Dungeon Defense (WN)

00437 DAISY

“Naked naked like this.... ”

I bite my teeth and stare at Daisy.

I wanted to slap him on the cheek with a shout right now. But anger could be vomited at any moment. Determining how Daisy, a mere slave, interfered with my behavior and the cause of the defect, was first.

At this moment, there were already three possibilities in my head. My brain was clearly enjoying its peak, and rather than panicking about unexpected events, it turned more intensely than ever before.

Number one, Ivar Rodbrock cooperates with Daisy.

Daisy dealt with Ivar at her own pace as the Maid of Honor. I don't know how it was baked, but there was a good chance Daisy got the doll through Ivar. Ivar hid the fact that he was a puppeteer, but if Daisy was a cunning viper, it would be easy to find out the secret.

No need to hesitate. I immediately examined the first possibility.

Status window!

The daisy's status window rises blue.

Over the course of a dozen times, a colossal number appeared.

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Name: Daisy von Custos

Race: Human Owner: Dantalian

Attribute: Neutral (0)

Level: 69 Reputation: 8133

Occupation: Adventurer (A), Inspector (AAA), Assassin (S)

Tongsol: 100/100 Power: 166/166 Power: 117/125

Politics: 95/95 Charm: 100/100 Technology: 81/81

Likeability: 0

Dependency: 0

* Title: 1. Legendary Adventurer 2. Legendary Mercenary 3. Dungeon Breaker

* Ability: Tactical (A), Slash (AAA), Tactical (B), Persuasive (S), Mounting (S), Elemental Magic (A)

* Skill: Mercenary, Genius, Invalidity

Current Psychology: Not displayed due to affection and dependency.

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My eyes quickly search the status window.


I kicked out a small tongue.

Compared to Luke, who is far less competent than the force and glamour sectors, Daisy has culminated in cannibalism, politics and even technology. Even Ivar wouldn't be able to turn this monstrous creature into a puppet.

Daisy is the girl holding up the sword in front of me. Obviously, I immediately discarded the first possibility.

In addition to the second.

At the same time, the hypothesis that Daisy freed the slavers by using a variety of means was also broken.

The status window clearly shows that I, Dantalian, am the owner of Daisy. There was no doubt here. He inferred that he had erased the slavers by using some kind of means, but he was wrong. Then…….

“How dare you stir up trouble on a humble human subject! ”

Just then, the Neutral Demon Kings surrounded Daisy.

“How dare you think you can survive disrupting the sacred court! ”

The Demon Kings have each taken their armor. They don't seem eager to forgive a sudden participant. The moment they brace their hind legs to rush towards Daisy, I scream.

“This is my daughter! Don't you ever touch me! ”

The Neutral Demon Kings stopped at the sound of the day.

I was distracted, and I accidentally wrote a half-word. Although I was practically a Demon King with more power than them, I needed to respect my opponent on the surface. That's right. Let's get this over with.

“…… Sorry, comrades. My daughter was rude. This sin, the case, will be cleared up and punished according to its weight. So give me a minute. ”

“Of course, Dantalian. ”

The Neutral Demon Kings politely replied.

“We have no intention of offending you. ”

“Thank you. And……. ”

I turned around and bowed my head to the Demon Kings sitting on the judge's seat.

“My dearest priests, I ask that you grant me a brief grace. I, Dantalian, take full responsibility for this. ”

Marvas looks this way seriously. He glances at my face and nods once. But that was it. There was no answer. It said that they would grant a grace, but only an implied one. Therefore, I also paid him back just by bowing my head.

I turned quietly.

“ ……. ”

“ ……. ”

There was a struggle between Daisy and I.

Daisy stands in my way as if she were guarding Barbatos. The noise that had obscured my vision before is now gone. Thanks to you, Barbatos looks sharp. The white-haired girl, the proud Demon King, wept endlessly.

- I got nausea from my esophagus.

I wanted to spill a lot of vomit right away. However, my anger at Daisy, my relentless plan and my anger for halfway through my journey, has barely abated my nausea. I said like I was chewing every word out.

“Four years. You want to die in a place like this? ”

“I never wanted to kill myself. ”

Daisy is speechless. If I'm not mistaken, he's in a frenzy. That rascal has brought anger to my fury. I'm not thankful. The nausea is completely blown away.

“There's only one thing your father is thinking about right now. How could you disobey your doctor? You know the answer, Father. ”

“Orders given to your bitch. ”

I unleashed my anger on my voice.

“You must have used conflict between them. ”

This is the last third possibility.

The commands given to Daisy's slavers were as follows:

Don't hurt me.

Do not harm my loved ones.

Never turn your back on me or on them when they're in danger.

