Dream Life - Life in the Other World of Dreams

Lesson 53: The Study of the Prosthetic Hand

January 14th.

He met with Professors Kittley Erbain and Lionel Raspade at his alma mater, the Tilia School of Magic.

It's lunchtime, so I'm going back to the inn once.

With Liddy and Sharon, Beatrice, Mel and Sophia had told the Adventurers Guild for the transfer process, and Nicholas and the others were going to the realtor's McCloud Chamber of Commerce to rent a house, which they had decided to gather at lunch in advance in order to gather information together.

Beatrice and the others had already returned to the inn with only simple procedures and information-gathering.

"Did you have any information," he asked.

"I didn't have much information. It feels the same as before," replies Beatrice.

"We talked about putting them in the mountains for a third grade equivalent demon. Fun...... huffy," says Sophia.

Sophia is a beautiful girl who works well as a deep-window maid if she sits silently.

I wonder if that seventeen-year-old girl seems happy to hear there's an august big guy. Well, there's another sister, Seraphine, so I'm giving up.

Nicholas and I meet up when we talk like that.

"I was introduced to a property with good terms. She said that it would be available around three o'clock. We've talked about the horses by renting commercial guild stables…"

The McCloud Chamber of Commerce still seemed to have given me a convenience, and they were able to rent a house close to the old town.

After lunch, take Nicholas and two civilians into the Old Town and look for teaching materials.

They say Beatrice and the others will be at the Adventurer Alliance training ground until 3: 00, and me and Sharon will accompany Nicholas.

Head to the bookstore you used to hike with.

The bookstore manager, who remembers me, responded, and I was able to get books on magic relatively cheaply.

However, we did not have the necessary number of copies in stock and it took about three days to deliver.

I feel uncomfortable that it will be aligned in just three days. Because books in this world are often handmade and delivery times are often on a monthly basis.

When I asked him about it, he told me with a laugh.

"You invented typographical printing. There is a certain amount of material in this hand every year, so they make it in large quantities using hard copy printing under the policy of the Mage Guild. It takes three days to check the Alliance's inventory and process it."

A large number of books, such as textbooks and standard reference books, have been printed in large quantities and cost reduced. They say this is a measure that Worgman took when he was chairman.

I'll buy the other materials I need. I had some of the products from order production, but I plan to align them in about ten days.

"Master Zach was helpful with me. It would have taken us a few days just to get around the store."

Civilians are also nodding that Nicholas said so.

"If you can afford it on a budget, why don't you also buy the textbooks you use at the School of Magic? More kids will be taking exams from now on, and with me and Sharon, we can teach them in the village."

"Right...... the book is extraordinarily cheaper than before, so go ahead and buy it besides the textbooks. I was just hoping to get more books in the library."

The school in the village of Rasmore has a library. There are only about two hundred books in stock and they are always on loan.

It will be 3 pm and we will head to the rented house.

Seven or eight minutes from the old town gate, on the mountainside of the new town, conveniently located to enter the woods.

There was also a six-room plus dining kitchen, plus a room with drainage facilities that seemed to have been a work place, which was bigger than I thought.

Behind the house, water was drawn from the mountains, and it seems that it was originally a workshop where dyeing was carried out, and the backyard is bigger than I thought.

"You had a good spot available," he asked.

"The previous resident was a dye artisan, and he suddenly got sick, and he moved quickly at the end of the year. So much so that Mr McCloud also said it was miraculous that he was found at this time. One gold coin a month at this size, so I think you're really lucky."

One gold coin is 100 krona, about 100,000 yen in Japanese yen. Furniture such as tables, chairs and bedding are also available, as are pots and dishes. I don't know the details, but I just said about half of the price.

I guess McCloud lent it to me for cheap because I'm the other guy, too.

Of course, he was allowed to install a bath, which he magically made while he was unpacking.

The information will then be refined to determine the course of action to be taken from the next day.

"Tomorrow, but me and Sharon, Nicholas, are going to Dr. Raspade's lab. Probably should be held for the whole day. Liddy and the others are going into the mountains."

