Dungeon Maker

Chapter 17 - The Free City

Chapter 17 - The Free City

Riding a horse was not as easy as I thought.

Horses who were four-legged animals caused more shake than I could have imagined just by walking.

Moreover, the horse was a much larger animal than man. The little parachute that arises when I move my body naturally was also big.

Riding a horse was like sitting on a chair that was constantly shaking from front to back and from top to bottom.

And this shaking was just the beginning.

When the horse ran, there was a much bigger shake.

The horse was not an inanimate creature like a bike or a car. Even a simple turn or a stop couldn't do it alone. I needed to communicate with the horse.

Even though the difficulty of riding itself fell due to the advancement of auxiliary equipment such as stirrups and saddles, it did not make it to a greener level.

They still needed a lot of things, such as strong stamina and a good sense of balance to stay on the rocking saddle, the ability to interact with living horses, the propulsion of horses, and the sensation of achieving rhythmic equilibrium using the weight of riders.

It was not because of dietary equipment such as horseback riding machines, or cultural advancements such as rodeo.

It was that hard to ride an animal.

Katrina, sitting on a wide rock, wags her tail wide and opens her mouth. He sits across the street and looks at the dragon, using a branch to write something on the floor.

“You're a fast learner. ”

It was clear that it was the Mamon family that was about to collapse in the days of the previous household, but it was not completely destroyed.

Katarina, a prestigious guardian, once learned horseback riding from a former guardian. I knew riding would never be easy for beginners.

But he rides really well that he's never ridden before. I was able to run not only in Old History but also in my own way.

It was not perfect, of course, but it was deceptive to be the first rider.

The dragon's head rises in amazed voice. I shrugged my shoulders in embarrassment.

“Well, I've never really ridden a horse, but I've ridden a lot of horse riding machines. ”

It was many years ago that Father, who was heavily drunk, bought a horse riding machine to become the Demon King.

Even though Mother's backrest Smash was a fierce night, Dragon Ho still could not forget that day.

It was the first time I didn't know that the Demon King's blood was flowing on my body.

‘By the way, how are you? ’

One day, my son, who had grown up to be happy without ever running away, suddenly disappeared without leaving a letter.

Come to think of it, that wasn't the only problem.

‘That must be academic. ’

I'm taking classes in a row, so maybe I can achieve a miracle of all F.

Yongho smiled without me knowing.

Just a month ago, school and home were real. Hakgo was the third most frightening thing in the world, and there was no one in the world more concerned about it than Comgong and Candidate Girl.

But now everything is different.


“No, you're much prettier than Yejin. ”

Katarina was embarrassed by the sudden compliment, but it seemed like a good compliment to see her lips go up softly.

Yongho turned his gaze back to the ground. There was a reason Katarina used the word "anything."

The letters shredded by a branch.

It was like the runes I had seen in the game.

Last night, Yongho couldn't read Kaiwan's journal.

The reason was simple.

I couldn't read the letters.

Thanks to the ‘world-class magic' inscribed on the mantra by the ancient Mashin, the existences of the magic system were conversable once they could speak, regardless of race.

Since the day Yongho first came to the barn, he was able to communicate with Katarina or Eligos without problems thanks to the magic of the drink.

It was only after I realized it, but Yongho hasn't spoken Korean since he came into this world. Thought itself was in Korean, but what came out of my mouth was the language of the word.

The conversation was possible.

Magic was the first sign I saw in the dungeon chamber, but I could understand what it meant.

But Kaiwan's journal was different. I couldn't read it because it was just a book written in the mantra without magic.

‘The white is the paper, and the black is the letter. ’

So Dragon has been learning to write with attributes from Katarina since last night. The language itself was in my head, so it would be difficult to interpret the journal as long as I learned the characters properly.

Of course, I could just leave the interpretation to Katarina or Eligos. That's how we've dealt with the records left by the previous tenants.

But I couldn't do the journal. According to the results of Katarina's light reading last night, this journal was really close to a personal ‘diary'.

He was already dead, but I don't know what to say. I wanted to protect the privacy I could because I had faced it in my dreams.