Obey my orders.

Put my life before your own.

Always obey the above commands.

The simple inference here was that 'obey my command' and 'Never turn away when my loved ones and I are in danger' collided head-on.

Daisy should not interfere with my orders and doctors.

But on the other hand, Barbato was clearly my best friend. From Daisy's point of view, I had to choose between "obey the Lord's command" and "defend Barbatos."

“It is your father. You're mistaken, as always, for the best. ”

An expressionless face. However, the target is ridiculed with contempt.

He was ten and eighty-nine years old.

Cocky guy.If you think I'll let you do this, you're mistaken. How dare you take the blame for insulting me, Barbatos, and all the Demon Kings?

“New orders! ”

I shouted with confidence.

“Exclude Barbatos alone from all further instructions! Do not treat Barbados as my lover in command! So hand over the sword immediately, punk! ”

I reached out my hand. Where? Waiting quietly to return Baal's Great Sword.

But no matter how one second passes, no matter how two seconds pass, no matter how three seconds pass, Daisy does not move. Despite the intense pain coming from disobeying orders, even the eyebrows do not flinch. Rather, he looked at me with his relaxed eyes.

“ ……. ”


Why is it okay? Why is Daisy violating my orders as if it were natural?

Daisy says bluntly.

“That's why I told you. Your father is delusional. ”

“You... answer me. How do you disobey an order? ”

“Unfortunately, that order is valid for me. ”

The nuance that felt faint in Daisy's voice was also ridicule. He was taunting me. It was an obvious taunt, but at the same time it was clear. I had to take great care not to lose my mind.

Calm down.

Daisy is not an unnecessary provocation. He's trying to get something out of me by paralyzing my judgment. He's hiding it for a reason. Moving on here, it's like dancing to Daisy's intentions.

“At first it was the De Farnese Military Register. ”

“…… what nonsense. ”

“Laura de Farnese. Your father's favorite young lady. Did you forget?”

Look, I'm giving you an accent that mocks me at the end of every sentence. Stupid thing. Reverse effect. It was only by provoking me so much that I could help calm down. What I taught was pathetic where to forget and come out clumsy.

But, Laura. This was the only question: Why was Laura's name mentioned? The colder my head got, the deeper the question got.

“I wanted to test how far your order went. For the last five years, we've been mobilizing toxic substances and traps. However, I could not use the 'means of harm to my father' in any way. ”

I was familiar with that.

Daisy used to mix harmful substances in her tea at all times. The problem was that they only used drugs that were shy enough to be called toxic substances. Besides, I'm the Demon King. It had a self-detoxifying quality. Daisy took tens of millions of medications without a problem.

“So I thought back. Maybe it's okay to shake the person around you, not your father. ”

“What……? ”

“It's a basic idea. If the enemy stronghold is too strong and strong, attack from nearby satellite strongholds. Maybe it's not the strategy your father taught you. ”

Daisy relaxes.

“The Lazuli State Department had no time to dig. Jeremy didn't seem very important to him. On the other hand, the De Farnese Military Register was a very good game. Every time I was alone with her, I scolded my father. ”

“ ……. ”

“We shouldn't have been so obvious. I just slowly, diligently, told him how much I hated him when he came to my mouth. He also told me that he plays pranks on tea water for his father all the time. ”

Daisy raises her mouth a little.

“Don't you think that's strange? The military secretary liked me. But at some point, I was alert, reluctant, trying to catch up. Did you think the Military Register would harass me, your stepdaughter, for no reason at all? ”

Something hot jumped on my cervical spine and jumped to the back of my head. Barely settling down, the fury reverses again.

“You bitch... You can't be... ”

“Yes, I led them. When my father was killed in an" accidental accident "at the Palace of Batabia, the Armed Forces of De Farnese strongly doubted me. He was unconscious for more than three days, so he was worried if I was joking around. ”

The curve in Daisy's mouth tail becomes darker.

“After a while, the secretary of military brought me in and asked me, Did you do something bad to the drugs? I was convinced that I had this poor military register on my spider silk. So, I answered. I laughed at her, and I told her face to face. ”

“ ……. ”

“Do you have any proof that I did that?" ”

Daisy finally smiles. Maybe it was just a breath. He had a cold look on his face all day. But in my ears, in my eyes, I glowed with a clear laugh.

“And then she said, He simply went crazy.”

“ ……. ”

“I've always wanted to show you. As I wept, I dared to cry to my master, to my master, and to cry like a broken Orgol. From that day on, the military secretary tortured me...... but to be honest, my torture skills were so poor that I couldn't help it. ”

My hands trembled in anger.

“What do you think, Father? I wonder if she's really passionate about him. ”