Dungeon Maker

Chapter 7 - Armed

Chapter 7 - Armed

I broke through.

The frame is broken. An explosive force surges towards the exit.

It was a turbulence. It was the first burst of force born and experienced.

You scream.

No, it wasn't like screaming.

Something else.

The roar of the soul. The raging blaze that consumes everything.

I couldn't keep track of time.

Just for a moment.

You open your eyes. The green naturalisation blooms and fades naturally again.

The dragon does not stagger. I stood up straight and felt a change in myself.

The magical vessel itself expanded.

I could feel it clearly without having to rotate my magic.

I definitely didn't have the strength. Almost all of my magical power was exhausted and was like an empty bowl.

But that made it more clear.


Yongho said, Katarina, who was sitting in front of the dragon's vision, stood up as if she had regained her senses. I saw the dragon, and I was filled with joy when I made a face with a face that I had no choice about.

“Go, Lord. The horn... ”

Dragon Hoe raises his hand. Even without a mirror, I could see where the horn grew.

The horn was a kind of transmitter that accepts and concentrates the magical power that exists throughout the world.

Two horns rise from the same location as Katarina. Unlike before, it was only a small protrusion, it was bigger and thicker than the combination of finger stops and index finger.

Two horns that finally look like me.

The spirit of the dungeon spits out the horse as if it had held its breath.

[Daily horsepower output of dungeons increased from 50 to 80!]

[Your maximum horsepower has increased from 180 to 280! Moreover, the speed at which Magical Power is recovered has also increased 100% thanks to the Horn!]

The Horseman is made up of magical power.

The body, the soul, it's all a mass of magical power.

I could only feel it. I felt like I was reborn as a horse.

Yongho smiled happily. Even the heavy feeling of fatigue felt joyful because I ran out of magic.

“Katarina, how are you feeling? ”

The dragon asked with an unusual voice, and Katarina lets out a breath of relief, shrugging her shoulders.

A widow with horns. I'm sure he's a strong magician.

But I was anxious.

It's only been a few days, but is he really the Lord he knows? Maybe he's changed somewhere.

But it was the same. Catarina felt Saab Yongho's gaze, tearful, perhaps because she was relieved of tension. My clothes were a mess because I was hit by several slimes. The dragon's coping was so fast that no major injuries were inflicted, but the bare flesh was also severely cauterized.

“Yi, this is better with a needle. ”

Katarina grumbles and smiles again. Instead of embarrassing Katarina, who already has a face, she said in a cheerful voice.

“Let's go back. We're gonna have to reorganize. ”

“Very well, Lord. ”


Skull snaps at Katrina's cool answer. Yongho looks back before he leaves. Beyond deactivated rooms at this time. Obviously, there were three gold mines in the house.

‘It must be reclaimed. ’

Dragon has turned back again. I took a step.



As soon as I returned to the Demon King's room, it was Eligos. Surprised by the ruined dragon hat and Karatyra's behavior, the turbulence reached its peak when it found the dragon's horn.

Dragon Hoe moved to the throne, which could be the only furniture in the Demon King's room. You say, burying yourself on a hard stone.

“I found the gold mine. because I used the power of evolution on myself. ”

Eligos didn't understand it at first. After returning, Katarina opens her eyes wide and asks.

“Gold and gold mines?! Three generations ago?! ”

“Yes. As you said, Eligos, the dungeon monsters are occupying it. It's like a giant ant. Looks like they made a nest in the gold mine. ”

The dragon's answer seriously changed Eligos' expression. It was a natural reaction.

A colony of Crazy Treants not far from here. This was clearly a significant threat to sustainability as well as to the expansion of the dungeon.

Yongho said in a calm voice.

“For now, we have the Armory of Household Owners three generations ago, as planned. We need more power to get the gold mine back. ”

I had no intention of crouching away from the dungeon monsters, such as a charter owner or a charter owner.

Reclaim. Reclaim the Mamon Family. Yongho owns it.

“I understand. But I think you should rest first. If not, we have a new bedroom available. ”


Dragon Ho was a little embarrassed this time because it was a story I had not thought of. Eligos replies with a relaxed face.

