Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 11 # 2 >

[Name: - (Female)]

[Race/Title: Crazy Ant/Princess Ant]

[Archetype: Corn (Lesser)]

[Charm Specialty Level 0 | (2)]

[Emotional Specialty Level 0 | (1.5)]

[Magic Specialty Level 0 | (2)]

[Health Specialty Level 0 | (1)]

[Attribute Enhancement Level 0 | (1.5)]

There were quite a few parts that didn't look like the Goblins in the first dungeon virtual space because they weren't officially registered yet.

‘Obviously, she's still a child. ’

Perhaps because she was a young princess ant, her evolutionary potential was quite low. However, there were many evolvable routes, and since the current capabilities were so low, the initial growth width would also be large.

What's your emotional specialty? ’

I had a rough idea what it was, but I couldn't reach it.

Dragon Hoe motionlessly teases his fingers into the air to check the evolutionary route of the princess ant one by one. A slightly different but slightly more mature girl's silhouette was drawn on an eleven or two-year-old princess ant.

"Do I get a promotion? ’

Is there an escalation route after evolution ‘???’ Two boxes of light were floating over the head of the princess ant. It seemed that it could be confirmed after registering as a formal minister.

Dragon Hoe, who thought of the queen for a moment in his mind, dismantled the power of evolution. It was popular behind my back.

“You summoned me, Lord. ”

“That took too long, didn't it? ”

Yongho turns around and says a little prankly. Eligos smiles distinctively.

“You're back just in time. You've worked hard, so you should get some rest. ”

It's a gentle stream. The dragon waves again at the guard, Cobalt, and then leaves the prison with Eligos. I turned to the room of the Demon King with the throne.

“How's the construction going? ”

“The basic traps are all set. High-Quality Traps that are not equipped because of the lack of materials have been cleared and will not take long to install once the materials are ready. ”

The two axes of the dungeon defense were traps and war horses.

In the example of the water temple, various dungeon facilities, traps, walls, and servants were soldiers guarding the castle.

Yongho has placed the center of gravity in traps and dungeon facilities.

If the walls were tall and thick, even few soldiers could stop many soldiers.

Talking and walking, it was the Demon King's room again. Katarina, who was waiting in front of the Demon King's room, opened the door.

Throughout the vast Demon King's chambers, the dragon on the throne loosened lightly. I asked Eligos on the side of the throne.

“What can I get you? ”

“First... I picked a budget tag based on the traps the Lord ordered. ”

Eligos pulls out a pre-prepared document from the inside of his chest. It was a list containing the names of the essential materials for driving the traps.

“And this is the present value of the gold mine that I assumed. ”

The second document included the depth of the gold mine, the amount of gold that is expected to remain, and the amount of gold that can be collected for a month. Based on this, the total present value was calculated.

The dungeon's gold mine was similar to the handover's gold mine but different.

The gold was buried the same, but the method of mining was different.

In handover, it was normal to dig the ground until gold came out and mine the gold directly, but the dungeon's gold mines used magic to mine.

Once you registered as a 'Dungeon Facility: Gold Mine’, you were free to activate and deactivate it. In the activated gold mine, the dungeon continuously injects magical force and automatically mines gold.

On the surface of the Magic Mine, a nugget of gold appears like a crystal. This auto mining has been repeated very slowly until the burial volume has run out.

Therefore, what was needed in the dungeon gold mine was not ‘mining’, but ‘collecting’.

The golden chunks that had not been collected in the previous three generations of households were already eaten by the Crazy Ant Queen who consumed magic and various ore, so she had to produce new gold from now on.

Yongho, who slowly reviewed Eligos' report, remembered the Dungeon Soul along with the previous purchase list. They were essential materials for 'negotiation’ with Citri which would be held shortly.

‘Mana potion. ’

Citri was right. No matter how good a bottle was, it was natural that 20 normal weapons that were not enchanted could not buy a bottle properly.

It restores magical power in a heartbeat and ‘strengthens’ it.

However, Citri gave four bottles of manna potions to herself.

Citri called it a ‘fair trade’, but Yongho didn't think so.

It was kind of a debt.

“When I first got there. ”

“Yes, Lord. ”

Both Eligos and Katarina pay attention to the dragon. Yongho asked Eligos.

“Was it a coincidence that Citri came as an attendee? ”

For household duties, I needed three people, but I didn't have another housekeeper to call, so I asked the Dungeon City Council for someone.

It was the description I heard from Katarina when I first came to the table.

I've been meaning to. But when I saw Citri's behavior, I didn't think it was a coincidence. Critically, she was also intimate with Kaiwan, the previous three households of the Mamon family.

Eligos gives you a quick answer.

“It was the Lord's will. Come to me when your family is in crisis. I will help you at least once... ”

It was also a figure who had traveled back and forth with the Mamon Family in the beginning. Yongho asked again.

“When you were a sublet or a sublet, you never saw citrus? ”

“I visited the dungeon once, each when the former owner and the previous owner were in charge. ”

In the current context, I was more likely to participate in the immediacy ceremony of Kaiwan.

Dragon has touched his chin.

“What did they do to her? What did they do to her? ”

“It wasn't particularly special. I know you've never faced Citri when you're dealing in a dungeon commercial virtual space. ”

The charter owner and charter owner literally walked the path of collapse.

Did Citri not help you two?

Citri expressed her feelings only about Kaiwan, the previous three households. To Yongho himself, that feeling was a kind of attachment.

Kaiwan, sublet and sublet owner. Yongho self.

Yongho cleared his mind. He consciously slammed the handle of the throne.

