Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 105: The Goddess of Maserati

“I know, I know! I'll show you the way! ”

In one morning, the fellow male student was knocked out twice by happiness. Luckily, this time he already had “experience”. After all, Lin Mengxian had shocked him once so hard that his brain soon woke up from the state of electric shock.

The guy said he was walking away. He was in unprecedented shape, and along the way he led Murong's snowy sedan to the lower level of the senior teaching building.

“Wow... look, Maserati! ”

“Really hey... it's really Masalati, come out and see, we have a Masalati down in the teaching building! ”

Without knowing who shouted that voice, students still in the classroom ran out, and Masalati, though far from their lives, was undoubtedly a desirable thing for these young teenagers with all sorts of dreams.

For a while, every floor was crammed with boys and girls, staring at the famous car that had just stopped, blinking and talking.

“That's a nice car! ”

“What do you say? Maserati's cheapest cost is over two million, okay? ”

“I wish I could have one in the future...”

“You? I don't think so. At most, you are at the level of a tractor...”

“I grass, who do you think is driving the tractor level? ”

“Just kidding, hey, dare I bet they say that Masalati is usually filled with beautiful women, I guess this car is...”


“This is it, that classroom is senior class six! ”

Happy students looked up and saw that every floor of the entire teaching building was full of people. He had never experienced such a spectacular scene, and the excitement almost fainted.

Murong Feishue looked up at Happy's fingers, then nodded his thanks to Happy's students, pushed his hand open the door, and one foot stepped out of the car.

“Wow... those are beautiful heels! ”

“And will you look at women? Look at that leg. That's beautiful. That leg is so white and long...”

“She's so sexy in her fleshy transparent stockings...”

“What, am I right? This leg will never be ugly in the car! ”

The guy who encouraged his classmates to bet just now laughed proudly.

Murong Feishue got out of the car with elegance, and as soon as she arrived, she immediately caused a shout from all the classmates upstairs!

Others forgot to shout, they just looked! They're on high ground!

Lin Dreamchill came in a snow-white dress, while Murong Feishue wore a pure black OL suit with a high disc of blue silk, looking noble and cold, white skin, thin eyebrows, slightly stretched nose, and a beautiful figure, combined with this pure black urban white-collar beauty's professional dress, so that her convex and perfect body was completely exposed to hundreds of high school students!

“How sexy...” “Cold...” “This temperament...” “My breasts are so high, I see the trenches, so deep...”

Murong Flying Snow arranged an investigation for a day and a half. Until this morning, Lingyun, who finally saved her grandfather's life, was actually a student of Shimizu, a high school, a high school, and a high school, a high school, a high school, a high school, a high school, six classes.

Fearing that Grandpa was in a hurry, she immediately told Murong Wenshi about it.

Murong Wenshi was so excited that he almost sat out of bed. He ordered Murong Feishue to come to the school immediately to meet Ling Yun and express his gratitude to Ling Yun for his help.

Murong Fei Xueben didn't want to come personally. She wanted to take care of Murong Wenshi personally in the hospital, but her grandfather insisted on letting her come personally. Otherwise, she appeared to have insufficient respect for Lingyun.

Murong was helpless and had to drive and listen all the way to Shimizu.

Because of the rush, Murong Flying Snow did not change clothes. Her OL suit was dressed in a white lace with breasts. From the front, nature could not see any scenery, but at the top, that was the infinite scenery!

But Murong Feishue fought so long in the famous arena, what kind of scene has he never experienced? What kind of person have you never met? These manifestations of high school students who are still attending school are therefore directly ignored.

When the happy boy looked at Murong's body, he was stunned again. He said that this one is no worse than the one just now. This body is so perfect!

He held on to the halla, his lips shaking, and the chicken froze like, “Well, that's the classroom. Shall I take you up there? ”

“Thank you. No, I'll go up there myself. ”

Murong Feishue said politely to the happy boy, she wondered why the boy was so excited about beating up chicken blood.

At this time, many students had come around her car to watch the pointers, Murong Flying Snow frowned slightly, she locked the car and walked gracefully into the teaching building.

In the corridor outside the senior year and sixth class, Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling saw Murong fly snow into the hallway where his classroom was located, and suddenly they looked at each other like ghosts.

Two people came up with a terrible thought at the same time. This wonderful urban beauty is not also looking for Ling Yun?!

After Lin Mengxian left, they took two classes quietly in the classroom, but the second class was taken. Suddenly, Cao Shanshan could not stay in the classroom in any way, so he suggested to Zhang Ling to go to the corridor for some air.

