Dungeon Defense (WN)

Girl's Times 00311

“Hello. I am Ivar, your new resident. ”

A blonde vampire leans over his waist.

“My role is to broker between Dalian and Parliament on behalf of the Council of Nibbleheim. I am proud of my service and would like to serve you. I want you to feel comfortable calling me Ivar. ”

Oh, man.

The ceremonial applause rings.

10th Floor, Underground at Castle Marwan. This is where only the officers come in and out. Chancellor Lapis, Military Officer Laura, Vigilante Chief Jeremy, Maid of Honor Daisy. They looked at the new guest with caution.

I'm gonna have to give you a hand with this.

“Here, as you introduced, Ivar is the contact of Maia. ”

I put my hand on Ivar's little shoulder.

“The family name cannot be revealed. It's a pretty good bloodline heir. Don't worry, I will vouch for her loyalty. Welcome to the family. ”

Oh, my God!

A little bigger than before.

Yes, Ivar Lothbrok has moved to our castle. I didn't expect this either.

Perhaps Ivar has made some serious decisions since he was forced to kiss me. She burns her purple eyes with an unknown will.

‘My second life was entirely because of the Dantalian. So you should hold me accountable. ’


I welcomed you with open arms. It's not like pumpkin vines are rolling around.

Ivar did not use a different nickname. Ivar himself was a common and common name. No one would look at a blonde girl and think of an old fox in the Kunkusa Parliament.

Laffith raises his right hand.

“Your Grace, what position is Ivar in our Demon King's army?" ”

“Hmmm. Status. ”

I scratched the ball with my finger. Establishing a sequence in an organization has always been an important procedure.

In Rome, we must follow the laws of Rome. No matter how powerful Ivar is, this place is the Dantalian Demon Prince's disciple. If it's true, you should put it in Daisy's assistant, the Maid of Honor.

By the way.

It's a little vague. ’

The true nature of our Demon Lord is Lapis. But Lapis is also part of the Kunkusa Council.

In other words, Ivar is the lowest rank in the order of the Demon King. He is the leader of Lapis, based on the outside world. That's a bold move, Mr. President. It's so twisted even though the sequence is twisted....

Ivar stepped out on his own as I was pondering.

“You said Lazuli Chancellor. Please treat me as the lowest working maid. ”


I looked at Ivar in surprise. Ivar smiles confidently. Is it really okay to be in a position that's so much lower than your people?

─ His Majesty did not tell you. It's not Ivar as a Kunkuska Parish, it's Ivar as just one woman.

Ivar sends a whisper. She was quite adept at magic.

─ If you suddenly disrupt hierarchy on a new subject, you isolate me. I don't want to be jealous of my colleagues who will be staying with me in the future. Please allow me.

No, I don't. If the party says so…….

Ivar takes a step further as I nod tremblingly.

“I don't want to carry the power of the family on my back. I am merely a humble minister of His Holiness, His Holiness. I will work with the mindset to learn from others. ”

“This is the right pose. ”

You nod briefly to see if Laffith is satisfied.

“Maid Daisy. ”

“Yes, Mr. President. ”

“I'll leave Miss Ivar in charge of her education. Once every three days, post a report at 1: 15 pm. Since this is the first time the Grand Chamberlain has ever done this, it will be to evaluate both of you simultaneously. ”

Daisy grabs the edges of her teeth with both hands, impeccably and politely.

“I accept your order. ”

As a result, one person was added to our family.

I was just thinking that.

* * *

Ivar had no complaints about restarting at the bottom.

I was used to it. Ivar Lodbroke once lost his entire family and family, and plunged into the bloodline of a patriarchal society called hell. It was never unusual to build a great council there.

‘It only took a thousand years to take over the Magic Cube with gold. ’

Ivar smiles maliciously in his heart. Nicknamed White Fox with a smile on Nibbleheim.

‘The power of His Majesty Dantalian is great, but only recently did the Gravons grow rapidly. It wouldn't be so great without you. ’

Ivar was dressed as a servant of the Dalian Castle. The white and black servant's clothes were strangely short on skirts.

‘That is, the body of a dog with the head of a tiger. The cabin will be weak even if it looks glamorous. Five years. In the name of Ivar Lodbroke, I will have this place in five years. ’

Even the executives I met earlier were not cool.

Laura, the lady in the Armed Forces, yawned in front of the conference room. It was hard to find a formality or a human network. It may be genius on the battlefield, but this place is political. You can't be your opponent.

The Vigilante Leader Jeremy throws a blatant blasphemy at the Servant King Dantalian. Let's say it makes the atmosphere better. It was the same type of liquorice as a medicinal plant in any organization, but the attitude and speech were so light that there was absolutely no tolerance.

‘And the child in charge of my education is now 14 years old. ’

Ivar was convinced.

‘It's a victory.’

I could never compare with myself in life experience. Ivar leaves the dressing room thinking about 36 ways to bake a daisy.

