Dungeon Defense (WN)

00103 King and General

It was a silent mix-up.

Every time Barbato treads the grass, the earth quakes weakly. Five thousand monsters deliberately assisted Barbatos. Even if they did not cry out loud to seek an ambush, they insisted to their master by walking together like this. We will prevail.

Barbato smiles.

“My lovely children. ”

She wasn't always the Black Wizard. The creature leans on its own weapon and plunges into the pit of the Spear Blade. She is strong. She survives the death of her companion and his men. All the comrades who had sworn an eternal war with her had died, and she was the only survivor.

Since then, Barbatos has struggled to revive his allies.

For the first time in my life, I encountered magic. I failed again and again because I had no talent. Moreover, dark magic was extremely tricky, and traditions were rare, both in the spirit and in the human world. But Barbatos didn't give up. Because they believed they still had more to live for. To die by chance on the battlefield, by arrows to protect my colleagues, by foolish commands -- and for such trivial causes, they were so dazzling, so strong, and beautiful.

So I make them breathe forever.

Barbatos throws down his sword for them. I didn't hesitate. Instead of the weapon that has kept her standing, I have chosen a companion to join her in the future. She resurrects one of her pawns as an immortal monster. Now, among the monsters walking through Austerlitz's mist, no mere zombie was born at her fingertips, and no monster ever went through an honorable battlefield with her.

I wonder how far the fog has gone.

The wind blows somewhere, and the fog slowly lifts. The sun came up.

At that time, the Royal Prince Rudolf von Habsburg, Fritz von Rosenberg's change bag, and Ferdinand von Valentine's mercenary commander were watching the situation at the military barracks. A contact jumps into the barracks. He even forgot to salute.

“Woe, Your Royal Highness! ”

“That's rude. Since when did the Imperial Army become so strong?" ”

The liaison officer raised his arm to show some respect. His heart flutters as he makes his long jump. The liaison officer said without holding his breath.

“Hostiles... they're coming up ahead!" ”

“Enemy forces have appeared? ”

The Crown Prince narrows his eyes. The person who appointed this idiot as their liaison officer pushes forward.

“Come to your senses! You should report where you've appeared and how many troops the enemy has!" ”

“Get out…… hurry outside…! ”

The Crown Prince kicks his tongue. The man in front of me was speechless. The Crown Prince leaves the barracks flailing his cloak. Von Rosenberg's change bag and Von Valentine's mercenary commander followed. They head for the hillside and look down.

“What do I see……. ”

There was fog everywhere. The fog lifts slowly. And when the sun started to shine on Austerlitz, the black shins of the monsters appeared in the fog. It was a vicious foot that looked like its flesh had been smeared. At first, it was one foot. Soon there were two. It didn't take long for it to become a hundred, a thousand feet.

Jubbuck, and the ground shook.

Soon, the monsters fully pierce the fog and reveal themselves. There was a lot of thumping. A sign representing the Demon King in the eighth rank was leading with a massive force. The weapon with the crown of death was written in the Ancient Empire language. Valkyries, march for eternity.

Thereafter, the eleven armor fluttered. It wasn't the devil's army. It was once a symbol of the Near Crisis Society of humanitarian nations. The Blue Marble Knights, the Red Eagle Knights, the Cross Knights, the Golden Horse Knights, the Iron Shield Knights, the Silver Lily Knights, the Iron Knights, the Rhine Alliance Knights, the Free-Foreign Knights, the Green Deer Knights, the Helvetica Lion Knights. Now, the ruined and vanished empires and the imperial death squads - their symbols were flying.

That is the pride of the legion of the 8th Demon King Barbatos, the leader of the Flatlands.

He has always stood on the front lines of the Moon Blind Army, faced the most powerful death squads of the Knights, and destroyed eleven of them and captured their weapons. Among them, there were empire forces that had been extinct for more than 1,600 years. Let's just say, those nasty, foggy flags over there, haven't flown in over 2,000 years? Stars are scattering their own history in the wind.

A zombie growls.

Here we are, the undefeated and immortal army.

The Skeleton Soldier complains of Mana's waves.

Here we are, marching forever, Valkyrie Ginger.

Five thousand undead monsters call out to the army in a very low voice, like a pipe organ. It was the voice that dug deepest into the skull. They fought 700 battles large and small, pushed eleven nations to their doom, and now they long to add eleven back to twelve.

Here we are, dead, not dead, and not dead, so the loser doesn't know.

God, look down. Valhalla is right here on the ground ―.

“What the hell! ”

Prince Rudolf takes a breath. Five thousand monsters ascend the Prachen Hills with all their might.

At first, the Crown Prince thought he was seeing things in vain. There are too many monsters nearby. Is this even possible in the beginning? The climate of Austerlitz's mist, the geographical problems that lie in the highlands, and the elite undead monster army, which makes no sound other than footsteps, overlap all these elements, so the Imperial Army did not notice the enemy approaching the front yard.

