Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1423 Blood Wash Hills (Lower)

Corpse puppets, which are the most powerful and poisonous things in the vagina, they use powerful bodies to create puppets like killing machines. Such puppets do not know the pain, they only know to kill at the behest of their masters, so long as they are not completely destroyed, they can continue to fight.

Such a puppet is the most terrifying, more terrifying than a normal Immortal King, and has a great impact on the opponent's mind blow.

The flesh of each puppet is incredibly strong. After being practiced by the Kung Fu Dynasty, the flesh is at least a few times stronger and more ferocious than before.

This is also why very few people are willing to provoke the necropolis. The cultivators of this sect are practicing evil magic and brutality. In their hearts, there is no human ethic, some are just interests and desires.

However, such a doorman, no one dares to mess with him, but Jiang Dun dares.


The two corpse puppets roared and howled, and blinked and rushed to the front of the river and dust, and the horrible shady claws grabbed at the river and dust. If this time, the result was too strong to imagine.

“Humph! The corpse charm, too, dared to sprinkle wild in front of me and seek death. ”

Jiang dust hummed coldly, such a puppet is indeed fatal for others, but in front of Jiang dust, nothing, any means he can restrain these dead puppets to death, the heavenly sword emitted a dragon roar, turned into a long dragon, lightning towards a puppet chopped the past.

The puppet had no intelligence, he knew only to kill. Faced with the powerful sword of the river and dust, the puppet did not hide. He raised his hand, which emitted a gloomy corpse, and resisted.

The dead puppet had no idea of the horror of the Heavenly Sword. What was even more horrible was the fiery fire carried by the Heavenly Sword. The fusion of the three powerful flames was precisely the natural enemies of these dead puppets and Kexing.


The heavenly holy sword has completely become a punishment sword, it is inappropriate. Even with the immortal king's medium-term modification, even if the flesh is strong, it cannot stop the sharpness of the heavenly sword, and the hardness of the corpse puppet's flesh is created using the power of the corpse sect, and the corpse gas and vagina gather together, and such a sturdy, in front of the fiery heavenly sword, is completely unstoppable.

Powerful corpse puppet, master of the Immortal King in the middle, split in half by the heavenly sword on the spot, but after all, the corpse puppet is a corpse puppet, strong and silent, even if split in half, still able to fight.

“Fire Dragon Seal. ”

Jiangdu waved his hand and struck a fire dragon seal. A flaming dragon covered those two halves of the body. In a blink of an eye, the puppet was burned clean, completely turned into flying ash. At the same time, Jiangdu's long sword split the other body in half, and the horrible flame turned into a fire sea, burning the puppet clean.

Between blinking eyes, the two immortal king's mid-term puppets died in the hands of Jiangdust, and were wiped out clean by Jiangdust. This scene stunned everyone in the place. Even Futian son was stunned. He couldn't believe it was true. He knew how strong the puppet was, how powerful Jiangdust was, which really moved him, and even created a little fear.

This is still true of Prince Futian, not to mention others, many people are pale, looking at Jiangdu as if looking at a demon king, this is a killer maniac, really too strong, strong and confused, completely beyond their imagination, subverted all their previous cognition, a small late Golden Immortal, how can have such a fierce fighting power.

Not far away, the old liar's eyes also blossomed, and obviously, Jiangdu's performance really shocked him.


After the shock, it was endless anger. Futian was really angry. No one could imagine how much anger was in his heart at this moment. It can be said that he had not been so angry since he was born. In order to quench those two puppets, Futian could say that he took a lot of energy and lost two puppets. For Futian, that was irreparable.

“Jiang Dun, you really pissed me off. The mistakes you have made are unforgivable. You will never get out of this mountain today. The book must tear you to pieces. ”

Lord Futian was close to the edge of the explosion. In his hand, he had an extra knife, a colder knife. As he moved, a skeleton appeared on the knife, and the atmosphere of the whole other courtyard began to gloom.

“The Blade of Death. ”

Futian son drank, the sword whistled out, towards the river and dust and chopped away, the horrible sword carrying the will to die, making people unbearable to create a fear in their hearts, accompanied by the appearance of the sword, a cloud of death, in a black cloud, everywhere the skeleton face, the vision of this sword, in addition to the power of the sword itself, can directly affect the human mind, let the opponent be overshadowed by the shadow of death, put the opponent in extremely strong repression, lose the will to fight, this is truly horrible.

Unfortunately, Futian encountered Jiangdust. Jiangdust has gone through too many battles in his life. He has never seen any means. He is determined and rarely has any means to really affect his mind.

Tsunami ~

The heavenly sword roared and turned into a fire dragon to throw out, the thick and horrible cloud of death, the roar was completely torn apart, all influence suddenly completely disappeared, at the same time, the heavenly sword and the battle knife of Lord Fukuten collided to make the sound of iron striking.


At the moment of the collision of the battle knife and sword, the infinite fierce cremation of the fire dragon rushed towards Futian son. Under such fierce oppression, Futian son was also overwhelmed and directly shook back. He was very depressed, because the restraint of the flame was so strong that he could not play a real battle.

“Impossible. How is that possible? ”

Futian son was mad, he could not imagine that he would be shocked by a golden immortal. Before this, how unimaginable things were, but now they really happen.

Jiangdu stood there, holding a sword of war, his eyes were cold to the extreme, his cold eyes kept shooting in Futian Prince's camp, and the people watching were furious.

“Let's go together and kill him. ”

Lord Futian spoke out loud.

However, none of them moved. None of them were fools, many of them were master of the Immortal King's Realm. Naturally, they could see that the river dust was too strong. They had previously underestimated the river dust, and they had reason to believe that even if all of them worked together, they were not rivals at all.

“See? They're scared, they can't even move. ”

Jiangdu grinned.