"Yeah, because it's Sophia's hope"

Sophia had offered to train in the mountains about a day's distance from here. There's information that a tertiary equivalent troll has emerged, and he wants to head for that crusade.

In addition to Liddy, he will be accompanied by Beatrice and Mel, and his squire Jerry Evatt and Larry Grieve.

We're both twenty-two years younger than me. Young but a level thirty-nine and thirty-seven swordsman, I have no problem getting into the mountains.

The two civil servants are to go through the process of purchasing teaching materials.

The next day, after finishing my morning workout, I head to Dr. Raspade's lab.

I have looked through Mr. Kitley's paper during last night, but I hope he still understands it.

That's why I'm not going to Mr. Kitley's lab today, I'm just going to Dr. Raspade's lab.

The teacher waited in the lab because he had told them beforehand. I usually read literature and write papers, but it feels like my prosthetic hand I made is nodding because I want to see it fast.

The greeting also shows Nicholas' prosthetic hand there and gives an explanation.

"... send in the wind with this magic formation to secure it with this metallic magic formation..."

He's listening with a nod to my explanation.

At the end of the whole explanation, the teacher asks a series of questions.

"… to what extent does it work as you wish?... How much magic do you use?... um, how did this part draw the magic formation..."

Me and Nicholas will answer, but the last one felt like I was thinking aloud rather than asking questions.

When the questioning attack calmed down, I now began to verify it by comparing the paper I had written to the real thing.

"Move your index finger... move your finger as fast as you can... will you hold this book..."

Nicholas responds to the teacher's demands with a scratch of sweat.

Around 3 p.m., the teacher nodded satisfactorily to see if he could confirm the whole

"This magic prop is very well made. Especially the fact that you can have multiple controls in one magic formation is great!" and admired,

"This part uses the knowledge gained from that magic formation, but very few people will be able to understand this theory. Perhaps in the next few years, it will be the focus of the researchers' attention."

So I made my expression tough,

"It's about yesterday's magic formation, but that one is very unique. I let you read your paper, but it's hard to say I understood. I'd like to see that real thing, but is that possible?"

Shake your head sideways at the doctor's inquiry.

"I've never seen the real thing either. I don't know where I am right now, and I think it's hard."

"You don't know where you are now, which means you're not from the past. Can you tell me who that owner is?"

I regret saying it the wrong way. When I explained yesterday, I only said “a certain person," and I was able to wind up in smoke with the nuance of the deceased's things.

"I am also a person I have never met, and I will tell you my name without my consent..."

"Uhm......" the teacher thinks.

"Isn't that yours, Archrite?

I'm surprised at that question, and I have no words.

"I have dealt with you and your puppet's magic props in Periclitle. Despite his right-handedness, magic was often activated with his left hand. I didn't think in depth then that I would be just a habit or going to manipulate a weapon with my right hand, but I also feel like I was trying not to show my left hand all the time. I don't think that's because researchers like me didn't want to see it."

Someone who gets through the attitude of not missing one thing when it comes to research, but I didn't think Dr. Raspade was even observing humans.

"We are unable to answer your question at this time. I'm sure the time will come to talk, including where the information comes from…"

That's what clouds the word.

"Uhm. If you're gonna talk to me sooner or later, let's forget about it now"

That's what I say and smile at, but I've immediately returned the topic to research.

"It's a magic formation you couldn't figure out, but I've been looking for something similar to that one. I checked the literature of ancient civilizations as well as modern ones, but couldn't find them. I can actually draw a magic formation to make sure, but it's hard to try something I don't know what the use is. I'd like to hear your opinion first..."

The Magic Formation is for communicating purpose to the Spirit, close to a spell as an image. For this reason, if you don't know what to use, you can't tell them where to do what, and they often don't activate if you draw a magic formation.

For example, there is a "magic prop of lights” that emits light, but drawing a magic formation on a dark cloud doesn't know where the spirits should shine, and it hardly shines. If the purpose is as unclear as this, the power of the Spirit can be lost and even rampant.

