Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 1031: Tiandi Group Opening Ceremony (top)

August 8th.

Fengshui luck, suitable: opening of the market, Nacai, entering the house, hanging tablet. Wealth god southeast.

According to that guy, this is the best day of the year to open a business.

And today, the sky is beautiful, the sky is clear, the blue sky is white clouds, the sun is high, and there is a slight breeze.

In the morning, Ling Yun came to the roof of the villa, and he was unable to move. After finishing his training, he flew downstairs, carefully washed himself and changed into a dress carefully prepared for him by Cao Shanshan.

Back in the living room, Cao Shanshan and others were found waiting for him there.

Ling Yun walked to the middle of the living room, stopped his footsteps, held his back and stood tall. He asked with a smile: "How are you, handsome? ”

Seeing Ling Yun dressed like this, Cao Shanshan's eyes couldn't help but wonder: “Handsome, handsome! ”

“Ha ha, that's enough. Let's eat breakfast and then we'll go to Lingyun Building! ”

Lingyun Haha smiled and headed straight to the table.

Cao Shanshan asked behind his back, "But Lingyun, why didn't you wear a tie today? Aren't we ready for you? ”

Ling Yun didn't return, waved his hand behind his back: “The tie is all for work. Today I am the boss, why did you hit that? Panicked. ”

At 7: 30 a.m., after breakfast, everyone took several cars and rushed to Lingyun Building.

Lingyun was in Xue Meizheng's car. It was that limited edition Maybach 62, on the way to Lingyun Building, which started the road, and it was really windy.

“Goddamn it, Don, you did a great job! It feels...”

Far away, Lingyun saw the view of the doorway of Heaven and Earth Group and couldn't help but praise it.

Today, Tiandi Group headquarters, the courtyard gate of Lingyun Building, is wide open and ready to welcome guests from all sides.

Outside the courtyard door, the huge red blowing arch, already standing, spanned the entire courtyard door, the banner on it says: "Heaven and Earth Group opens big fortune! ”

By the arch, colored flag, colourful, windswept and danced;

Whether inside or outside the courtyard doors of Heaven and Earth Group, the roadside is full of flowers and floral scents.

And the big red firecrackers waiting to be opened were piled up in piles in front of the security room, just waiting for the opening of the paint cut moment.

Even today, Tang Zheng hired several teams of dragon dancers, inside and outside Lingyun Building, the dressed one is called a beautiful!

Maybach was unimpeded and drove directly into the compound until he reached the staircase at the main entrance of the Lingyun Building before stopping.

Inside the courtyard door, another sight.

From the courtyard gate to the main entrance of Lingyun Building, it's all 18 meters wide red carpet paved road!

On both sides of the red carpet, also filled with blooming flowers, floral nose.

Below the staircase of Lingyun Building, there is another huge red arch, which says: warmly congratulate Heaven and Earth Group on the opening of its auspicious day!

On either side of the arch are 72 professional courtesy ladies hired, almost all of whom are models about a meter and seven tall, all dressed in a red cheongsam gown with a sweet smile and dedicated to hosting guests.

Looking up, the entire front of Lingyun Building was all covered with congratulatory banners from major units in the city of Qingshui. The colors were neat and tidy, moving with the wind and hunting.

The red carpet is surrounded by a variety of news media, including television stations, large portals, and cameras from magazines and newspapers, all walking and walking by journalists, and the flash keeps ringing.

Such a grand occasion, no $12 million can be done at all, it's a luxury!

Yes, it's definitely money!

“Goddamn it, do we have to do this? ”

Lingyun sat in Maybach, gazing at the ritual ladies' elongation on both sides of the red carpet * * * and whispering.

Xue Meijie, who was driving, whispered sophisticated, resentful: “The big wolf! ”

Ling Yun ignored it and laughed.

The windy Maybach was unobstructed and drove directly into the compound before stopping in front of the staircase at the main entrance of the Lingyun Building.

“Huo, are the employees here so early today?! ”

Lingyun just found out at the gate, the high school cadres of Tiandi Group headquarters, a total of dozens of people, led by Chen Jiantao and Qian Ruhai, they had already led everyone to stand under the door staircase, lined up, waiting for many hours.

Everyone knows that today is the opening day of Heaven and Earth Group, and everyone has a happy smile on their face.

“Mr. Ling! ”

Chen Jiantao was excited to see Ling Yun arrive. He immediately took the lead in clapping: “Our chairman is here, everyone applaud! ”

Given the outstanding performance of Chen Jiantao and Qian Ruhai over the past half month, Ling Yunqin Point, they will be the general manager and financial director of Tiandi Group.

