Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4155 Wang Lin

Dragon 13 is not polite with Jiangdu, put away the source of the wind, and Jiangdu gave it to him, it is the source of the wind in the four heavens of Tianyuan Realm. This grade is still useful for Dragon 13. If it is lower, it will be of little use.

Of course, for Dragon 13, the most important thing is not the source of the wind, but the inheritance of the eternal monkey in the body. Now the spiritual beads are agitated, the external energy of the source of the wind can effectively stimulate the spiritual beads. In this way, it can cause the energy in the spiritual beads to be re-excited, so that Dragon 13 can be mended and promoted to the heavenly realm in five days.

Although Jiangdu did not fear this Wang Lin at all, it would be best if Dragon 13 could defeat Wang Lin himself, so that the Kirin Province could see the potential of Dragon 13. Today, they have been targeted, especially Dragon 13, because the Fire Eye Golden Eye sees through the people of the Pokémon, so it is the first target to be targeted.

Therefore, only the brighter performance of Dragon 13 can bring to the attention of the high level of Kirin Province that the creation of love is the heart and plays a certain protective role for Dragon 13, which Jiang Dun wants to see.

The battle with Queen Lin is a long and dangerous process, in which Dragon XIII is an absolute and indispensable help and combat force.

Besides, when the three brothers came to the eternal world together, Jiangdu naturally wanted to see the dragon 13 become more and more powerful.

“I went to shut down and refine the source of these winds, and then Wang Lin came and called me, and I beat him to death with a stick. ”

Dragon 13 said arrogantly, then went into the room and started refining the source of the wind.

“Brother Jiang, in my opinion, let Miss Er know. Wang Lin is not easy to deal with. Moreover, if it gets loud, it is not good to end the scene. ”

Zhao Xuan said with some concern.

“No problem, no fear. ”

Jiang Dun smiled, their brothers had not experienced anything, the liveliness of a Kirin province in the district, can still be put together.

Besides, it is obviously targeted now. Even if Miss Er were to come, it would be difficult to resolve the problem.

Moreover, Jiangdust is not a person who likes to trouble others. It can usually be solved by itself. Since it has been targeted, it must be made a scene. The bigger the scene, the better. Anyway, the whole emperor is now flooded with dark tide. Since Jiangdust has come, let this dark tide gradually emerge.

There will certainly be more trouble in the future. Since it is destined not to calm down, it doesn't matter. Start with Kirin House, a little bit.

In the room, Dragon 13 refined some of the source of wind a whole brain, this strong foreign energy, under the guidance of Dragon 13, violently stimulated the spirit beads in the body, stimulated the inheritance of the eternal ape.

In fact, Dragon 13 has now reached a critical point, relying solely on the energy brought by the source of the wind is almost enough for him to break through, not to mention the inherited energy of the eternal ape.


Dragon 13's body emitted a buzzing sound, the surrounding energy turbulence is very intense, which itself is in the heavenly realm four heavenly peaks repair, at this moment began to loosen, towards the heavenly realm five heavenly shocks.

Promoting two levels a day in a row can only be described by perverts, not to mention that Dragon 13 itself has the power to kill people at a higher level, and that it is genius who kills at a higher level. Simply saying that Dragon 13 is a horrible promotion speed to the opposite day is enough to make Kirin Province senior officials treat him differently.

In other courtyards, Zhao Xuan and others did not leave. Although Jiang Dun has indicated that they do not need to go to this mess, they still have not left. They are all people who are very kind. If they leave now, do they still have a face?

After all, their lives were saved by the river and dust. Without them, they would have died in the sky of hurricanes. Where else would they stand and talk?

Moreover, they are not afraid of Wang Lin. Wang Lin naturally depends on the mountain. They also rely on Miss Er.

In fact, whether or not they lean on the mountain, they can't leave at this time. The thing about Jiangdu, it's their thing. Jiangdu is in trouble, and they go to the soup to make fire, no matter what.

Indeed, shortly after Tan Qing and their departure, before and after about half an hour, a super strong momentum fell from the sky and came directly to the other courtyard.

The visitor looked twenty-five and six years old, wearing a yellow robe, strong and full of arrogant flames between the eyebrows, his cultivation reached the peak of the six heavens of Tianyuan Realm, seven heavens from Tianyuan Realm, is just a step away.

Needless to say, this must be Wang Lin, the third superexistence among the middle disciples of Kirin Province, both talented and talented, is first-class, even first-class.

Coming with Wang Lin, there are also five or six masters of the heavenly realm of five heavenly heavens, all middle-sized disciples of the Kirin province, one arrogant, and his eyes are about to float over his head.

At the same time, a number of disciples came this way, after all, there had been some movement before this side, and the fact that Tan Qing had been knocked out had spread throughout the middle region in half an hour.

Nowadays Wang Lin personally appeared, naturally attracting a lot of audiences, this is the world, whenever, wherever, the least needed is to watch the play, wherever there is liveliness, wherever there is people.

“Go, watch the noise, I heard that the dragon 13 knocked out Tan Qing, now that Brother Wang Lin is here, it's a good show. ”

“I go, now the new disciple is so arrogant, is that the dragon 13 who killed Zhu Zheng? You can beat people up when you get to Kirin, but Tan Qing has nothing to do with them. I hear that Miss Long 13 and Miss Er have a good relationship. This place is specially arranged by Miss Er. But think about it. This is a first-class residence in the middle region. Even Brother Wang Lin, ranked third, has not been able to live in it. Why are they here? ”

“Tan Qing should have been instructed by Brother Wang Lin to go to trouble. Otherwise, give Tan Qing more nerve and don't dare to go to Miss Er's friend's trouble. ”

“It was said, go and see, Brother Wang Lin is not so good to mess with. The famous genius of Kirin Province is greatly valued by Kirin Province. Even more so, there is a master master at the star level to support him. This is the end of Dragon 13. Even if he kills Dragon 13 as Brother Wang Lin's status and status, I'm afraid he won't have any trouble. ”

A Taoist shadow came this way, almost leaking the water from the other courtyard to the surrounding area, something unseen, directly vacated, looked inside the other courtyard, scared to miss something good.