Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 698: The Moment of Life and Death

The face of Jiangdust has completely changed, there is an urge to curse the mother. Even if the light of Dohuahua is to test itself, you don't have to make such a big guy. With your current strength, where is it possible to use the light of Dohuahua to dohuahua this little holy level big guy, it is a dream.

True Dragon Fire and Thunder Fire can even quench all the evil things, but in the face of absolute power gap, all restraint is fart, there is no doubt that even if you make your own solve, extend the dragon queen to the ultimate, and both flames to the ultimate, it is not enough for this big guy to strike, level 4 warrior and level 1 little holy, the difference, that is the difference between heaven and earth.

What is Holy, is the so-called Daoist Path of Enlightenment, standing holy, even if it is only Little Saint, it is also holy, from the warlord to Little Saint, undoubtedly from earth to heaven, the gap is impossible to express in words, even if a powerful Level 9 warlord peak exists, encountering a true Level 1 Little Saint, will be slapped to death.

In this space full of death and shadow, there is a powerful level 1 Little Holy Grade Yin Spirit. Jiang Dun feels that unless he releases the Original Power Character of the Master of the Breeze, there is no more means to resist this Yin Spirit. If the Original Power Character is truly applied, the Yin Spirit can naturally be killed, but it is likely to bring other disasters, not his own disaster, but the disaster of everyone in the entire Mountain of Death.

Therefore, the original power charm cannot be used, then, in the face of this immense existence, Jiangdu can only face it in other ways.


Exactly, when the extreme is running, it can only run away, the body of Jiangdu shaken, the wolf shadow nine and space spread to the extreme, turned into a green smoke, blinking and disappearing, the distance of Jiangdust at this moment, at least 200 miles, but what frightened Jiangdust, the breath of death still covered himself, he turned his head and found that the horrible shadow still stood not far behind him, he ran for 200 miles, without pulling open the distance between the shadow and the spirits.

Jiangdu operated a great derivative soul technique, found that the entire space was blocked by an invisible force, blocked by the Yin spirits, using intense Yin and Death gas blockade, in other words, the space here has become a cage, even with his ability, there is no way out of it.

“Cactus board. ”

Jiang Dun scolded, Watershed Light this time is a miserable pit, encountering an opponent that cannot be dealt with at all.


The giant yin spirits made another roar, walking one step toward the river dust, and the ghost flames in his eyes seemed not to rush to kill the river dust.

Jiangdu understood what the Yin spirits' eyes represented. Almost sprayed an old blood on the spot. This big guy actually thought of himself as a prey. That kind of look represented a kind of play and play. The Yin spirits wanted to kill Jiangdu. Anyway, you could pinch Jiangdu like an ant, but the other party did not do it, obviously playing with Jiangdu.

“Fuck you, even Ben Saint dares to play. ”

Jiangdu was furious and blasted the dragon seal. The giant dragon dragged its long tail towards the Yin Spirit and struck the past.

Feeling the strong flame shock coming from the dragon, the Yin spirits' eyes were obviously stunned. It seemed unexpected that the outsider in front of him could actually exert such a flame to make him feel a slight pressure, which was the smell of natural enemies and Ke Xing.

But the Yin Spirit didn't care. He lifted his big hand like a puffin and grabbed it gently, completely crushing the dragon of the river and dust, and the flame dissipated in the void.

As expected by Jiangdu, Jiangdu did not want to get involved with the Yin Spirit, because he knew that there was too much difference between them and that they were not opponents at all, so he turned around and fled.


Jiangdust ran away, while constantly striking the dragon seal, unfortunately, the strong dragon seal had no effect on the Yin spirits. Every time the firedragon struck, it was directly smashed by the Yin spirits. Even more offensive, no matter how fast the river dust escaped, it could not be pulled apart from the Yin spirits, and the Yin spirits always appeared not far away from him.

Neither did the Yin Spirit launch an attack. It was just continuously crushing the firedragon of the river and dust. This situation made the river and dust nearly bleed. He had a sense of being molested. The Yin Spirit could kill himself at random, but did not kill him. He seemed to have to fool himself enough to kill him.

“This is not the way to go. I can't escape from the palms of the spirits. I guess I'll just have to fight. ”

Jiangdu's eyes revealed a hint of harshness. Faced with a scene like this in front of him, it is almost certain that he will die. If he were to change to ordinary people, he would have panicked, even despair, but Jiangdu, the world's first holy scene, even the more dangerous scene, can still remain calm and keep a sober mind, because then the sober mind can cope with everything.