But without saying a word, they saw this Masalati coming right under their classroom, and a boy next to the car raised his hand twice in a row in the same direction as his classroom - senior class three and six!

Cao Shanshan had a bad feeling at the time, but don't come to Ling Yun!

Now she sees the beautiful woman in the cold OL suit entering the hallway, she can't help but collide with Zhang Ling's gaze, and she sees what the other person has to say: No way?

Two minutes later, Murong Feishue arrived at the door of the classroom of the third and sixth year of high school. She stood gracefully, looked around and asked politely in the direction of Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling: “Hello, is Ling Yun in this classroom? ”

Cao Shanshan's face is no longer slightly grey and now pale, but good family upbringing still makes her nod her head slightly.

“Apart from his sister Ling Ling Yu, there is no other woman to come to Ling Yun? ”

Cao Shanshan finds himself wrong, and the mistake is outrageous! Big mistake!

Zhang Ling looked at Cao Shanshan with some concern. He said that it was too hard on Shanshan, right?

Now the whole school is rumored, Cao Shanshan is Lingyun's girlfriend, and Cao Shanshan has neither admitted nor denied until now, so many people now subconsciously believe that this matter is nailed.

But this morning, there are two beautiful women from Cao Shanshan who have not lost their temperament to Ling Yun. How could this ever make Cao Shanshan so proud?

“Lingyun is in the classroom, I'll get it for you.” Zhang Ling smiled awkwardly and rushed into the classroom.

“Lingyun, there's someone out there looking for you!” As soon as Zhang Ling entered the house, he shouted out loudly at the end of the classroom.

In fact, Lingyun didn't need him to scream at all. He already heard Murong flying snow.

Ling Yun quickly came out. After he saw Murong flying snow, he was a little stunned.

“Haven't you seen this woman? Lost in memory again? Well, don't show up like Cao Shanshan did this time! ”

The corner of Lingyun's mouth pulled up a bright smile. The wine cellar on his face was clearly visible. He coughed softly and smiled at Murong Feishue: “Hello, can I help you? ”

Murong Feishue was accustomed to all kinds of big scenes, but she was very calm and natural in front of everyone. After carefully measuring Lingyun, she smiled slightly: “Well, do you have a moment? I'd like to ask you out for a moment. Can we talk alone? Just about ten minutes. ”

Murong was very polite because it was Grandpa's savior.

Ling Yun glanced around and said that so many people here are not really talking places. He laughed: "Time, let's go! ”

Lingyun is now practicing the cultivation of the top three levels of the body, there is nothing to worry about, not to mention that this is a beautiful woman in front of her, so she went straight downstairs.

In the eyes of almost the entire school, the two walked out of the building, quickly entering the masalati, and the sedan started, turning around and driving towards the outside of the school.

“My God, are you looking for Ling Yun again?! ”

“My grass, isn't this Lingyun too bad? What kind of luck did he get? The one who came in the morning was like a fairy, this time a beautiful city! Is this the legendary moment to witness a miracle? ”

“I walked away in a Maserati, hey, that car just let me touch it... Chanel beauty, Lingyun is so happy! ”

Lingyun sat Masalati out of school, behind him was all kinds of envy and envy!

“Is he really not worthy of himself? Is his birth really that important? Is family interest really that important? ”

Cao Shanshan said nothing this time, she was asking herself this question repeatedly.

Now, the whole school is talking about Ling Yun, talking about the morning fairy-like Lin Dreamchill, talking about the windy Masalati, guessing what Murong Feishue is looking for Ling Yun, envying Ling Yun's peach luck.

Don is a fool. He said, "Boss, you'll be here on Monday. The wind is all over you. How can I run my bet?"

Xue Mei is in a hurry! Morning Lin Dreamchill she didn't see, but she saw the windy Maserati! Naturally, Lingyun left in that Maserati!

Only the boys and girls in the third and sixth classes are now calm. They can't help but calm down. After Lingyun got rid of the loser, now the beautiful women come to the door one after the other. If they are so shocked, they still want to take the college exam? My brain is dying!

There is only one thought in their minds right now, which is that they can only admit helplessly that Lingyun is against the sky!

This is outrageous!

In the past few days, the whole school has been robbed by Lingyun alone!

“Hey... maybe this is the difference between a mortal and a cowman...”

Zhang Ling looked at Cao Shanshan's unusually calm face. She asked worryingly: "Shanshan, are you okay? ”

Cao Shanshan trembled slightly and looked pale: “I'm fine. ”

Zhang Lingyin sighed and said that if you were really all right... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com), and your support is my biggest motivation.)