Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 19 - Automotive >

Chapter 19 - Automotive


Being fair without standing on either side.

A really convenient notion that no one attacks you because you don't stand on either side.

Neutrality for the weak was really a dream concept.

It was a way to be freed from the forces that stood by him, became his enemy, forced him to choose between the two, and was the best shield he could raise his strength peacefully.

‘Yeah, it's like a dream. ’

There was no powerless neutrality.

It was enough to trample down the Declaration of Neutrality.

It took strength to maintain neutrality.

Sharp, bitter teeth and claws that even the strongest can't rest.

The Dungeon Chamber was the only force standing in the 'Neutral’ position on the horse system.

No Demon King could ignore the neutrality of the Dungeon Chamber. It was the real rulers of the magic system - the six kings with sin and wonder as well.

The Dungeon Hall's greatest intellectual-Bifrons faced chessboards and objects that could be considered artistic in their own right.

It was not the usual chess. It was a game called Encaro, designed by Bifrost himself.

The number of horses used to start was 60, and the battlefield also added the concept of the z-axis above the plane called the x-axis and the y-axis. Furthermore, all horses were available for advancement and transfer, adding new variables to the concept of reinforcements and ambush.

There were dozens more detailed rules added to this, so it was pointless to compare difficulties with normal chess.

The more I played the game, the more complexity and difficulty I could not enjoy it without my normal brain and nerves. The maximum number of people who can play this game is 10 or more in a wide market. It was also a number that included the creator of the game, Bifrost.

But Bifrost didn't mind. This game was made for my own amusement anyway. And it was his idea that maybe if this game was spread across the entire market, the number of players would at least double now. It was a world with such vast machinery and all the stars in it.

Bifronts look beyond the surface.

It was empty, but he saw someone else. It was a personality that he created a long time ago. Bifrost called him an old friend.

An old friend made a move. He looked at Bifronts and said,

‘As I recall, the nickname of your greatest intellect is exaggerated. ’

Bifrost is right. He nods.

“Yes, I'm just an analytical, highly computational being. Moreover, I'm using most of my computing skills to run the Dungeon Chamber of Commerce… Maybe a little better than normal when it comes to plotting and reading world history. No, I think so. ”

In the face of an old friend, Bifrost always looked back at himself. And as always, I agreed with myself.

It was clear that Bifrost himself was the owner of extraordinary intelligence, but not all of the world's history was in his palm.

‘Samael, that boy seems to have a lot on his mind lately. ’

An old friend made a number. Over a hundred possibilities were born in that one number.

But the possibility was only within the set rules.

The Bifrost took a conscious step rather than a direct hit. I answered, looking at the whole battlefield.

“He always did. He's probably worried about breaking the balance of the magic system right now. The confrontation between the king of arrogance and the king of Jill would be an unprecedented event in his short life. ”

An old friend did not rush the numbers. He clenches his jaw. An old friend could have been Bifrost, but he didn't even look like him. Today he saw a night shade full of darkness.

Do you really think they're gonna make it? Takes away either sin or wonder. ’

It was a different question than if other kings would rule it.

Bifrost smiled at an old friend's question.

“Mamon, king of greed... The greatest Demon King in the history of Mahjong left a lesson in Mahjong that will never be erased. ”

I put the number of times I was overwhelmed. The old friend's silhouette was not even moved. I feel like I'm just rolling my eyes in the dark.

The soldier killed the knight and took his sword and shield. I found myself a horse to ascend to the knight's position.

Bifrost said.

“The moment more than one sin or wonder is seized, he becomes the enemy of the whole world. ”

The Magic Cube has already experienced Mamon, the greedy king.

The other kings will not tolerate the existence of those who can stand on their thrones and once again be like Mamon.

So they're all cowards after all? The hard-working king of the castle - who wants to ascend to the throne of Drinkin but is afraid to be the enemy of all the other kings? ’

An old friend made a number. It was an impulsive number. For the Bifrost, this uncalculable ‘impulse’ was a difficult number to deal with.


Not calculated.

So unpredictable.

“So far, so good. But there's no law against that. Because that's the world."

If you can calculate everything, and everything goes back to calculating, even the future can predict it.

But in reality, there was no Devil of Laplace.

Bifrost confronted with impulse. It was a horse, tasting the pleasure of deviance.

“Still, I think I have a bit more balance now. ”

'Cause that's peace and good-bye? ’

“Yes, that way you can get stuck in a corner and touch and play. ”

An old friend of mine got his number back. It was another impulsive number.

Bifronts once again confronted with impulse.


The advantage of the wagon was that it could do other things while running.

Katarina was buried in a cloak and did not expect to wake up, and the dragon sat next to her and repeatedly dozed off.

Skull's wagon riding skills were excellent. Even though he was running through the desolate, unpaved roads themselves, there were far fewer vibrations than when he got on horseback. Even though the wagon itself has shock absorbing capabilities, it is truly an amazing driving technique.

‘I was a wagon driver, not a knight in my past life. ’

They were not common sense of the horse system, but common sense of the human race, since a good knight could be a good rider, but it was hard to be a horse driver.

The dragon glances out the window. The mixed landscape of the horse system seemed familiar. It means the Mamon clan dungeon is not far away.

