Dragon Prince Yuan

Chapter 967? Group Movements

Deep in the statue, the skeletal remains, like crystals, hold the position of a disc seat, and the vast and pure source of gas releases constantly from the source.

Zhou Yuan's heart looked at the ruin, which should have been a strong source of infancy before his death, because on top of the ruin, he did not feel any fluctuations in any jurisdiction.

And the legacy of the powerful in jurisdictions is bound to be even more terrifying.

I wonder if the most ancient and immense statue, deep, will have the remains of the powerful in the realm?

The vast source of gas, as if it had been deepened into the ocean in the depths of the statues, where there was a tailfish, the swimming fish were crystal clear, and the fish scales were slightly colored.

It's not a fish tour... it's a congenial machine.

So many, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds

Ultimately, however, he did not ingest these congenital spiritual machines because of the precious value of time, which he had to use to penetrate the Ninth Shrine, and by the time he succeeded, nature would be able to compete at that most ancient statue.

The innate spiritual machine inside that statue is certainly far from comparable here.


There was a decision in his heart, Zhou Yuan no longer hesitated, a source gas gushed from his body, quickly came to the deep and unpredictable source gas ocean, the source gas spinning over the ocean, as if a tornado had formed.


The storm spins like a dragon absorbing water. Since then, a huge stream of source gas has been drawn from the ocean. It runs straight up the storm. Finally, it continuously flows into the circumferential body.


And when that vast and pure source gas poured into the body, the body of the circumference suddenly shook, the purity of the source gas, almost without too much refining, was transformed by the transparent color, into the green gold color of the town, the heavenly Qi.

Zhou Yuan manipulated that vast and endless source of gas to rush directly into the shrine, and then didn't hesitate to brush hard against the ninth shrine barrier.


In the Shinto shrine, the source of gas surged, low and heavy roaring, like thunder raging.

And when that barrier was constantly weakened, Zhou Yuan's mind suddenly moved, because this time, he felt a sense of repression coming out of the Ninth Reign Hall...

There, there is something that is blocking the opening of the Ninth Shinto Palace.

This is extremely confusing to Zhou Yuan, something he has never heard of, is someone secretly doing something to him?

But it's unlikely, after all, the Ninth Reich has been in some kind of closed state since its birth, even the Zhou Yuan master can't enter, want to be hands and feet, how easy is it to talk?

Left thinking right, without an answer, Zhou Yuan can only bite his teeth once. Whatever it is, he can't believe it. With the help of the remains of a strong infant, he can't connect the ninth shrine of the district today!

By the time the Ninth Reich is through, he will know what it is!


In my mind, Zhou Yuan immediately increased the intake of gas, pounding more and more, and a huge source of gas began to pour wildly into my body...

Under the perfusion of this source gas, the circumferential body begins to faintly expand at this time, and some terrible source gas comes out of the body, almost forming a source gas turbulence around the body.

Under the near-barbaric source gas of Zhou Yuan, the Ninth Shinto Wall began to fade gradually. At this speed, it was thoroughly penetrated, and it should be only a matter of time.


And when the Zhou Yuan made every effort to travel through the Ninth Shinto Palace, the ancient stone statue at the deepest depths of the stars was also in great motion.

Zhao Mushen, Wuyao, Su Xiaowei and three others almost at the same time penetrated the source gas film, then flashed, appeared on the top of the head of that ancient stone statue.

The three men present themselves in a triangular position and stand guard against each other.

They were almost the most prominent people in Mixed Wontian's life, so when this scene of confrontation between the three of them appeared, even under the chaotic stars, there were countless sighing eyes.

Of the three, Zhao Mushen was the first to become famous, and he was still the kind of amazing person to know, so from the first day of his fame, he firmly occupied the first place on the list of shrines.

Wu Yao and Su were slightly later, but the reputation of the two women was no weaker than that of Zhao Mushen.

Wu Yaozhi's strength lies in her challenges. After stepping into the realm of the Shinto shrine, she experienced countless battles, no defeat, and even rumours that she had challenged those who were strong in the heavens and the sun. Although she did not win, she also withdrew.

In contrast to Wuyao's powerful strength, Su Xiaowei appeared much more gentle, but no one dared to underestimate her because in the Mixed Wontian shrine, she should be the first to theorize about the source of gas.

At this point, even Zhao Mushen can only worship the wind.

Mutated Ten Divine Palaces, rare in the world!

The three of them had no previous record of dealing with each other. Only Wu Yao and Su Xiaowei once had a shallow touch, but they did not distinguish between victory and defeat.

So when the three of them confronted each other at this moment, these people who were present, even those who were strong in jurisdictions outside the crash, gave a very exciting look.

All three are pride in their own domains, and in the future they may even touch the boundaries of the jurisdictions and become the true pillars of the top beams of all domains.

So there was a little bit of interest in their touch, even them.

Outside this ancient stone statue source gas film, Wang Xi, full of bloody redhead hair, stood in the void. He looked at the three confronted men and passed a glimmer in his eyes, which prompted him to take a deep breath.

His body suddenly abandoned its resistance, leaving him squeezed out by the source gas film.

He stood outside the source gas film and sat on an empty disk.

The faint red circle emanated from his body, and Wang Xi's hair became darker red at this time, as if blood was dripping and flowing.

An intense blood brawl, gradually brewing, converging, becoming stronger.

When someone saw this scene, he was shocked and couldn't help but lose his voice: “Wang Xi is the“ Blood Shayan Scripture ”in the Blood Sea! ”

“Once the procedure is performed, your own blood begins to burn, causing infinite pain, but once it is tolerated, it will also increase your strength...”

“But it's said that if you want to climb to the top, you can increase it by killing and fighting. Tsk, Tsk. Wang Xi is brewing the killing, and he's here. Anyone who dares to stain the first statue has to go through him...”

“Once Wang Xi's killing power reaches its peak, he can break the source gas film, rush into the first stone statue, and compete with the three Zhao Mushen! ”

“...... ”

Numerous astonishing voices were sounding, and the Nine Domains Congress reached this stage, and it was time for a group of males to exhaust their means.

However, it is unlikely that anyone who ends up being the biggest winner, even those in jurisdictions outside the crash, will be able to give a clear conclusion.

Everything will have to wait for the dust to settle before everyone can know if the old king will not fall or if the new king is in this world...