Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3707: This Guy Is Crazy

As the most horrible Dan medicine between heaven and earth, Saint Pindan medicine, even the strong ones of ancient times, is a dark Dan medicine. Dan medicine is spiritual, and in a moment of its degeneration, it is destined to be this unusual Dan medicine.

Moreover, Saint Pindan medicine is still on top of Saint Pindan medicine. Since the war of Tai Gu, there have been few Empire Powers in the world, and those who can really produce Saint Pindan medicine are almost completely extinct. No one knows if anyone else in the world can produce Saint Pindan medicine, but at least since these endless years, even Empire Powers have been like Phoenix Lin Horn.

So, Saint Pindane is rarer than those who are stronger than the Empire, just like the legacy of the ancient world. In today's age, it has long been history.

In the eyes of Jiangdu, the horror of Saint Pindane is self-evident, and the more they combine Saint Pindane, the more they feel a little trembling, perhaps because Saint Pindane is so terrible, even disturbing.

Jiang Dun knows that this is by no means his illusion, that it seems like a small and luscious Dan medicine, at this moment, like a floodplain giant beast, constantly devouring the medicine they smelt, taking it as their own, constantly growing themselves, so that Jiang Dun feels that he may be eaten by this sacred medicine at any time.

At this moment, the phagocytosis that accompanies the development of Dan medicine also seems to be more sensitive and more frightening.

“Harder, we're just a little short. ”

Dan Qiusheng sighed and could not help but spend his life fixing this pill.

Under the madness of nine people, this St. Pindan drug finally showed an unprecedented sense of terror, like an awakening demon, a hundred times crazier than before.

“Going to make it? ”

“Is this the moment to witness a miracle? ”

“It's so exciting. ”

Everyone is quite excited because they are the only witnesses to the completion of the restoration of St. Pintain's medicine, and although not refined by them, they are reborn because of them!

At this time, the pill suddenly turned into a purple cloud of smoke, covered in smoke clouds, and turned into a huge, incredibly fat man, big enough, incredibly powerful, with tiny eyes, looking cold at the people around him, seemed to be full of guard.

“I never thought I'd see the sun again. It's been too long. It's been so wonderful to feel so full. ”

The big fat man with purple skin stretched a lazy waist, beat a lazy face, said lazily, the voice mixed with a hint of shade and ghost charm, eyes, also gradually changed color.

“I really want to thank you very much. ”

St. Pindan's lazy remarks that its hands are like bamboo poles, extremely thin and completely inconsistent with its magnificent body.

“Hahaha, Saint Pindan medicine is a lifetime of luck for us. It is a great joy to be able to completely repair Saint Pindan medicine. ”

“Yeah, this Holy Pindant is really different, even... it's kind of cute, hahaha. ”

“You're right, this time the Apocalypse Emperor will not harm us. ”

Everyone's eyes are full of excitement, whether it be St. Pindan's or the Apocalypse Emperor they are about to face, will bring them to the top of their lives.

But at this moment, Jiang Dun is a frown lock, because he has not relaxed his vigilance at all times, before that feeling is getting stronger and stronger, this big fat man's eyes, is also getting weirder and weirder, makes people feel cold and smile, it doesn't seem silly cute at all, more like a conspiracy for a long time, gives people a feeling of indecipherability and uncertainty.

“From now on, I, Danqiu, must become a bull-hearer of the Wudan Palace! ”

“I must surpass my father, and I must become the most powerful alchemist in the world. ”

“Nobody can stop me, I have to make the only sacred pindant in the world. ”

Everyone is staring at the ‘foolishness’ of St. Pindan's medicine, and everyone is laughing. This fixes St. Pindan's medicine, which is not difficult for them, the most powerful alchemists in the world.

“Yes, from now on, I'm you, you're me. Huh. ”

Big fat man laughed and said, Jiang Du's pupils are tight at this moment, because he clearly saw, and he was already prepared, the big fat man bamboo rod-like arm, instantly the hole penetrated the heart of two Wudan Palace Alchemist elders, there is nowhere to escape even the soul, they didn't even think, the big fat man laughing, so-called Saint Pintern medicine, would actually wipe them out, even swallow them.

In Dan Qiusheng's view, this adorable St. Pindan medicine actually sees them as fragrant.


“How is that possible? ”

Dan Qusheng and the other three people of Wudan Palace, their faces suddenly changed and their subconscious retreated, but those two years old friends, already on the long and thin arm of Saint Pindan's medicine, were choked down by him, a bite stuck in his mouth, gabba chewed up, accompanied by the sound of fractures, like the feeling of eating brittle bone, everyone was not cold chestnut.

Jiang Dunhui looked at the scene with a palpitation. If it had not been for his readiness, I'm afraid the candy gourd was just three people. Everyone was in a hurry to breathe and became a cold sweat. This scene is so weird, who would have thought that the previous moment was just a chubby big doll, but it erupted in a flash, and it was directly creepy.

“It's delicious. You have an unparalleled fragrance of medicine on you, flesh and bones. The smell on you is my favorite. The guy who brewed me was my first meal, but unfortunately, you're far from that. But it's okay, in the future, I'll be you, and you'll be me, and the melting of water and milk feels really good. Huh. ”

Holy Pindant laughed and said, from the first adorable big fat man to the now frightened demon, it only took a second.

“Crazy, this guy's crazy. ”

Wang Dagang looked pale, unconsciously backed away, this horror of Saint Pindan medicine, completely unexpected, between the hands, is the guy who wiped out two and a half steps of empire, how strong is it?

“What are we gonna do? ”

Murong flying geese pupil flashed constantly, subconsciously said, constantly backing away, there was no point in trying to resist at all, because it was so powerful, they had no idea that after the restoration of this sacred pindant drug, it would become such a horrible demon.