‘I'm the one who hid the teddy bear in the Oval Office, but I don't know what it says.... ’

Catarina and Eligos, who had only been revered for their three previous households, were likely to contain a lot of shocks and blank points.

So Yongho decided to learn the characters in the mantra.

It made no sense that the owner of the family in the first place was illiterate. I had to learn the letters for the future.

Instead of a branch, the dragon that had erased the letters with its feet stood up. The horses seem to have rested enough, so it was time to start again.

Likum, who was looking at the condition of the horses, said.

“Perhaps Skull should trade horses with Katarina. I think the weight makes the horse very tired. ”

Born a rock skeleton warrior, the skull weighs over 100 kg. The armor was close to 200 kg, so it was easy to say.

“Skull……. ”

Surprisingly, the skull mutters as he hears that it's heavy. Maybe he was sorry to the horse.

‘By the way, Skull rides well. Was it like a knight in your past life? ’

The more I looked at it, the more I looked at the skull, the more I was curious about the secret of my birth, but there was no way to find out.

Between the dungeons of House Mamon and Nuremberg, there was a two-day ride between the Free Cities. I had to stay up all night for a day, so I had to find the right place before nightfall.

The landscape of the Magic Cube was utterly ruined.

I wondered if the western films were going to continue in the wilderness. Suddenly, rivers and forests appeared, and even the unexpected greenery appeared.

The group settles in a remote wasteland, among other rocks, forming small rocky mountains.

“We don't know what kind of water lives in the forest as it creates a living environment. It's not entirely safe out here in the wilderness, but it's better than the forest. ”

Likum said, lighting firewood as he crossed the forest. Skull becomes one with the Stony Mountain, rolling the floor just like in the dungeon. Katarina unpacks and pulls out the food.

As he was prepared for some overnight, Likum began to explain.

“The free city is basically a human habitable land. whether farming is possible, whether there's a water source, whether it's worth something like a mine. Basically, it's a perfect place to live, so it's not an exaggeration to say that the Demon King's territory or the City of Liberty is almost certainly where people can live. ”

Survival of the fittest.

The landscape was barren, and I couldn't figure out where or what would come from as messy as the landscape.

Those without power were often exploited everywhere. Peace and greetings were a dream for weak workers like Goblins and Imps.

“It may not belong to a particular Demon King in the name of the City of Liberty, but there is no one who rules the city. And the ruler of such a city is also known as the Dungeon Free Household. ”

Likum started painting on the floor with a branch. Though I secretly drew a picture to see if I was talented, a reasonable map appeared.

“Nuremberg is well balanced among the dungeons. There are only three dungeons you can run a horse to get to in a day or two. ”

Likum points to the dungeons that form triangles around Nuremberg.

“The dungeon of Forest, the dungeon of Angoladian, the dungeon of Sheikh Niel. ”

“Are the two dungeons behind you targeting the dungeons of Forest? ”

“Most likely. After leading the troops for a few days, the owner is not returning. It's possible that information, even if it's too much, has already spread through the tavern, in case it was killed in a fight. Everyone's nervous because of the hawkers from the north... They'll be more passionate about gathering information than ever before. ”

Likum points back to Nuremberg with a branch.

“The tavern gathers all the stars. It's the tavern owners who come together like this, combining information from one place or another, and making and selling the right information. And as I said before, speakeasies can also be employed. A free city for vagabonds, among other things, a tavern is a must-see. ”

The dragon that heard so far looked back at Skull for a moment. I watched if they were tired of rolling, too, and then I asked Likum, watching them fall into one piece with the rock.

“Any of the Wandering Servants are undead? Rich can use magic... No, Rich is too high-end, but undead can use magic below that. ”

Likum narrows his glabella once to a question of dragons and replies with a little confidence.

“I know there are few undead among the Wandering Servants. Most of them have been served by someone. Of course, as you said, if you're rich enough, you can order your own Undead Legion... Hmm, it'll be hard to meet. ”

“Well, then you can't. ”

Although he replied lightly as if it was okay, it was a pity.

