Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3092: No Brotherhood Expedition - Through the Phantom Crisis

“Centennial, is everything going to crash here? ”

Her desperate desire to the north, her eyes filled with despair. Between life and death, no one could change all this. It was ironic that she was greedy and brazen and eventually killed by the snow monkeys.

Despite her strenuous resistance, it was difficult to break through the siege of the three fierce beasts. The wind and snow were spreading and her walks were difficult.

“Three bastards, get the fuck out of here! ”

Suddenly, at a time of despair, she grabbed the shadow of the avenue and stepped out of the sky, directly before she and Snow Ice Monkey.

“Girl, let me take care of these three animals, and you'll just look at them. ”

Low and rough, with endless killing machines, looking directly at the three-headed beast.

In the eyes of a woman in white, there was hope, finally saved? Looks like she's not dying.

The middle-aged man was fussy, did not repair the edges, eyes like torch, long knife oriented, directly with the three murderers * *, the blade was shining, the light came, directly crossed the arm of a snow ape, and led the other two murderers to a big surprise, roaring, rushing forward, the three murderers were under the pressure of the middle-aged man, there was no chance at all, completely blocked the way, the middle-aged man walked to kill, within a hundred moves, swept across the three murderers, this scene, the white woman's eyes, even more revealed a slight of shock.

“What a tough technique! ”

The white woman was shocked in her heart that this man's strength, even in the middle of the divine realm, was quite terrible, facing the three fierce beasts, almost breaking them with a thunderbolt, which she could not do in any case.

Three murderous beasts, instantly slaughtered by middle-aged men, women in white are also determined in their hearts, rubbing their shoulders with Death.

“The girl was shocked. In this deep mountain, snow monkeys often appear. These snow monkeys are supposed to be the most powerful elder beasts. It's really not easy. ”

The middle-aged man said in silence.

“Thank you for saving my life. It's snowing. Thank you for your courtesy. ”

Xueqian smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth and thanked the middle-aged man.

“Nice name, the girl looks amazing, dumping the city of the country, really shocked this seat, if the wife and concubine were not present, I would definitely go to the soup fire, hahahaha. ”

The middle-aged man laughed and said, couldn't help but look at the snowflake twice, with a strange glow in his eyes.

The corner of Xueqian's mouth moved slightly, slightly embarrassing.

“Senior joked. Grace of life, don't forget. ”

“I see that you are seriously injured. If there is any inconvenience, please come back with me and repair it. After the injury is done, it is not too late to make a decision. This is the realm of the unseen, half a million miles of Wolverine Mountain, under my control. ”

“You are Tao Qianjun! Tao Qianjun, Lord of the Unseen! ”

Snow Qian shouted, her face slightly changed, she entered the range of the Wolf Mountain, there were also more than decades, naturally know who the owner of the Phantom Wolf Mountain, that is the Phantom Lord Tao Qian Jun. But Tao Qianjun's arrogance made Snow Qianyi a little disagreeable. Wolfgang Mountain spanned almost half of Morrow County. If he really held the whole Wolfgang Mountain, he still had some arrogance in it.

But even so, Xueqianyi was a tremendous shock. He was saved by the reigning figure of Wolfsbane Mountain. He was truly a maker.

“Thousands of people are afraid of inconvenience or not going. Going on this trip must be a lot of annoyance. A great bounty, a great reward, but if he were sent on a day, he would surely die. ”

Snowflake arched his hand.

“Oh, don't be polite, you are seriously injured now. If there are any more difficulties in Wolfsbane Mountain, I'm afraid there will be fewer vices. Even this seat can't save you from water fires every time. Ha ha, come back with me to cultivate and make a decision. You must want to have a safe nursing environment. In case you can't be disturbed, I have no choice but to go to the ghost world. ”

Tao Qianjun still insisted.

“Well... well, then it's time to annoy the realm lord. ”

Xue Qianyi hesitated to say that Tao Qianjun was in a difficult mood, and that he saved himself again. Xue Qianyi could not refuse.

Through the unseen, Sky City.

As the largest city in the realm of the unseen, it is also the great city where the master of the unseen realm is located. Hundreds of thousands of miles in the direction of the realm, it is the greatest peace and tranquillity. Those who dare to make trouble in the realm of the unseen realm of the West Pole Shenzhou, there is no such thing.

But under fame, in fact, it is difficult, but through the unseen realm is a dark flow, the wind seems calm on the surface, in fact, it is full of wind waves.

Among the main houses of the city, Tingtai Xuanxie, the pavilion is vast, incredibly luxurious and magnificent.

But for Xueqian, it's like a cage, and Xueqian has been here for over a year.

In the hall, at this moment, Tao Qianjun's face is a difficult color, his face is full of worry, walking back and forth in the hall, and this day is just when Xueqian wants to say goodbye to Tao Qianjun.

“What are you so worried about? ”

Xueqian greeted.

“Alas, it is difficult, the capital of the city, is now in danger. ”

Tao Qianjun smiled bitterly and said that the corner of his mouth was full of helplessness, as if he had been devastated, even his face was instantly much older.

“How did this happen? If you have any difficulty, you can say it. If you can help, you will do your best. ”

Xueqian said.

“Seriously? ”

Tao Qianjun's eyes lit up, but he shook his head again. His heart was filled with hesitation, and he still didn't say it.

“My life was saved by my predecessors, who are now in a deep predicament, how can I ignore it? ”

Xue Qian knows that she must pay back this person, otherwise, her heart is always full of tangles, she never likes to owe anyone anything, she is about to leave now, especially for Tao Qianjun, she does not want to leave any regrets.

“This has nothing to do with you, I can't get you involved. ”

Tao Qianjun was straight and righteous. He was totally unwilling to involve Xueqianyi.

“Seniors, I understand, but I don't like losing money to others. If there is a helpful lining, Snow Chian will do everything in his power, and it will never be difficult for seniors. ”

“Well, since you insist, I'll tell you. ”

Tao Qianjun pondered for a moment.

“The thing is, right now the whole spectrum is wind and clouds rise, the two major forces look at my spectrum, and there are even people who have made an obstacle from it, and now I have to push my daughter Tao Lianlian out, for the safety of the whole spectrum, for the life and death of the entire Tao family, this is the last way. But Lotus killed herself at this moment, although she saved her life, but there was no way. Today's two major forces, it is estimated that it won't take long to rush up. I was going to use Lotus to kiss each other and let the two forces circle with me. As long as either of them can successfully marry my Tao family, it will inevitably form a angular force, at least to keep me safe and keep the Phantom family safe, so there will be no problem. Unfortunately, Lotus would rather die than die. My father almost lost her life. ”

Tao Qianjun said with immense exclamation.