“Okay, I told you to draw the horn in short. Shall we get started? ”

Both Katarina and Eligos look bright when they speak cheerfully. Yongho looked at Eligos of the two.

“But first, ”

The dragon stood up instead of closing his eyes and accessing the virtual space above the dungeon. You put your hands on Eligos' shoulders.

“We'll evolve when we get back, won't we? ”

Yongho triggered the power of evolution. Eligos' slow evolutionary skills have finally reached 100.

Eligos faces the dragon with a somewhat nervous face, then replies with a slightly locked voice.

“Health specialty, please. ”


“I've been a little sore lately.... ”

Dragon laughed for a really practical and practical reason. Catarina has already experienced evolution twice and has seen Eligos with quite an interesting eye.

“Close your eyes and relax your mind. ”

Eligos closes his eyes and slouches slightly. The dragon holds Eligos by the shoulders, and Katarina, who was interested in sparkling, slightly narrows her eyes as if something was wrong.

Yongho closes his eyes as if he had turned away from it. You gave Eligos the power of evolution.


The dragon opened its eyes. The virtual space at the Dungeon Chamber has already been visited several times, now I feel quite familiar.

“Eh……. ”

However, I looked around, but I couldn't see Citri. Just a white and white space was unfolding endlessly.

[Welcome to the Dungeon Chamber of Commerce virtual space.]

[Please select the desired transaction.]

When I visited so far, the letter of light that I had never seen was spread out in front of me.

Yongho, who was in a mood to face the bank ATM mentions, was a little reluctant to look at the lists listed below the letter of light.

And that was the moment.

The letter of light splits in two, revealing only the darkness. It looked like the white window was cut with the claws of a sharp predator.

Once the citri that appeared between the black and black spaces completely entered the white space, the black traces disappeared neatly, as if they had never existed from the beginning.

“Dear customer, why don't you call ahead? ”

The dragon laughs bitterly at the contusion, not the bruising of the citrus.

“How can I contact you? ”

“Well, if I was Mamon's specialty, I'd give you a way to get in touch. ”

The relaxed citrus flicks its fingers. A comfortable chair was made behind the back of the dragon hat and the citri, respectively.

“Glad to see you're all right. Did you recover the gold mine?”

“It worked. ”

“Then you're here for business today. ”

It was a natural flow of conversation. After many encounters, Yongho was now able to remain calm in front of Citri.

“I want to buy the gold mine as collateral. Along with him……. ”


“I also want to pay for Mana Potions properly. ”

Citri did not immediately answer. I looked at the dragon with my eyes slightly narrower than usual, as if looking through the dragon's stomach. He said with a slight smile.

“You must really like it. ”

Dragon did not deny. The benefits of Mana Potions were truly amazing. The importance of Magic Power Enhancement was that it was able to recover Magical Power in a snap, even if it hit a second time. If you think about Amon's ability to inflict more magic, the Mana Potion was a great item that could multiply the Dragon Warrior's combat power.

I got four bottles of that.

Now that the relationship with Citri was unclear, the Mana Potion in those four bottles was a debt.

Citri shrugs.

“It's also important to recognize the value of things. If you're just going to get greedy and get drunk... you can't call it greed. At first, but I like our customer better. ”

Kaiwan did the same. The Angaljin child was no different.

Citri didn't fall into a memory. I saw the dragon of reality.

“But like I said that day, it was a fair trade. And it was more important than Yongho thought. So don't worry. You won't be able to get Mana Potions in the future. ”

Citri, who just cut off, straightened her waist. Converted the conversation right away.

“Let's talk about the gold mine. Did you get the present value of the Gold Mine? ”

“That's what we're estimating right now. ”

Yongho also did not show foolishness. I showed Citri the information I had remembered about the spirit of the dungeon by flicking my fingers in the air.

“Hmm. That's quite a few left. ”

Kaiwan, the Distorted Demon Lord of the Three Generations, went missing shortly after discovering the gold mine.

Since Kaiwan's younger brother, Gaza, who used to be a sublet, soon after the gold mine was stolen from Crazy Ants, there were only a lot of burials left.

“The estimated present value is quite reasonable. But you can't buy things for this value. A little bit more computation. We actually have to run tests on them. ”

There was no pawn shop to lend money to the value of the item.

Moreover, the current Mamon family gold mine could not give such a high rating in terms of stability. We had a dungeon defense battle on our hands.

The present value that Eligos calculated in an instant has fallen by almost half. But Yongho didn't care. I took it calmly as if it was within the expected range and teased my finger again.

“Here are the items you would like to purchase: ”

The materials of the trap Eligos demanded and various supplies for living in the dungeon.

“That's a lot of money. Are you going to buy a war horse for the rest of your money? ”

Of course, I also wanted to buy a ministry horse. But there was something I had to buy before that.

The dragon leans forward slightly. He narrowed his distance to Citri.

“I want to buy information. ”

“You mean Forest intelligence? ”

Citri immediately asked as if it was interesting.

The dragon pulls its torso back out towards the back of the chair.

I wanted to know about Forest and its ministers, of course. But what Dragon wanted was something more fundamental.

“Why does Forest want to attack the Mamon family? Why he moved. I want to know that. ”

Why did he move now, even in the days of the feeble sub and sub households?

Just to take a dungeon with a dead, weakened shield?

The Imp has spoken.

If the Orcs fail, they will lead the right army and attack the Mamon dungeons.

The will of Forest, Gaju, was firm. And there must have been a reason for such a movement.

Citri's eyes narrowed again. Facing the dragon, I had a thin, long smile.

The End

chu Yong-ryong