Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1344: Yang Xianfan's Decision

An invisible rage has begun to breed in the body of the river dust, his divine color suddenly becomes strangely indifferent, and the big yellow dogs and monks who know more about the river dust know that it is this kind of river dust that is really angry.

Yes, Jiangdu is angry, he can receive the message sent to him by the heavenly machine, even if he is in the abyss of evil, so that all things that happen after he leaves the first line of day, Jiangdu is fully aware and clear, the reaction of the three forces is within his expected range, but the reaction of the sky cloud is unimaginable to him.

“What the hell happened? ”

The big yellow dog asked.

“The three major forces couldn't find me everywhere, ran to Tianyun Gazette to exert pressure, Tianyun Cloud announced in front of everyone to expel me from Tianyun Gazette, and also hurt my master, imprisoned my master, trying to attract me to appear with my master's message, what a cloud of sky, it seems that the matter between us, has come to an end. ”

Jiangdu's tone was extremely cold. He had intended to completely solve the matter on this side of the abyss of sin before returning. At that time, he and Sky Cloud would directly stall the cards and die. Now it seems that he must go back as soon as possible. Although he and Sky Machine have known each other for a short time, they have a true apprenticeship. Today, Master is in trouble, Jiangdu naturally cannot stand idly by.

“Humph! The boy is a fierce generation, he is jealous of your gift, so he wants to get rid of you too, a guy who even killed his master, and what else he can't do. ”

The big yellow dog snorted.

“Therefore, I must rescue Master as soon as possible, at all costs, people like Sky Cloud can do anything. If I do not show up later, Master is in his hands, when there is a real danger to his life, as you said, he can kill even his own mentor, so sadistic, killing other people will not be a little soft. ”

Jiang Dun said that a decision had been made in his heart.

“Dusty, what are you going to do? ”

The monk asked that although he had not been to the first line of sky, he had also heard a lot about the first line of sky, especially people and things related to the river dust, he basically already knew, Ouyang crane, Sky Cloud, Sky Machine, these important people, and the purpose of the river dust to the Sky Cloud Pavilion, the monk was clear, with his knowledge of the river dust, in the knowledge of his master's difficulties, the river dust will certainly not be able to sit, looks like he will return to the first line of sky again.

After all, Jiangdust, although harsh on the enemy, is a man of great significance. The monk never doubts this. If Jiangdust can remain indifferent when he learns that his master is in trouble, the monk will feel unnatural.

“Go back and save people, go, and find the Lord of sin. ”

Jiang Dun walked out of the courtyard. To get out of the abyss of sin, he must rely on Yang Xianfan. The passage to the outside world is all in control of Yang Xianfan's means. If Yang Xianfan helps himself, even if he has great talent, he will never get out of this place.

Inside the main city, Yang Xianfang's quiet place, this is Yang Xianfang's private property, in general, no outsiders are allowed to enter, but now the situation is urgent, Jiangdu did not want to delay the time, had to come to interrupt.

“Come on in. ”

Yang Xianfan's voice rang from the inside, the door automatically opened, a fairy king's perception, which was very powerful, where he lived. Someone approached him, and he must have been able to sense it at the first moment.

Jiangdu walked in and saw Yang Xianqi sitting on the throne at his idle end, smiling at himself.

“Brother Jiang, what can I do for you? ”

Yang Xiaofan asked.

“There is really something very important that I have to go back to the front line now...”

Jiangdust did not hide anything at all. He told Yang Xianfan everything that happened on the front line, including how he connected with Ouyang Crane, how he promised Ouyang Crane to help him get rid of Sky Cloud, how to enter the Sky Cloud Pavilion, and later on, there was nothing to hide from Yang Xianfan himself. He could see that Yang Xianfan really regarded himself as a friend. Since that was the case, Jiangdust naturally had to show its sincerity. Besides, he needed Yang Xianfang's help to return to the front line.

“Humph! Even my master killed, I hate this ungrateful person. I have killed countless people in my life, but all my enemies, such as Sky Cloud, are not even at all lethal. ”

Yang Xiaofan snorted coldly, appeared very angry. Yang Xiaofan, like Jiangdu, were all in love. They all had their own bottom line in their work. The actions of Sky Cloud had exceeded their bottom line. Such people made them feel deeply disgusted.

“Now that Master is imprisoned, it can be said that he is in danger. If I do not show up as soon as possible, Sky Cloud will most likely attack my Master, so I must go back now and hope Brother Yang is complete. ”

Jiang Dun hugged Yang Xianfan with his fist.

“You just said that the cloud of the day was already a half-step cultivation of the Immortal King, and you are talented. If you go back with your current strength, I'm afraid not only will you not be able to save your master, but you will also be very vicious. ”

Yang Xiaofan said.

“There are things that I have to face. I never do things that I regret. Even if I am not an opponent of Sky Cloud, I still have to go back. If I can go back to rescue people when I can fight Sky Cloud, maybe something will happen to my master. There are things that I have to do and do that I don't regret. ”

Jiangdu faintly said that the lust, monks and big yellow dogs in the back nodded darkly, the reason they were able to live and die with Jiangdu was because of the love of Jiangdu, they believed that if either of them was in trouble, even if it was the blade mountain fire ahead, Jiangdu would not hesitate to go forward.

“Well, I am sure Yang Xianfan did not mistake the wrong person. Brother Jiang respectfully, I will help you naturally, and I am ready to go with you to the first line of the day. I would like to see what kind of abominable guy that Sky Cloud really is. ”

Yang Xiaofan suddenly stood up from his seat and went back to the front line with Jiangdu, which made Jiangdu unbearable, which he never thought of.

“Brother Yang, this is not very good. Now the situation in the abyss of sin is not very good either. If you leave, you may give the evil family a chance. ”

Jiang Dunmei said that Yang Xianfan was indeed a good intent, but the situation on this side was not very optimistic.