Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1528 Compromise

“Impossible, this is never possible. How could there be such a horrible person? ”

The genius shook his head constantly, and he couldn't accept such results and realities, and he couldn't help but be shocked, because it had gone beyond people's perceptions and had never seen anyone so perverted.

“Just let you go, you don't go, now you want to go, you don't have a chance. ”

Jiangdu put away the Kirin arm, Tiansheng Sword appeared in the hand, to kill this genius, there is no longer a need to develop the Kirin arm, the integration of the Kirin divine arm and the Jinlong warfare technique, every implementation will cause great consumption of Jiangdu, this genius of the North and South world family has been seriously injured, it is completely at the end of the strong crossbow, Jiangdu is going to kill him, that is the hand captured.


The heavenly sword roared, and the whole sword turned into a bloody dragon. The blink of an eye appeared over the genius of the day. The speed was too fast. Between the lights of the electric firestone, the horror made it impossible to react.


The genius screamed poorly that day, and at this moment he felt a strong death threat that shook his mind with it, an unprecedented feeling, a breath of death.

The genius knows his current state. At this time, he is no longer fit to face Jiangdu. If he matches, his life will be in danger. He shakes his body, tears up the void, leans far away, and tries to avoid the sword of Jiangdu.

Unfortunately, the sword of the river and dust cannot be avoided so easily. The horrific sword power has sealed off everything. Even if it has hidden inside the void, it is difficult to escape the attack of this sword.



Accompanied by a scream, the day was cut off half of the body, the blood surged out, even the guts flew out, the scene looked bloody, the face of the genius was full of fear, such a wound was too serious, but for a half step immortal, even if cut off half of the body, it would not die, so long as it could escape, there was still a chance of recovery in the future.

But unfortunately, Jiangdu won't give him a chance.


Almost at the moment of cutting off each other's body, Jiangdu's second sword was also cut out. This time, the day was inescapable, the head was cut off on the spot, and he could not die again.

This scene was completely seen in the eyes of the North and the South and the other geniuses. They were already in a fierce battle. They were directly stupid on the spot. They could not have imagined that Jiangdu was so terrified that in such a short time, he killed them all so quickly.

“Bastard. ”

As soon as he drank loudly from the north and the south, he rushed towards the river dust to kill the past. He now, in addition to shock, is more angry, there is no way not to be angry. The genius he brought. He died here today. Finally, if he cannot take down the river dust from the north and south, he will have no face at all. After returning, he will be punished by the prince. When he thinks of the horrible means of the prince, he will be a little chilly when he paints the north and south.

“North-South, your opponent is me, we haven't divided the wins and losses yet? ”

Yang Xiaofan blocked the opposite side of the North and South, would he give the North and South a chance to paint the river dust to kill. In fact, even he felt shocked by the scene of the genius just now, especially the power of the Kirin God Arm, which he first saw.

“Fuck off.”

When the north and south exploded and drank, they killed Yang Xianfan. The two men instantly fought together again, and it was hard to understand.

On the other hand, Jiangdu ignored the threat painted by the North and the South. He turned his eyes to the other half-step genius master of the Immortal Emperor level, carrying a long sword in his hand, one step toward him to bully the past.

The genius's face turned wild, looked at the gaze of the river dust, looked at the ghost, in his eyes, the river dust at this moment, is completely a Gestapo king, is a supreme god of killing, witnessed the scene of the river dust killing his companion, he can almost be sure that he is not a rival of the river dust at all, next to a terrible big yellow dog, if the North and the South can't help themselves, then his ending, I fear, will die tragically under the sword of the river dust, like previous companions.

“North-South Wood, you get out of here now, don't rock him hard. ”

As soon as the North and the South opened their mouths, the fool could see that if the North and South trees did not leave now, there was basically no possibility of leaving. There was no doubt that the end of their stay would die. Jiangdu was a fierce and spicy man, and even Fire Kirin dared to touch it, killing two geniuses of the North and South worlds was what counted.


North-South wood nodded, daring not to be a little lazy, he ripped the void with his hands and burst into it.

“Do you still want to go at this time? Too slow. ”

Jiangdu put away the heavenly sword and once again spread out Kirin's arm, while his body flashed inside the void.


Terrible energy came from the inside of the void, the sky split apart, and the void was punched out of a big hole, and then two shadows came out of the inside of the void, one of them, covered in blood, wolf to the extreme, not the North-South tree or who.

Across the north and south trees, the face of the river dust is cold and murderous, the face of the north and south wood is hard to see the extreme point, his eyes are full of fear, he did not at first put the river dust in his eyes, but did not expect it to end like this, he came from the wind and water of the north and south worlds, lightly reached the rank of immortal emperor, it can be said that the future is unlimited, he has great hopes and fantasies about his future, he never thought that one day he would die, let alone that day, and died in this way.

“Tuco, help me. ”

North-South trees shouted to the north and south, he did not want to die, let alone willing to die. Faced with the dust like a tiger, he knew that he had absolutely no hope of escape. At this time, he could save his own destiny. Only the north and the south could paint it. If the north and the south could not save themselves, he would surely die.

“Stop. ”

When he drank loudly from the north and south, he looked at the river and dust coming out of the fire. How could he have guessed that the river and dust could be so powerful? A repair such as the north and south trees didn't even have a chance to escape.

“Yang Xianfan, today things are over, let me take the north and south trees away. ”

Once the North and South had compromised, it had to be said that it was a smart choice. He really wanted to capture the river dust, but Yang Xianfan was here. This wish was basically impossible. He thought the North and South trees were enough to deal with the river dust, but he didn't expect to die in the blink of an eye. Now the North and South trees are also going to be killed by the river dust. At this time, compromise is the only way.

Since it is impossible to kill Jiangdust, it is important to preserve the immortality of the North and South trees. Anyway, the whereabouts of the Fire Kirin are known. Jiangdust will not escape sooner or later. It offends the North and South families and will die sooner or later.