“Are you all changed, Miss Ivar? ”

Daisy was waiting outside the dressing room. She stands on the boat with her hands together. The girl invited him like a bush of piano flowers.

“Yes, sir. ”

Ivar replies and thinks to himself: It was certainly beautiful. It was fair to see why King Dantalian had taken the girl before his eyes. Maybe it's not just the Maid of Honor, but the concubine as well...

But he is a child, and he has no chance of losing.

“Okay, today is my first day, so I'm going to start by checking my lyrics. Do you have any questions? ”

“Oh, yes, sir. Why are all the maid dresses so short? A little unfamiliar.”

Daisy looks up and raises her mouth.

“Do you want a hypocritical but kind answer, or an honest but cruel answer? ”

“…… Yes? ”

Ivar reacted a little slower than expected.

Daisy smiles.

“No gossip allowed. Miss Ivar, answering questions is forbidden. Remember, I won't spare you the second mistake. ”

“…… Yes. Let me state.”

I took a hit.

The girl in front of me seemed to be no ordinary 14-year-old. From the meadow, it was clear that he was determined to kill the rookie's chi. I deliberately show the attitude that this side will embarrass and use it as a taunt to oppress others…….

‘Of course. You didn't adopt her for nothing. ’

I was a little too careless. Ivar simply admitted his mistake.

However, Ivar prided himself on not repeating the same mistakes. From now on, you will never be struck down.

“Of course, sir. I will choose an honest but cruel answer. ”

“May I ask why, Miss Ivar? ”

“Yes, I sincerely yearn to serve the Dalian Emperor. Whatever it is about you, I want it to be honest and true. ”

Ivar looks directly at the opponent and says it again.

Somehow Daisy's smile became even darker.

“An honest and true father. I hope you find it. The answer that Miss Ivar chose is because of me. In our castle, the maid's dress is short. ”

“Because of you? ”

“That's right.”

Daisy nods lightly.

She opened her lips.

“In my lower belly, there is always a slime that is transparent at your behest. And as I walk up the skirt, I can see the slime sticking to me. In order to enjoy the awkward appearance of me, my father deliberately made a short skirt for the maid. Did you understand my explanation? ”


There was a great silence.

Ivar forgets all the 36 tricks he devised to make fun of his opponent white, and he barely opens his mouth and says a word.

“…… Yes? ”

It was at that moment, a thunderous, roar echoed through the corridor of Marwan Castle.

Daisy slapped Ivar's right cheek.

“You quickly made a second mistake. ”

“Huh…? ”

“I explicitly warned you not to answer questions. ”

Daisy still had a smile on her face.

Like he'd never punched me in the cheek before.

“Of course I respect Miss Ivar's free will. Just because I warned you doesn't give you the right to suppress Miss Ivar's free will. On the contrary, no matter how much free Miss Ivar is willing to be, she can't stop my punishment. ”

“ ……. ”

“Miss Ivar. I explained why the dress on our official Maiden Clothes is short. Do you have any other questions before you get to work? ”

Ivar replied in a reflexive manner.

“Oh, no. Nothing.”

“Very well. Let's get to work today. ”

Daisy turns her back lightly and walks out of the hall.

Looking at her back, Ivar Lodbroke intuits.

― ― Crazy bitch.

It wasn't just some lunatic. The boy smiles from start to finish. I never lost a smile when I spoke such a ridiculous lie, slapped my cheek without hesitation!

Ivar had a long life experience, and he had learned that one of the two types of people who always laughed was one of nature's kindest or craziest. The boy belonged to the latter, with nothing to see.

‘Dammit, I never thought a girl assigned as my direct supervisor would be this crazy. ’

Ivar blames himself for his misfortune. Maybe we needed to revise our five-year plan to six.

Daisy stops after a long walk down the hall.

“Our first job is to clean 10 floors underground. Let's start with Miss Ivar's lyrics. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

Fortunately, Ivar was proficient in various lyrics.

Broomsticks, mops, laundry, carpet laundry, and so on, Ivar fulfilled all of his orders faithfully. Of course, there was no aspect of me that tried harder than necessary in case I got bullied by a crazy woman.


Daisy sweeps the corners of the hall with her fingers. Daisy nods, noticing no dust on her fingers.

“Excellent. I think I can write a good report for the President. ”

“Thank you."

Ivar endured the insults. For that crazy kid, cleaning meant wiping every nook and cranny of the hallway clean.

“Let's get some breakfast and get into the second job. ”

“What's the second job, sir? ”

Daisy replies calmly.


“ ……. ”

Not this time, huh? I almost said good-bye. Ivar put the rebound back up to his throat, willingly. I hated being beaten up by a little bird.

“One of our maids' main duties is to torture adventurers who have invaded Castle Marwan. ”

“ ……. ”

“By the way, this is also what my father led me to enjoy torture. I already know one more thing about your true nature. Congratulations. I hope Miss Ivar is pleased. ”

At this point, Ivar Lodbroke begins to realize

Maybe he came to a place he should never have stepped foot in.

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