"I think we're going to have to decipher it into the tunnel"

"Do you think so, too? I know there's no shortcut to research, but I'm really curious."

I didn't come on that story, so I made improvements to my prosthetic magic team until evening.

My knowledge of magic is based on what I gained in the previous world. I don't know if that's why, but there seems to be something about it that doesn't fit in the details, and fine-tuning it started to move smoothly.

"That's great. It's like your own hands."

That's what Nicholas says and moves his prosthetic arm.

"Lockhart, sometimes your magic formations are great, but I'm pretty sure your powers are heavily influenced"

"What does that mean," Nicholas asked.

"I hear you are a brilliant swordsman. I don't know about swordsmanship, but there are times when concentration is weak. That's all the movement is replicating the feeling of trying to manipulate a prosthetic hand like a sword."

Magic formations are tools (tools) that convey images to spirits, but they are not simply magical tools. If the image is conveyed well, it can show higher effectiveness.

The next day he worked out and looked after the horses in the morning and conducted research on Nicholas' prosthetics in the afternoon.

It would be summed up in the form of a teacher's addition to my thesis, and the study of magic formations, or golems, that simulate the human body, was becoming a theme, rather than just the study of prosthetics.

"... This magic formation is fundamentally different from Golem's. Do you know where that is, Mr. Sharon?

Sharon answers the teacher's questions clearly.

"The Golem mimics the human body, it mimics the willing human body as well. However, this prosthetic hand is not mimicking a person's hand, but allowing them to move closer to the movement of the hand, to be a little more precise, to satisfy the functions required. I think that's the big difference."

"You're right. Previously, when Mr. Lockhart told me about this prosthetic hand, I failed to refer to the Golem's magic formation. The Golem acts according to purpose in itself. You might call it a kind of demon. But demonic props are things that people move by their will. I can't make a golem that people move after understanding this difference or I'm going to study it..."

Looks like Dr. Raspade is looking to develop a passenger golem.

(One of these days, you might be able to have a giant robot. I wish I had a romance but I hope I didn't go in a weird direction......)

I'm not seriously worried about what I think.

Nicholas' right-hand man alone needs a second-degree equivalent of Demonic Crystal Stone. If people wanted to make something to ride, they would need a bunch of first-class equivalent Demonic Crystal Stones.

If I could, it would be like a power-assisted suit as developed into the world of the twenty-first century.

I might be willing to develop it if I knew it like I do, but I'm not really worried because I don't even know if I can get to that idea in the first place.

That evening, the Liddies, who were going to the mountains, returned.

Liddy and Beatrice look tired, but Sophia hugs me with a full grin and tells me how it turns out.

"I defeated the Troll by myself! I was a little scared at first, but I managed! This is the fourth level!

Show the orb as you say so.

"Good for you," he said to Sophia, excited, and to Liddy and his tired expressions, "What happened? I don't think it was enough work".

"This kid got tense and it was hard to take him home. Three of them defeated the Troll and it's still not enough..."

"Because, Sister Lydia," he said, pointing his mouth,

"I got my level up, and I still had time. If I had been here for another hour, I could have defeated the rest of you."

"You knocked down three bodies too...... good luck, guys"

Beatrice replies with a bitter laugh, "Well, I hope Sophia seems to enjoy it, but I didn't feel like watching it."

"I'm not tired at all," Mel chuckles as energetic as ever.

"I could have stayed a little longer if that had been the case. Sister Mel won't forgive me, so I left."

To the words Mel turns off her grin and turns her expression into something harsh.

"You mustn't lick the mountain. Because you can't afford to act without getting stuck in your feet."

Sophia, who was grinning until then at Mel's harsh words, nods her neck and apologizes "I'm sorry".

"It's a punishment that was floating. Do thirty minutes of bareback before you eat."

"Yep..." he said, complaining.

"Because if I piss off Sister Mel, I'm scared..." he muttered to himself, then he said, "Okay," and headed into the backyard.

Everyone on the spot erupted in unison at the look of it.