Jiang Dun stopped and turned to look at the Yin Spirit opposite him. He pointed to the Yin Spirit with his finger and said out loud: “Big fella, if you have the guts, you can do it. Have a few moves with me. ”

Jiangdust knows that the Yin Spirit can understand his speech and reach the level of Little Holy One. Even if it is only a dead body, it is spiritual. In other words, the Yin Spirit is also a creature, a special form of existence. The Yin Spirit in front of him is only a skeleton man, but he has a weak intelligence. Otherwise, he will not play with Jiangdust.

The Yin spirits did not expect this human being to suddenly stop, and dare to provoke himself. In its view, at this time, the other party should play to escape. Now, it seems that the other party should know that he must die, and give up directly.


The Yin spirits made a low roar, and the playful intentions in their eyes gradually disappeared, turning into a killer. Since the other party dared to provoke themselves and seek their own death, it would be completely over, and there was no point in playing again.

A cold force burst out of the Yin spirits, instantly locking the river dust firmly, completely denying the river dust a chance to escape, the next moment, the Yin spirits lifted huge palms and shot towards the river dust.


Jiang Dun hummed coldly, he felt the power of the mountain coming down towards him, but he still stood up to fight back, because he knew that if he did not fight back, he would be shot to death.

Moreover, Jiangdu can feel that the Yin spirits have not done all they can. Perhaps in the Yin spirits' view, killing a character like himself does not need to do all they can. In this way, Jiangdu is given a chance.

Jiangdust caused the solution, the dragon trick to run to the extreme, the real dragon hand mark, the giant blood dragon claw rushed out, towards the Yin spirits claw resistance.


Shaking the mountain, the major hand mark of the river dust was directly destroyed, the huge palm, the pressure dropped, the river dust screamed, the whole person was photographed on the ground.

The hard ground was photographed in a large pit, where he would be lying down, covered in blood, many parts of his body torn apart and severely injured, which means that he, if he were to change to someone else, would be photographed directly into meat sauce and died instantly.

However, Jiangdu flesh is so strong, not to mention the dragon cultivation technique often, it has gone through three times a day, each time the thunder robbery is a height of the cultivation of his flesh, which is why Jiangdu dares to fight the Yin spirits hard, you are welcome to say that Jiangdu is fighting his own life.

At this moment, the river and dust withstood the pain on his body, lay still on the ground, he held all the breath, from the outside appeared no different from a dead man, but beneath him, a gleaming light between his index fingers was already hidden.

Jiangdu is doing the last wave, if the Yin Spirit is not right, then it can only use the original power charm, anyway, can not just die here.


The Yin spirits made a pleasant sound, he came to the edge of the great pit, after seeing the situation of the river and dust, when there was really no doubt, the skull mouth was open, obviously laughing.

In the Yin Spirit's view, Jiang Dust has completely died, there is no doubt about this, because the gap between the two sides is too large, it is incredibly confident about the slap it just made, although not using all its strength, enough to shoot a level 4 warrior.


The Yin spirits put all the dead gas and yin gas outside the body surface into the body. As Jiangdu thought, the Yin spirits at this moment are completely unprotected. The Yin spirits bow down, probe into the huge palms of the hands and grab it towards the back heart of Jiangdu, and it wants to eat the heart of Jiangdu.

And just when the Yin spirits' claws were about to touch the river dust, the already dead river dust actually moved again, the river dust strongly withstood the pain of the body, turned around like lightning, and he pointed to the sword, the light of Watanabe was more like a meteor, this sudden change, was not thought of before by the Yin spirits, just at the moment of stunner, the river dust obtained, the light of Watanabe directly into the brow heart of the Yin spirits, like a spiritual snake into it.


Then, the spirits roared wildly, holding their heads in their hands, beating them constantly, trying to squeeze out the light of Waternization in their heads, and it felt it was a terrible thing, to change itself as a whole.

Jiang Dun took this opportunity to leap from the Great Pit, and immediately, without saying a word, took a large amount of sacred medicine for healing injuries from the air and sea space, as well as some refined magic medicine from the pharmacy, swallowed a swallow of a brain, while running the dragon trick, began to repair his wounds.

The injury was too serious, his five dirty six hearts were shaken, good thing he turned dragon tactics, help him repair the injury from time to time, plus many psychotropic drugs on his body, and recover quickly.


The spirits roar and are struggling intensely with the light of Watanabe, trying to extrude the light of Watanabe from their bodies.