Dungeon Defense (WN)

00422 The Fall of Gold

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On that day, all the Demon Kings gathered.

In fact, there were not many heads, even though I had said "All Demon Monarchs." Thirty-one. Only thirty-one. Once boasting of 72 saints, the Demon King's army disappeared everywhere and now only half the people are left.

Compared to back then, it's not enough to say that it almost collapsed. Not just the head. Baal, also known as the most powerful and powerful Demon King, is dead. The Demon Lord's quality itself is overwhelming…….

Nevertheless, the Demon King's army has been experiencing unprecedented peaks since the beginning of its 3,000-year history.

The horsemen 'support for the newborn horseman was at its peak. Humans on the continent surrendered implicitly to the majesty of the Demon King. Once ruled only in the Black Mountains, the Demon Lord's army reached out to the central continent and to the Kingdom of Brittany to the west, to the Kingdom of Sardinia to the south and to the Kingdom of Polytunia to the east.

The Demon King's army has been weakened forever.

Paradoxically, the golden age was everlasting in history.

“… Is Marvas not here yet……. ”

“Your Majesty is arriving soon..." ”

The Demon Kings murmur, whispering in the dome-shaped roof. At the top of the roof, there was a circular hole, and the moonlight fell down on the roof along with the night air. With the exception of the cool blue moonlight, there were no illuminating lights.

“What exactly is going on today……. ”

“… unfortunately the plausible information……. ”

The Demon Kings have buried about half their bodies in the darkness. However, no one complained. The Demon Kings were born with bright night eyes and liked to brawl in darker places than in the light.

In the center of the building where the moonlight falls, is a glass tube.

The red-haired woman lies as if asleep.

This was Pymon's safe house. A new place created only for her in the imperial palace. There, the Demon Kings chatted with each other as they stared at each other. In the dark air, all contours are dim, and only the moving lips barely shine a clear light.

“ ……. ”

Then something wrapped around my right hand. Turning his head, Barbatos holds my hand steadily. Barbato mutters quietly.

“... Don't turn your head, Bob. The other kids know. ”

“I've gone unnoticed. ”

I also mumbled a little and replied, then turned my gaze away as if nothing had happened. Across the street are eleven Mountain Demon Kings, including Citri. They whisper to each other, sometimes nodding, sometimes glancing this way.

“You won't regret choosing me. Dantalian. I'll make sure you don't regret it. ”

“That's a strong saying. ”

I smiled faintly.

Both Bazago and Gamegin were persuaded of me for different reasons. After being cheap, I decided carefully over and over again. Gamekin, on the other hand, was rather excited and eager to say, ’Of course, of course I will.' Currently, the two of them were quietly leaning against the wall, with horns scattered across one corner of the building.

“ ……. ”

Suddenly, I looked at him. After the bargain, I grimaced as if I'd seen something I shouldn't have to look at. Then you quickly turn your head.


The bargaining psychology seems to be in your hands, so you smile small.

I felt that I was becoming more and more perfect.

Whether I was originally gifted or abandoned in a living world, I don't know which extreme situation awakened me, but politically, my head became clearer and sharper, rather than dull by day, like a bloody edible knife.

The eyes and expressions of the opponent directly spoke to me. I know what the other person is afraid of, and how to use it to steer the atmosphere in the direction I want it to.

It's just a drawback.

Until now, the eyes and gestures of people that I have stored or stored in my head have occasionally regenerated themselves in front of my eyes.

It was a secret I never told anyone. Laura didn't know. Not even Lapis shared all the secrets with me. Daisy boasts that she knows everything about me, of course, but she didn't know this much.

─ Son of a bitch.

A voice mutters in the air. It was a hallucination.

It was particularly dangerous in a dark place like a safe house here. There were relatively no hallucinations or hallucinations in bright places. However, it appeared quite well when the field of view became distant, namely when the landscape was seen from afar.

─ Is there anything wrong with the octopus? Yeah? Yeah.

─ You're the last.

─ Lie…… why…….

After all, this place is rat poison to me.

Without context, the voice repeats as if whispering in the ear, roughly twenty to thirty seconds apart. As I always did when I heard the voices, I pulled the lotus candle out of my chest and asked myself.


Beyond the light rising smoke, I saw a much blurrier level of sight than the hallucinations. I didn't feel 'I see' at all. I felt 'visible'. I watched a play where my bribe tasted like it was on its own.

It was a very funny sight. People gather in a dark corner, a little distance from the glass tube in the morgue, and they talk, laugh, and talk.

The laughter melts into the air with glittering dust. The air was in the moonlight coming out of the roof, and the other half in the shadows. So far, so good, but the story is different if these people are doing the face of the Reef, the face of Hawk, the face of Jack, and so on.