“I'm ashamed, but I still have a new room. We'll be preparing your bed and furniture shortly. ”

The name was the Demon King. Housewife, the master of the dungeon, was the purpose of trampling on the rug. I could not continue to show the servants how to sleep on the rug. Bedrooms were a must-have for state-of-the-art dignity.

“Then I'll take you to your bedroom. ”

“Oh, yeah. ”

I felt like I was drying something out, but Dragon accepted. In fact, I wanted to sleep because my magic was too exhausted.

“Katarina, rest well. And Skull.”

“Yes, Lord Gaju. ”


Katarina is in a hurry, and Skull is already on the ground like a rock.

Yongho heads to the bedroom with Eligos.


I close my eyes and open them, and time passes.

A real warp. No, a time machine. It was similar to the senses I often felt when I was an apprentice.

My throat is completely locked and my voice doesn't sound right. But it was surprisingly clear in my head. Maybe the big horn made me full of magic.

‘How long have you been sleeping? ’

The dragon raises its torso. The ceiling was lower and the walls were narrower than usual. It was on a bed made of straw, not on the carpet of the Demon King's chamber where he used to sleep.

Incomplete bedrooms that Eligos has arranged in a hurry.

The dragon that was remembered rose from its place. After roughly washing with the basin water that Eligos supposedly left behind, he left the bedroom wearing a cloak.


I guess I didn't sleep as long as I thought. In the vast Demon King's chambers, almost all the ministries within the dungeon were gathered.

The reliable workers of the dungeon, the Goblin Tiger Chamber, lay side-by-side on the carpet near the entrance, and Skeleton Skull was always rolling like a pebble on the floor somewhere. - In fact, he was a skull that was harmless wherever he was in the dungeon. - Katarina falls, just like before, with two cloaks around her throne. At first glance, I felt sorry for you, like a pupa.

‘The welfare level is the worst. ’

Yongho, who felt responsible for his employer, took a very quiet step to keep his servants fast asleep. After drinking water, Eligos soothes the drowned throat and leaves the Demon King's room, giving water to Treant.

“Trees are trees. ”

“Oh, Lord, you're up. You're up early.”

“Yes, we have found a way to the armory. We must hurry. ”

“Oh, you're the Lord. ”

Treant bows down next to the brightly smiling Eligos and pays his respects to the dragon. By then, you haven't named Treant yet.

"Treant. Should I call you Treant?" ’

It was a dragon for believing in the Simple Eastvest, but I thought the Treant was too strong.

‘Let's think a little more. ’

It's not urgent to name things. Rather, there was something more urgent.

“Do you think you could find a bedroom for the Eligos Servants? Looks like Katarina could use a room to herself. ”

Just yesterday, Yongho himself wanted to sleep on the Demon King's room carpet, but this was not the case either. Even in a dungeon, you have to at least guarantee the consciousness of the spirit.

Eligos, who always saluted the dragon's gazudown command, quickly responded.

“It's possible. The daily horsepower output in the dungeon has increased greatly thanks to you. We'll create a joint listing for regular veterans. ”

“Then I'll leave it to you. ”

Yongho stopped for a moment and thought about it. I turned to the aisle leading to Saab Prison and asked.

“What's going on with the Korbolts' siege? ”

“The torture chamber is still incomplete... ”

Eligos replies with a mournful face. Dragon Hat tilts his head.

“Does anyone just want to come under us? I noticed that day that you didn't seem particularly loyal to the previous owner. ”

“I know all four are like that, but I still can't believe it without torture.... ”

Instead of answering directly, Yongho looks back at Eligos for a moment. I scratched the back of my head and said,

“Still, if there were four, there'd be a better one. After breakfast, pick one before you leave. ”

“Are you going to accompany me on a dungeon expedition? ”

“The more power you have, the better. ”

Yongho did not expect such deep loyalty from the cobalt. What you need now is a ready-to-use medical history. I didn't intend to use it publicly as an arrow holder or a scabbard, but I was also expected to play a roughly similar role. After all, Katarina Skull was more valuable than Cobalt.

Eligos replied that he would take the message with a serious face, even if he had read Dragon's Medicine.

And just after breakfast that day.

With Katarina and Skull, Dragon Hoe, armed with a spear and a cobalt, once again set out to explore the dungeon.

The target is a room in the north.

It was the family armory three generations ago.



chu Yong-ryong