, because no one feels like their lives are long.

At the moment, a war energy rushed to the sky, a shadow of a man walking in the sky on a swaying plain, or running desperately on the ground, less than a few minutes of kung fu, there are not many people left in this area, and the rest of us do not have a powerful atmosphere of extreme terror.

“Hoo--! ”

It seemed to feel the hands of several powerful people. The monstrous beast seemed very angry. At the moment, a roar of a monstrous beast sounded again, and the sound waves of terror erupted again. The space near the Tower of Heaven was already swamped and blurred.