Driver of The Beautiful CEO

Chapter 197 Superstar Li Feiyu

Li Feiyu, a Chinese movie star and an amphibious star, now has more than 100 million Weibo followers, and is a real trafficker.

She debuted at the age of 22, when her personal original album was sold, the physical album sold more than 5 million copies, and the number of online downloads exceeded 100 million;

At the age of twenty-four, he appeared in a Hollywood blockbuster and won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress;

At the age of 25, he won the Golden Lion Award for Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival with another film;

Twenty-six-year-old's second original album, physical album sales exceeded 10 million, and the mv of the seven songs in the album exceeded 10 billion clicks worldwide, nearly 2 billion...

In her six years of debut, she has performed three original albums, made four films, and won numerous music and film awards at home and abroad.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Feiyu has now become a real international superstar, and is also the hottest young generation star in China today. Her influence and appeal in the market today are unparalleled, and it can be called Huaxia. Star first person.

How red is she now?

According to incomplete statistics, one in every three people in China is a fan of Li Feiyu.Even Liu Yanbo, an old antique that doesn’t chase stars, is very familiar to her. Although he hasn’t heard her songs or watched her movies, if you ask him who is the hottest star in China now——

There is no doubt: Li Feiyu.

If you can invite such a star to be an advertising spokesperson, there is no need to make assumptions and there will be no accidents. Bai Yulu will inevitably be known to most people overnight, and will be upgraded from the now unknown to instant scar removal Star brand in medicine.

But it is not an easy task to invite such a star to be an advertising spokesperson, especially Li Feiyu, it is almost as difficult as going to the sky, because she has set herself a "four unprinciples" since her debut- —

Do not shoot TV series;

Do not make kisses

No variety shows;

Do not shoot commercials, but she will receive some really meaningful public service advertisements.

Therefore, Ji Ruyan's proposal to invite Li Feiyu is certainly the best. After all, in China, which manufacturer does not want to invite this superstar to be a spokesperson for his brand?

But this proposal is also the boldest and most unrealistic.

Intimidation and temptation, both hard and soft?

Stop it.

Although Li Feiyu did not openly discuss her background in front of the media, many people know that she is a red-haired three generations of grandchildren, grandparents and grandparents are all founders of outstanding achievements, although the two old people have already After their deaths, their contribution to the country during their lifetime was enough to cover their descendants.

It is said that Li Feiyu's father has a very high status in the military. It can be said that he is a father. Her mother is also from a domestic business tycoon's family, so if anyone dares to give her the unspoken rules of the entertainment circle. , So is it different from finding death?

As long as Li Feiyu doesn't want to do it herself, it is estimated that there is no way for her to be the spokesperson?

Anyway, Yin Hanruo didn't think they could use Li Feiyu to be the advertising spokesperson for Bai Yulu, but since Ji Ruyan proposed it, she must not have been guilty of it, and she should have a plan in mind.So he asked: "Boss Ji, you must have heard of the four principles of Li Feiyu. Do you still have a way to persuade her to change the principles and act as our spokesperson?"

"I am also a fan of hers. I don't know her four principles!" Ji Ruyan replied: "Li Feiyu said that she wouldn't shoot commercials, but she had received public service ads before, we We can start from this aspect, for example, we can promise to her that every time a bottle of Baiyulu is sold, we will donate ten dollars to the hope project of the country. Or we may set up a non-profit organization to invest part of Baiyulu’s profits. Ask her to do supervision, and even let her send someone to manage the operation. The salary of the management staff will be paid by us Chengmin Pharmaceutical."

"Although the chances of doing so are not high, it is at least worth trying." Ji Ruyan pursed her lips and asked, "Mr. Yin, what do you think?"

Under such a big blood?

But if you can really invite Li Feiyu to be the spokesperson, it must be worth it.

Her appeal in the market today is really unparalleled. Maybe those who originally had only a small humble scar, and those men who regard all scars as honors, it was impossible to buy Baiyulu to remove scars. But if this product is the endorsement of their goddess, I will surely follow the trend to buy a wave.

This is a value that is visible to the naked eye, as well as hidden value—

Love the house and Wu!

That is to say, as long as Li Feiyu has become Bai Yulu's advertising spokesperson, maybe the black ink cream no longer needs another spokesperson, and he can be famous.

Two birds with one stone?

This is indeed the case, of course, the premise is that they can persuade Li Feiyu to do this endorsement.

Yin Hanruo lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked up at Shangguan Qingmeng. As for Liu Yanbo, she directly ignored it and asked, "Qingmeng, what do you think?"

"I think I can try it." Shangguan Qingmeng agreed.

Then she smiled, and then said: "As long as you can persuade Li Feiyu to be the spokesperson, don't say selling a bottle and donating ten yuan, or donating twenty yuan. Anyway, we have not yet priced to open the market. When it's really sold, the price will increase by ten yuan or twenty yuan."

No business and no rape, this is the benchmark of businessmen.

Although the words behind Shangguan Qingmeng are not good, she is also a true portrayal of today's business community.

In today's market, whichever marked the purchase of a piece by the customer, the merchant donated a few cents to the goods for the project. Several merchants really took their money from their own pockets, and most of them did not let customers pay.

Of course, the original intention of merchants to do business is to make profits, not to be good.Therefore, as long as it is not a speculative and disorderly behavior that is willing to sell or buy, even if everyone knows it well, others will not control you--

It's a normal marketing method.

No, even Yin Hanruo, an outstanding young entrepreneur in Haishi, didn't think there was anything wrong with what Shangguan Qingmeng said, but nodded: "Then try it according to what Bo Ji said."

Three women and one drama, they still have to sing a big drama.

Have an idea, decisive enough, bold, and...

Liu Yanbo began to wander the ballpoint pen again, whispering with his head down: "It really is a group of prostitutes."


The drugs have not yet been sold. Yin Hanruo has already paid a lot of future advances in advance. The promise to the military and the plan to impress Li Feiyu now are all necessary means, but This costly posture is indeed a bit of a suspicion of losing prosperity-

Ok.At least for Liu Yanbo, a lazy man who doesn't understand business, this is the case.


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