Dungeon Defense (WN)

00152 Era of Tyrants

The overwhelming bombers silenced people.

Abandon the system with 500 years of glory. Citizens of the capital who live in that glory are driven away like wild animals. Furthermore, he digs the tomb of the former emperor and pays money for it.


Kurz swallowed a saliva. The same words were touching the heads of the generals sitting in the barracks.

Someone said in a cool silence.

“…… I know how wise Her Highness is about his soldiers. ”

Kurz quickly turns his head. There was Baron Wittenmeyer, deputy general. He was famous for his hair whitening even though he was still young. My eyes were always full of fatigue, so I was a spider.

‘The nerd is the general. ’

Kurz kicks his tongue.

It was not just the princess who lived here. Talents from all walks of life were gathered until the Crown Prince, the Second Crown Prince, and the Faction fights took a step back. Among them, Baron Wittenmeyer was a young man who went from a fierce Imperial family to a royal family.

Kurzschleigh Maher seems awkward about Baron Wittenmeyer. The baron was a little overly moral. Kurz was curious about what kind of fun he was born as a man because he had never dated a woman.

“You get up earlier than anyone and sleep later than anyone else. While the soldiers suffer from hunger, foreign commanders boil pigs and enjoy their pleasures, but you only mouth the same foods as the soldiers. ”

“A little hypocrisy. ”

The princess answered without hesitation.

Kurzschleighmacher was impressed by their conversation. The good you do is called hypocrisy. Which leader in the world could do that? Kurz knew that there was a real line in what he called hypocrisy.

Baron Wittenmeyer said.

“Yes, Your Majesty refuses to wear fancy military clothes, and wears black clothes that are scattered like verbs. Bedding in a barracks is also of the same kind as a subordinate officer…… Of course, the plaintiff knows that it is a kind of demonstrative military. ”

“Baron Wittenmeyer! ”

The old man bursts into flames.

“There you go.”

The princess raised her right hand and restrained the longevity. Keep talking. That's what the princess's eyes were saying.

“But just as there are a few lies in every truth, the Complaint believes there are a few truths in every lie. Adjusting its truthfulness and falsehood skillfully…… You may call it hypocrisy, but the warden dares to say it is the virtue of a great monarch. ”

No, the geek is saying nice things.

Kurz's eyes changed. The nerd told Wittenmeyer not to abandon the capital, but to defend the majesty of the empire.

The baron said.

“I dare say that my insight is short. You're more monarch than anyone. He has declared the acts of tyranny...... There must be some understanding in it. The warden wants to know how you're holding up the understanding room. ”

Baron Wittenmeyer looks around the crowd.

“I believe the rest of you, too, will be like me. ”

The baron said, the atmosphere in the barracks changed. In the air of vomiting the Queen Dowager's abuse, I heard the wise one say that, and it turned into air. Each of them looked at the princess with a serious look.

"Wow, what a nerd. ’

Kurzschleighmacher admired, frankly.

The baron was leading the charge on behalf of the others. First, I mocked the virtue of the princess. A little rude. Then the people who were loyal to the Empress were furious. This changed the air in the barracks slightly.

It was a compliment, he said shortly after. Showing the truth appropriately but also concealing the lie appropriately, is the virtue of the monarchy. I thought everyone here would see the world wisely. I really knew it was the virtue of the monarchy.

People agreed with Baron Wittenmeyer during the euphoria. And the same question came to mind... … Why did the Empress order such an act of appetite? What's in it for you?

‘It's so formal that I don't even realize it. ’

Kurz admitted that the nerd changed the mood. Kurz was also waiting for the Queen Dowager's lips to open as soon as she came out of shock.

The Princess Elizabeth said.

“Baron Wittenmeyer. Answer her question. What harm will come to our Habsburg Empire by deserting the capital? ”

“Respect. Surrender the capital has three categories of damage: short-term damage, medium-term damage, long-term damage, and total damage. ”

Baron Wittenmeyer grudgingly replies.

“First of all, the short-term damage is that the public opinion will be at odds right now. Nearly halfway across the country has already been wiped out by the blue-night tactics. Many of the people who lost their homes are gathering near the capital to form a refugee camp. The mood in the vicinity of the capital is already extremely unstable…… If you declare that you will throw away even the capital, which is the symbol of the empire, the people will no longer tolerate it and cause revolt. ”

The other generals nod.

Yes, the people's rebellion was the greatest fear. Usually, it was enough to use an army to suppress it. However, the current situation was not very good.

“The Demon King approaches from the outside, and the people obey. There are still a few of the Crown Prince and the Second Crown Prince. The empire is doomed.”