Ling Yun stepped out of the car and smiled beautifully at his face. He waved to his employees: “Thank you all for your hard work today. ”

“Come with me to the president's office for a moment. We'll greet the guests later. ”

When the people in the back car came down, Lingyun waved his hand and greeted everyone directly into Lingyun Building.

As for these people who are welcome in line here, Ling Yun is not in charge.

Because Tang Zheng said last night, today's opening lottery cut, everything is arranged, and it is rehearsed. Anyone who does anything at any time is set to die, without Lingyun pipe.

And Lingyun, the big handshake, just needs to show up on a few key occasions to greet the main guests.

“Don't tell me, Tang Zheng did it, it's just like that. ”

Lingyun brought everyone to the president's office, stood in front of a bright mirrored floor window, looking at the whole view of Heaven and Earth Group headquarters, smiled and said.

“Where did he do it, all he had to do was spend money and hire a professional courtesy company to run it, okay? Now, all this is going directly to the courtesy company. ”

Cao Shanshan seemed to see too much of this scene and sat calmly on the couch.

“That's great, too. No wonder the guy told me I just needed to show up at a critical time today. I thought it was gonna be a problem. ”

Lingyun turned around, put his hands in his pockets and smiled.

“No trouble. ”

“From 9: 00 a.m. to 10: 00 a.m., some key provincial and city leaders will be here, along with some important guests, and you will need to meet them at the front door of the courtyard. ”

“Before 10.20am to 11.00am, all guests will be in the conference room for the opening ceremony, inviting several key leaders from the province and the city to speak. You are the boss, of course. ”

“And then at 11: 18, you have to cut the colors on time, then you have to cut the first knife, you have to come out. ”

“After the cut, you're done. All you have to do is have a luncheon with the leaders and the guests. ”

Cao Shanshan smiled and told them all about Lingyun's arrangements this morning.

She smiled. “Don't worry, don't bother. You're the boss. How dare you bother the boss? ”

Cao Shanshan said that Xue Meizheng, Miao Miao and others laughed.

“Well, today's opening day with a mediocre clinic, it's not even a grade! ”

As he spoke, Ling Yun looked down and saw several cars driving into the gate again. He swept away and laughed: “Tang Mao and Tie Xiao Tiu have arrived. ”

Then, Lingyun directly sounded into the secret, greeting Tang Zheng and Tie Xiaohu to the president's office.

“Brother Yun, how's it going? How's it going? ”

Tang was full of red light, and the excitement and pride in his eyes could not be masked at all. As soon as he entered the door, he couldn't wait to tell Lingyun.

“That's good, that's good enough, but how much did it cost to come down today, counting the stars you hired? ”

Tang said, “Hey, it's not much, it's 80 million. ”

“Damn, 80 million? Just like that? That's not even fucking much? ”

Tang Binghaha smiled: “Brother Yun, don't talk about me, you send hundreds of millions of dollars to the outgoing... I'm spending money on the blade, okay? ”

“Well, everything's up to you today. ”

Ling Yun smiled and said nothing.

Heaven and Earth Group opened the colors cut. Today, it is a big day for Lingyun and Tang Feng. To put it in society, this is called having its own roots and doors, it has reached the peak of success.

Everyone chatted happily for a while. Towards nine o'clock, Tang proposed violently: "Brother Yun, let's go down now, Uncle Li and my father, they should arrive on time at nine o'clock, they are going to help us meet the leaders of the province. ”

Then he put his mouth to Ling Yun's ear and whispered: “Brother Yun, today the senior official of our province, the one in charge of economics and commerce, is coming. ”


Tang smiled furiously: "That's Su Lingfei's father, Su Zhengming. ”

Ling Yunton stunned: “Shit, I can't believe that Su Lingfei, is it big? ”

Tang Zhenghaha smiled and said proudly: “What do you think? ”

At 8: 55, Ling Yun with Tang Zheng, Tie Xiao Tiger, A soldier, and the surrounding beauty, left Ling Yun Building and stepped on the red carpet all the way to the main entrance.

It must be the main entrance, otherwise, if the leader's vehicle drove directly to the downstairs of Lingyun Building, how do we go about the red carpet?

They didn't wait long. Just after 9 o'clock, Lingyun saw a dozen black sedans. He slowly drove in. He swept away. It was the top level of the city government, Li Yifeng.

The dozen black sedans slowly came to the door to stop. Li Yifeng stepped out of the car. He was full of spirit, smiling and walking towards Lingyun.

Lingyun also took a few steps forward and held Li Yifeng's hand tightly together.

“Congratulations, Ling Yun. ”

“Thank you Uncle Li. With Uncle Lee's support! ”

Journalists from all walks of the courtyard have long pointed long-gun guns at Lingyun and Li Yifeng, and Li Keqiao recorded this classic moment.