Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1534: Oriental Emperor's Love

“My husband will continue his efforts. ”

The Oriental Emperor has a flattering feeling. The five men who appear here today are all those who tremble when the Great Qian Empire stamps their feet. The Great Qian Emperor Yang Yu, the Taishang Emperor Ye Top Heaven, the Master Wilderness, and the other two are also respected princes. They are Yang Yu's brothers and brothers and Yang family members.

These five people, each with a noble identity, each with a middle-class pillar of the Great Dry Empire, rarely, if not at all, appear during the weekdays, unless something big happens, I didn't expect that today because of the movement caused by my impact on the Immortal King, the five people appeared together, how can this not be flattering to the Orient?

“Well, today is a happy day for you, I'm happy, haha...”

Yang Yu laughed very loudly. It seems that he has not been so happy in a long time. Naturally, he has a reason to be happy. The appearance of every half-step respected person symbolizes that the Empire has added a powerful backdrop. Such a master can be undesirable. In the end, he pulled together less than he cultivated himself. Yang Yu can still be sure that the Oriental King is loyal to himself.

“Your Majesty, this time the husband was able to promote his half-step immortality quickly, solely because of the help of a person. ”

Oriental King said.

“What? The promotion of the Oriental Lord is due to the help of a man, who is this man? Knowing that a half-step promotion from the Immortal King Peak is not something that ordinary people can help with, this level is totally in need of their own efforts. ”

“Yeah, but the owner said so, it must be true, it doesn't look like Yang Zanching, so who else in this genius house can help the Oriental King hit the realm? ”

“It's hard to guess, but you can imagine this guy must be different. ”


The words of the Eastern Emperor immediately caused a scene of noise. Everyone believed that the Eastern Emperor was able to make a successful breakthrough today, relying entirely on his own efforts, but did not expect that there would be help in the dark, and listened to the tone of the Eastern Emperor. Without help, he would not have been able to promote.

“Oh, who is it? ”

Yang Yu also asked curiously, obviously this situation was unexpected, because even he could not really help a master of the Immortal Emperor's Peak to break through the half-step Immortal Priesthood. If he could, that half-step Immortal Priesthood of the Great Qian Empire would be far more than that.

“It is Jiangdust, he is a genius disciple who was recommended by Wang Fan to join the Genius Mansion shortly after. This man is not only a terrible warrior, but also a brilliant alchemist. Before the Seven Princes of the Great Cloud Empire came to provoke and refined eight pints of the Holy Flame Emperor Dan, but I did not have a young genius in the Dan Mansion to refine it. Finally, Jiangdust came out and refined ten pieces of the Holy Flame Emperor Dan, defeated the Seven Princes before preserving the face of our Great Dry Empire. ”

Oriental Emperor said that he understood gratitude. This time he owed Jiangdu a great debt of gratitude. I didn't know how to repay it. I didn't expect the emperor to show up himself today. He just took this opportunity to introduce Jiangdu to the emperor. If he could be valued by the emperor, it would undoubtedly be an opportunity for Jiangdu. He understood Yang Yu's temper. After knowing this, in addition to praise, he would certainly give Jiangdu some real rewards.

Rumor has it that everyone's eyes instantly fall on the river and dust, and every eye becomes hot, worshipping, envious, jealous!

It was only then that people knew that the Oriental Emperor was able to promote half a step of immortality so quickly, but it was entirely the credit of Jiangdu. If this had happened before, no one would have believed it, but it was true that Jiangdu defeated the Seven Princes on top of Alchemy, and it was also true that the Holy Flame Emperor Dan, who refined the ten products, almost shook the entire Genius Mansion, the whole Imperial City, but Yang Yu, as an emperor, generally asked about things, so it was unclear.

“I didn't expect Jiang Dun to help the Oriental Master, but this man has some friendship. ”

“Yeah, if it wasn't for him, we would have lost our adults in the Dan Dynasty, and now he's helping the owner, which is good to help us in the Dan Dynasty. ”

“This guy is coming out again, damn it, this time in front of the Emperor. ”


The voice of the discussion suddenly sounded, the people of the Dan Mansion naturally appreciate and appreciate the river dust, while some people are different, such as the Prince's people, the people of the King of Peace, they have always regarded the river dust as an enemy, and naturally they cannot see the scenery of the river dust, especially in front of the emperor today.

“Come on, Dusty, the Oriental Lord is kind, he hasn't forgotten you. ”

Yang Xiaofan's thoughts first spread to the ears of Jiangdu, and then shouted to Jiangdu: “Jiangdu, hurry up and meet the Emperor. ”

Yang Xianfan posture is high, Jiangdu can show his face, he is naturally immensely happy and excited. After all, he and Jiangdu are on the same front, Jiangdu is still the man of Wangfu, he himself pulled up to the genius house.

Jiang Dun hurriedly flew up to the sky and came near Yang Yu. He hugged his fist and said: “The disciple Jiang Dun has met the Emperor. ”

“Jiangdu? An early foreign disciple of the Immortal King in the district can actually produce ten dishes of Holy Flame Emperor Dan, can't be mistaken? ”

After Yang Yu saw Jiangdu's cultivation, he also revealed a little doubt.

“Your Majesty, Jiangdu does have the ability to refine ten pints of Holy Flame Emperor Dan. ”

Oriental emperor said.

“Yes, Your Majesty, on that day Jiangdu refined ten dishes of Holy Flame Emperor Dan's defeat of the Seven Princes of the Great Cloud Empire has been reported all over the city, which this House can testify to. ”

Taishi Harano said that what happened on that day did cause a great sensation. As a prince, Harano naturally heard about Jiangdu, but he also saw Jiangdu for the first time and couldn't help but look back and forth at Jiangdu.

“Father, Jiangdu's alchemy means you have never seen, can be described in horror, this can be testified by the Oriental Lord. ”

Yang Xiaofan said.

“Yes, I can't resist Jiangdu's alchemy. ”

The Oriental King laughed and said that being able to say this in his capacity was enough to prove that Jiangdust was genuine. This made Yang Yu unable to help but begin to carefully weigh up Jiangdust. This measure quickly discovered the unusual things about Jiangdust.

“The dragon of a good man, I didn't expect to see such a capable man in the Great Dry Empire. ”

Yang Yu couldn't help but say praise and praise, and not to say how powerful Jiangdu's alchemy is. This heartfelt nature alone is not comparable to ordinary talent. Standing in front of himself, facing so many esteemed people, he was actually comfortable calming down, and his face did not change color.

You know, if you're a normal person, even the mighty Immortal Master, standing in front of you, you're only a wino, you can't be natural, but you can't see the color of nervousness from the face of the river and dust.