“What are the mid-term damages? ”

“The administration of the empire is almost completely destroyed. ”

The baron said seriously.

“Administration is not simply a process between fresh and fresh. Where to report up. Where do you work collectively? Where policy initiatives take place. All of that happens in a given place. Leaving the capital…… Even if we defeat the rebels, the Empire will face a very chaotic situation for a while. ”

It was a very flattering speech for the military.

While people nodded again, the princess asked.

“What are the long-term damages? ”

“Humans no longer have the power to resist the Demon Lord. Half a year after the cursed Demon King gave his speech...... Our empire army is better off at all. There is already an outpouring of discord between officers and soldiers in foreign armies. I've heard that even the level of confrontation will not be tolerated. ”

Moaning came from everywhere.

The soldier does not trust the general. I was saving people here more than anyone else. Over the past few months, they have literally been on the front lines to restore soldiers' trust.

Meanwhile, there were not many generals who were killed by Yuxi... If I had not been so humble with my talents and good fortune, I would not be able to sit here now.

Baron Wittenmeyer takes a small breath.

“In that situation, the empire abandons its capital. What is the heavenly world for? The empire that must protect and defend its people flees only to defend the Empire…… The majesty of the country falls to hell. It's not just Habsburg. The whole continent will be disappointed to see that. That's what nobles are like anyway. ”

The Demon Prince actively uses it and eventually humans are pushed from reason, "the baron said.

“The warden wanted to propose a grand finale with you. The people are being evacuated. The imperial empire and nobles remain in the rural capital. Some nobles are trying to escape, but they're being held against their will. and confront the Demon Prince. All the nobles of the Empire will die. The Empire may perish. ”

“ ……. ”

“But the pride of mankind remains. ”

There was silence.

Kurz nods. That's what I thought. I thought it was for the best. From emperor to knight, all nobles died defending the capital.

The nobles and the commoners will unite once again in that glorious destruction. Give flesh and take bones. Only, this time it was just their flesh...... and that was it. Is there any other way?

“That was a great point. Baron Wittenmeyer.”

“It's barren.”

“But for all three damages, Maine can overcome. ”

The shepherds were surprised.

The princess glances slowly at the left with her sinking eyes. It was looking at a distant place, not in front of me.

“The Demon King Dantalian said that the Mainland woman had been unfaithful. Her reputation plummeted. Nevertheless, the chiefs followed me here believing in the Mainland. Therefore, I think you deserve to hear the truth. ”

“ ……. ”

“The Mainlander murdered my brother Robert, the Fourth Prince of Habsburg…… ”

The barracks freeze. Everyone looks at the princess with an unbelievable face and around her.

“That's impossible…… Your Majesty, what is that……. ”

Kurtz couldn't figure out who was talking. Actually, I didn't need to know. It was a voice representing all the people gathered here.

“It was at the age of five that I knew I was different from others. She could see what no one else could. But most people did not see what I saw. And I judged. The empire will perish. ”

The barracks are quiet. They are ominously quiet.

The owner of Habsburg was still the emperor. The emperor, however, was abolished by the Empress. The Second Prince was also imprisoned in a remote tower. The current Empress Elizabeth was practically the ruler of the empire. The most noble man in the empire has brought destruction to his mouth...

“That's exactly what the Demon King Dantalian said. Nobles only think of their own interests. No responsibilities or obligations. Policies are only good for your faction. The Imperial Court treats adultery without any criteria, and loyalty is deported or exiled to rural territory. It's an empire of titles. It's actually a rotten invoice. ”

The princess smiled bitterly.

“I needed a major surgery. I wanted to end the successor quarrel first. At that time, there were six successors besides me. Too many. … I took care of two of them, and Rudolf's brother took care of the other two. ”

“What……! ”

Once again, the barracks tremble in awe.

The princess helped herself.

“It was the same blood. My brother was different from me in every way, but one thing was the same. I was a heretic, too. Perhaps my brother, too, will groan at the bottom of hell. ”

There was loneliness beyond the princess' self-mingled face.

“Robert…… my brother was an outsider. The Grand Duke of Brownsbike stands in the rear. The Grand Duke must lead Robert into battle for desolation. It only interfered with the safety of the empire, a powerful outsider. Therefore, I did not hesitate to kill Robert. ”

“ ……. ”

“He was an innocent child. An empire, an outsider, a child who had yet to come across such a thing. To Robert, I was just a kind sister. In other words, Robert did not die as the fourth prince of Habsburg. I died as Elizabeth's younger brother... ”

The princess smiles faintly.

“The Demon King was right. I'm a disgusting garbage murderer. A monster born solely to protect the Mountain Invoice Empire. That's my nature. ”