You're fucking glowing again today.

It was really nothing. I pretended to be crazy once and I talked to him. Obviously, no answer was heard.

As I said before, there was no context at all. Sometimes there was a shadow on Jack's face speaking in Elizabeth's voice. I was literally a jerk.

So it doesn't exist.

It's not real. It's not real.

Like the footprints that I have walked so far - when I walk down the street, even if I have to take a step, when I look back, the steps that I have left will appear all at once, just like that shadow will unfold simultaneously.

Sometimes it feels like life is their privilege, like they're alive.

You must be mistaken.

I was alive.

“…… Dantalian? ”

Look. I can still feel Barbato's soft skin in my right hand.

I smiled.

“I'm anxious. ”

“Hmmm? Why are you so soft? ”

“On a day like this, I want to do a weak imitation. ”

Barbato held my hand tighter.

“Try to imitate the weak more often. And it's not like your disgusting face doesn't look a little cute. Do you know if I can do a little more service in bed? ”

“Hmmm. Hmmm... ”

Brother Zephar clears his throat in the back. Please keep your composure. That was roughly what it meant. Barbato pounces as if displeased. I smiled inadvertently.

It was around that time that a group of Neutral Demon Kings entered the Sanctuary. Marvas comes forward with five Neutral Demon Kings. Marvas makes eye contact with Barbatos first, makes eye contact with me, and then turns a torch at the entrance of the safe house.

Eleven mountain men.

Nine plains.

Six Neutrals.

Five unaffiliated.

As a result, a total of thirty-one Demon Kings were gathered.

“Quite an inappropriate place to host Valpurgis' night. ”

Marvas opens his mouth.

“I will not rule over the chaos in front of the deceased. There is already half a spell in the imperial palace, but this place has been especially mindful of its magic. I sincerely ask that the comrades who gathered today pay more attention to the language than usual. ”

The Demon Kings did not answer out loud, but generally agreed. Marvas nods once.

“I hereby declare as chairman that the night of Valpurgis will be held here today. Originally, it was customary for the chairman to take charge of the Dantalian palace white... ”

Marvas looks at me.

“Today, the agenda that will be the issue is very sensitive, so I will be representing the chairman tonight. It was endorsed by all six Demon Kings who had prior voting rights, I have the right to proceed with the meeting, the right to allow speech and the right to cease speaking, the right to vote on the agenda, and the right to postpone and destroy the meeting. After the five preliminaries, do you agree to entrust any rights to me? ”

“I agree.”

“I agree.”

In order, Barbato, Citri, Gamigen, Zephar and Basago replied.

Marvas nods.

“Very well. Let's start with Citri, who has offered to open Valpurgis' night. ”

“My demands. ”

Citri steps forward.

“No, the demands of our mountain tribe are simple. Everyone already knows, but yesterday we killed the Demon King Belial. ”

“It is strictly forbidden for the Demon King to punish the Demon King privately. ”

Marvas gives you a hard reprimand.

“If a Demon King did something wrong, he should raise an agenda on Valpurgis' night to discuss in detail whether he would punish the Demon King, and how he would punish him if he did. Citri, why did you skip the legal process and massacre Belial? ”

“Yes, I was wrong. ”

Citri said with a expressionless face.

“But ― ― what if you can't trust Valpurgis' own night. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“I'm talking about someone who deliberately manipulated Belial into betraying our faction. ”

The Demon Kings roar. Marvas raises his eyebrows and looks around. Then the Demon Kings closed their mouths. Marvas turned his gaze back on Citri.

“Who is it, Citri? You can't criticize the target with just a symptom. I don't think you intend to pass on the responsibility for Belial's murder to anyone else without proof. ”

“Of course, we don't only have the symptoms, we have the evidence. ”

Citri grumbles.

“But what we want is not to find the culprit and punish him more vigorously than we need to. ”

“Blunt force?”

“We want a 'sincere' apology. ”

Citri looks this way. The Phantom Demon Kings stare at this place.

“I want my opponent to come out and bow before we point out. To us. And to sister Pymon, who's sleeping here. ”

That's why he offered to hold a meeting at Pymon's morgue.

“The man who turned Belial against his faction and gave us our information in secret, apologizing with open arms. Promising that this will never happen again. That's all we want. I think it's a very gentle request. ”

“ ……. ”

The silence settles around you.

No one makes a sudden sound. Marvas is also silent, waiting for time. Maybe a minute ago.

“Ah. Okay, Citri. ”

The footsteps sound.

“The apple. I'll do it.”

The Demon King with white hair.

Barbato, ruler of the Flatlands, takes a step toward the glass tube.