Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1428: Wang Fan

The old man's fairy wind, his appearance, made the scene calm again, few people knew the old man's history, but the old man's horror was witnessed, because he was a master of fairy emperors, and it could be seen that the old man was for the sake of the river and dust, to help the river and dust.

A lot of people are beginning to wonder who this dust really is. It turns out that a master Immortal Emperor can help at a critical moment. Turns out this Jiangdust also has a powerful backstage, which is why he dared to kill Lord Futian.

The appearance of the gray-haired old man, the destruction of Fukui's hands before, must have been the old man's attack, even Jiangdu thought so, but only Fukui's mind understood that what just happened was definitely not this gray-haired old man, but someone else.

Because the old man with white hair knew that the other person was the same as himself, and there was no way he could have done it silently, so that he didn't notice a thing.

“Old White Ones, what do you mean? ”

Fukui openly said that the famous old white man may not know, but he does, but he knows better that the old white man is not terrible, what is really terrible is the power behind the old white man, if Fukui normally sees the old white man, he must also be with Yan Yue, dare not be a little lazy.

But now that his son was killed and the old white man helped to kill his son's killer, it made it difficult for him to show kindness to him.

“What? The old white man, he is the old white man, isn't Jiangdu the Great Dry Empire? ”

“The old white man is an expert in the Great Dry Empire. I heard he recently followed Wang Fan. I didn't expect to be here today to help Jiangdu. ”

“The old white man appeared, and it seemed difficult to do anything. Even if Fukui were stronger, he would not dare to directly offend the Great Dry Empire. Although he said that he still had a son in the Divine Gate, he would not dare to easily offend any of the eleven forces himself. ”


Many people steal whispers. Although they have not met the old white man, they have heard the name of the old white man. Perhaps Fukui can provoke the old white man, but not the power behind the old white man.

“Oh, isn't this seat obvious enough? This Jiang Du is a friend of our Wang Wang. My husband was appointed by Wang Wan to take him to the Great Qian Empire. I don't think Brother Fu will stop me? ”

The old white man laughed, seemed to say a very ordinary thing, after all, the Great Dry Empire is too powerful, no matter what to do, never give a discourse.

“Wang? ”

Jiangdust and the big yellow dog were all stunned. They didn't seem to have a friend like Wang here yet, but soon they thought of someone, Yang Xianfan.

When Yang Xianfan left, he deliberately told Jiangdu. When he reached Dongxuan Realm, he went to the Great Qian Empire to find him. Jiangdu and the Great Yellow Dog did not care at first. Only at this moment did they realize that this Fan Wang might be Yang Xianfan. What they did not expect was that Yang Xianfan actually had such a status in the Great Qian Empire.

“No, this kid just killed my son, didn't you see? I'm afraid I can't give that face. ”

Fook-kyu immediately said, of course he guessed the will of the old man Bao, but he could not have let Jiang Dun go because of it, otherwise his son would really die.

“Hmm! Fook-kyu, I am not here to discuss this with you. It is not up to you to give the face of the king. Where the king now stands in the Great Gorge Empire, and the fame in the East Xuan Domain, I'm sure you know it. Do you dare touch the king's friends? As for your son, if I'm right, Futian should be the fairy king's mid-term fix, the hall fairy king's mid-term master, can't even beat a golden fairy, death is also white death. ”

The old man whispered coldly, you are not welcome to speak at all. It is a powerful force. Each word has a strong background. This is not comparable to any other master Immortal King.

“Don't go too far, old White Ong. This man killed my son. This vengeance must be avenged, and my son is a genius of the corpse shadow, and the corpse shadow will not let him go. Will the King fight the corpse shadow? ”

Fukui said loudly that he was very angry now, because his son's tragic death caused by his late appearance had already upset him, and if he was still watching others take the murderer away, he would have to spray blood directly depressingly.

“The joke is that the corpses are crooked, and my empire would not have despised being friends with them. Even for the sake of the enemy, do you think any king would care? Besides, do you really think the Decepticons will survive for your son and King Van? I'm afraid your son doesn't have that much weight in the vagina either. ”

The old White Ong said that the necropolis was indeed powerful and that it was okay to suppress ordinary people, but it was simply impossible to suppress any king.

Rumor has it that Fukui's face has become very ugly, because the old white man is right. After the genius of the Great Dry Empire came back, he was immediately sealed by the Emperor as the King of Fan. Recently, there has been a lot of fame throughout the East Xuan Realm. For example, in the middle of the day, the corpse Yin Sect itself belongs to the evil gate distortion, similar to the demonic teachings of other regions. It is not very stable to be sandwiched among the eleven forces. To make the corpse Yin Sect because one person can't get past the King of Zhengzheng Zheng, I'm afraid Futian Son has not so much talent and charm.

“Fukui, even if there is no King Fan, you think you can cross this table and kill Jiangdu? ”

The old White Ong had one hand behind his back and the other hand was constantly wearing a beard, which was a form of appearance, a form of confidence.

Fukui's eyes almost erupted into flames, it was a close to killing eyes, but unfortunately his eyes could not kill people, at least his eyes could not kill the Jiangdust, nor the Baoyong old man, he did not think that behind the Jiangdust would be the Wang, and the Baoyong old man is here, it is difficult for him to kill the Jiangdust.

The old man turned to look at Jiangdu and said with a smile: "Let's go, where the king is waiting for his son. ”

Then, Jiangdu left with Jiangdu and the big yellow dog, blinking and disappearing without a trace.

Fukui's fist clattered, but there was nothing he could do about it. Today, if it was just the old man of Bao, he would fight the old man of Bao to kill Jiang Du, but Fukui realized that besides the old man of Bao, there was probably a real master hidden here, more terrible than the old man of Bao. He knew that the man who had broken his hand before, was definitely not the old man of Bao, so Fukui let Jiang Dun go, had no choice, the biggest reason is not because of the old man of Bao, not because of the king, because of the first master of the invisible, no master.