‘Merge Evolution. ’

I couldn't be sure with just one example yet, but the undead and the undead are likely to merge.

So what happens if we merge the Skull and the Undead Wizard?

I still don't know if such metals exist in the machinery - like the mythril or the duck corn - but if the duck corn dessert skull, which has evolved to merge with the metal, has evolved to merge with the rich.

Is it true that the most powerful undead Magister will be born?


Seeing you rolling around with a blank face, it seemed like you were an agent, but you were just an agent all along. It was not impossible.

Likum, who was looking at the dragon's face, cautiously said.

“If you want a wizard or a grimoire, you can find both at the Tavern. The Undead Wizard is rare, but he is never few if he is merely a magician. If you're lucky, you can also learn simple tricks and magic at the tavern. ”

The more I heard, I felt like I had to say "multipurpose store" rather than "tavern."

The dragon, who answered appropriately again, raised his head. The night of the Magic Cube was coming.

Red and yellow are covered in blue and violet. And the black was overlaid again on top of the two colors.

The dragon, who was watching the swirling flow of magical power, picked up something to eat and went to sleep.

The night air was cold.


As soon as morning broke, Dragon Hoe hurriedly ran to the horse. Two days' journey to Nuremberg was a story of constant riding. Considering the time to rest the horse in the middle, there was no time to delay.

As Likum said, the number of wildlife - no, wildlife - increased significantly more than yesterday due to the proximity of livable land. Some giant wolves crouch from afar and stare at this direction, and some sharp witches even though they are quite far behind.

‘Let's try level nougada. ’

Dragon Hoe recalled the practice of martial arts in his old favorite classical game and looked at the horses staring up at this side.

Each one was clear, but beating down would bring a bit of evolutionary skill and a lot of money.

It is said that they gathered dust and were born.

However, we didn't have enough money, so it might be quite helpful to spend some time together. Even in a classic game, doing good is not more effective at making money than doing good work.

"Arthur, what a game. ’

It was practical even against the sharp edges. An unexpected explosion could occur. Avoid unnecessary conflicts.


The dragon turns his head to the timely voice, as if to agree. Skull's thick bony fingers were pointing away from the free city, even in front of his nose.

It was a really big bone. I could not see the shape clearly from afar, but it seemed to be tens of meters long.

Likum said.

“This is the remains of the Rand Worm. I haven't seen one that size in a long time. ”

But Yongho didn't hear it for a long time.

Ever since I came to the horse system, I've encountered all the star ministers from giant ants to Orcs, but the existence of monsters the size of dozens of meters was truly shocking.

Katarina said, noticeably embarrassed by Yongho.

“It is common for large horseshoes such as the Land Worm to avoid crowds. Don't worry, the free city is right around the corner. ”

At the end, I even smiled kindly.

As Katarina said, the city of Liberty was surrounded by a fierce castle.

Dragon Hoe bursts his throat as if to hide his anxiety, then nods.

But that was the moment.

The ground shakes. Weak at first, but just a few seconds later, you can clearly feel the vibration!

“S, skull? ”

Even Skull vomited an embarrassing voice. The horses stagger, vomiting anxious cries, and Likum urgently looks around.

Vibrations are approaching. Far away, too local to think of as an earthquake.

There was a glimmer in the dragon's head.

I didn't even think it was possible anymore.

“Car, Katarina? ”

“Well, that can't be right. ”

Hogurina - No, she said out of embarrassment. The vibrations get closer in the meantime, and there's a noise coming from the seemingly free city. You can see the city gates closing in a hurry.

Dragon Hoe shouts.


But it was too late. Before I could even pick up the words in horror, my voice burst. The ground rises like an explosion.


A thunderous voice echoes between the scattering soil and the sand and the rocks. The giant beast, which will be several feet long, stands on top of the giant.

The horses are paralyzed and unable to move. The giant monster-Land Worm roars, shaking its head, and then looks at a spot.


The dragon swallowed a dry saliva.

The Rand Worm opens its giant jaws wide.

It's an eternity.

What a terrible icontact.

The ground explodes once more.

Rand Worm lunges for the dragon.


The End

chu Yong-ryong