Monsters were as majestic as funerals. The aura of death emanating from the corpse rises to the top of the hill in an instant. A procession for whom? Who are they raising a mass for?

“Here, my dear bureaucrats. ”

Barbato opens his arms wide.

“Funeral for the Habsburg Empire. ”

The monsters start running screaming. I didn't have to walk quietly anymore. The raid was successful, and the human army fell into terror just six hundred meters ahead. It wasn't just the soldiers who were in chaos. The deputy commander, commander, general, and even the Crown Prince were in utter chaos.

“― Barbato the Immortal! ”

Only Fritz von Rosenberg's million change screamed biting his teeth.

He noticed Barbato's entire strategy the other day. If we stand down here, the entire Imperium will be divided from side to side at the risk of being taken apart. The bag turns to the Crown Prince. Then I shook my head. The Crown Prince opened his mouth and lost his mind somewhere. I couldn't command the army like that. Here, I had to step up.

“Correct the catapult and attack the forward!" ”

“Yes, yes? ”

The nearby commanders nod. Von Rosenberg's change bag used violence against his usual sexual orientation. You strike the commander's fibula with your toes. The commander collapses screaming.

“Where are you selling your mind! Enemies have emerged. Then we will defeat them. That's what the Habsburg Imperial Army is for! Answer me!”

“Well, yes! ”

The commanders line up in a hurry. After decades of training, the formula worked. They feel like they're doing something, even though they just fit into their body movements, with nothing in mind yet. It was enough for the change bag.

“Give the order. The catapult will correct its course and attack the forward! ”


“Captain von Valentine! ”

The Change Bag has summoned the mercenary commander. Until then, Ferdinand von Valentine, the mercenary commander, who stared blankly into the fog, regained consciousness.

“Yes, Earl. You called.”

“Only 20,000 of your mercenaries are currently in charge of the center of our allies. We must never let them get to us. Do you understand? Defend your allies' intentions at your own risk. ”

Von Valentine mercenary commander raises his honor. The best mercenaries in Habsburg, hired for this occasion. The mercenary commander also obeyed the Emperor's emperor, but was willing to take orders because he recognized the skill of the Inner Change Bag.

“Let me show you the notoriety of Landsknecht. Mr. President, we are the continent's strongest. ”

“Hold on as long as you can. Now is the time to battle! An allied force of 10,000 is now dispatched to break through the Demon King's Right Armed Forces. As long as they break through the right, our empire wins. ”


The mercenary commander von Valentine was impressed. It wasn't just to be a meat shield and stop the enemy. I even told them my strategic objectives.

If we block this place until our allies break through to the right, we win, and if we take this place down before our allies break through to the right, we lose. Once there was a goal, the attitude of the commander and the sergeant changed.

“In time, the death squad will be on the move. Understood? We still have backup. Commit yourself to defense with all your might. ”

“I've got orders! ”

The mercenary commander shouted loudly.

The change bag was not just told to the commander of the mercenary army. The commanders were listening to the two generals. I told them. How long do we have to hold out? We are not faced with despair, but we can win if we do well.

High command of the Habsburg Imperial Army quickly escapes the chaos. They ran to their own command unit and recited aloud exactly what von Rosenberg had just said. It spread from commander to deputy officer to sergeant.

“Shivaal, die once, die twice! ”

“Come on, you skeleton bastards! ”

The mercenaries clasp their spears and shout. They were not mercenaries rolling around like a bunch of towns, but elite soldiers who were under Von Valentine's command, scouring the battlefield on the continent. Our loyalty to our country has only changed to our loyalty to our employers, and more precisely, our loyalty to our money.

The mercenary commander appropriately said, "If you succeed in this defense, I'll give you 100 gold! ’I told them. It was a spontaneous idea, but it worked for the soldiers. Unlike the other mercenary commanders, Ferdinand von Valentine has never broken a wage promise before. If he wants to lose 100 gold, he's really down 100. The mercenaries were brave enough to call in the troops.

“Earl! Sorry, but the catapult is not available. ”

“Can't get an angle. ”

The change bag disturbed my admission. Enemy forces are getting too close. This is why the catapult couldn't blow the rocks. Unless you want to squash your allies with a pile of rocks.

“But we can stop it. Stand by for the nearest squad in the rear. ”

“Yes, Mr. President! ”

The Liaison Officer reports on the situation of each unit from time to time.

Important news, however, is yet to be delivered on the 10,000 Central Army bound for the Demon King's right-hand side. You'd be in combat by now. Approximately 20,000 troops were deployed to the Demon King's right-hand side. They had to burst…… Von Rosenberg's change bag stares forward, his two fists burning.