‘I have to make a decision. ’

The dragon closed its eyes again, straightaway. I cramped my chin and started thinking more deeply.

When I informed Ofelia of the Mamon family's progress, Likum was downstairs, not in the office. It's because we haven't told him about greed or Amon yet.

Greed and Amon's presence.

It wasn't hard to hide. It was likely to remain hidden from other ministers in the future.

‘I'd better keep my mouth shut. ’

All I knew about greed was Katarina, Eligos, Skull and Ofelia, but not Amon.

When I first acquired Amon, the servants who were with me all knew that Amon existed.

I didn't worry too much in my mouth. Treants were unable to speak, and the Goblins John and Ron didn't even know what Amon was. Perhaps I had already forgotten.

Yongho pondered greed and something other than Amon.

What about the power of evolution, the power of the Demon King himself?

The power of evolution was the ability to be voted upon once. However, if only Yongho himself and some of his ministers exercised on him, it would have been inefficient. Especially when one hand is as bad as the next.

Of course, not all Demon Kings were able to hide their powers completely.

As soon as Forest was on the battlefield, his power was recognizable.

I don't know what it is, but the ability to roughly stir up heat and freeze enemies.

"There's very few people who know what you know, and the rest of you just know what you're doing?" Or you can deceive them by their ability to borrow the power of something other than... artifacts. ’

Perhaps the latter one was more attractive.

Furthermore, 'evolution’ could have been a significant motivator for the workers. It was not an act to hide.


After some conclusion, the dragon opened his eyes again and pushed his head out the window. As expected, the entrance to the Mamon family is visible.


“Welcome, Lord. ”

When the wagon arrived at the entrance, whether it was thanks to Dungeon Meerkats or not, Eligos and the other servants arrived at the entrance.

At the start, Eligos smiled as an experienced butler, although he seemed somewhat baffled that he had returned from riding a wagon.

Yongho also smiled joyfully and looked back at the servants. The first thing that caught my eye was Salamander and Treant. The power of evolution was so naturally triggered.

Oh, I knew it! ’

While emptying the dungeon, the evolutionary skills that were a little less than 100, whether they were doing construction or training, both reached 100.

Evolutionary skill has not accumulated equally. If you are already quite advanced or repeating evolution, you are very slow in building evolutionary skills.

Salamander has only been able to reach 100 Skill Points even though he has participated in every battle since he acquired it because he was quite strong from the moment he met him.

As an evolutionary skill that has hardly accumulated, Yongho made his decision. If you're worried, you've been doing it ever since you got Salamander.

Without entering the dungeon, Dragon Hoe stood with a happy face and looked at Salamander and Treant, and the eyes of all the other natural workers gathered in one place. Especially when I heard all that nonsense from the Goblins, the Orcs gave me a glaring look.


Salamander, who was in a strange state of tension, lets out a slight groan.

Dragon wakes up to the sound, smiling once more. You raise your hand so that everyone can see it, and then take out the ring you had between the supplies you received from Ofelia. It was a gold ring engraved with complex characters. It was an ordinary gold ring with no abilities and only a reasonable shape.

Dragon Hoe pushes the ring into the left hand stop with an exaggerated gesture like a play. You get a little closer to the nervous salamander.

[Race: Salamander (South)]

[Classification: Magic (Intermediate)]

[Attribute: Flame Lv. 2]

[Object Nature]


[Object Accuracy]

[Body size/Power]

[Evolution Skill: 100/100]

[Special 2nd Level | (2)] - > [Unlock Ascendance Root in Evolution]

[Agility Specialty Level 1 | (2.5)] - > [Unlock Ascendance Root in Evolution]

[Magic Specialty Level 2 | (1.5)]

[Power Specialty Level 1 | (2)]

This is the salamander now. But things were different now.

Dragon Hoe lays a hand on Salamander's head. Salamander closes his eyes with a tense face, and other ministers- especially Orcs - swallow dry saliva and clench their fists.

Dragon Hoe deliberately gathered magic around the gold ring. You breathed the magical power of evolution into Salamander's forehead.

Agility specializes in choosing.

Yongho also closed his eyes. I followed the image that popped into my head and gave it more magical power.

The light envelops the salamander. Orcs were about to take a breath because of an unusual magical discharge, and Likum also swallowed an elongated dry saliva. The ministers who had already experienced or seen the power of evolution were also thrilled and watched.

“Hold on!”

Salamander roars. At the same time, a flash of intense intensity fades.

And so it appears.

It was different until now. The flat lizard appearance has changed noticeably.

Once my legs grew longer. The body was adjusted closer to the imaginary animal Griphon than the lizard, and the scales and crusts of the head that were fluffy like amphibians were covered with the correct scales. I felt like I was wearing a nice helmet because I had a horn that didn't exist before.

But the biggest change was different. The other ministers also looked at only one point.

Huge wings.

There were red wings like that of the bat. Salamander, who later noticed the existence of the wings, was startled, wide-eyed and embarrassed.

It was the most remarkable change in appearance of evolution to date.


The dragon that used as much magic as the big change took a step back, exhaling long and vomiting. I put Salamander's whole body in my sights and looked at Salamander's information again.

[Race: Salamander (South)]

[Classification: Magic (Intermediate)]

[Attribute: Flame Lv. 2]

[Object Nature]


[Object Accuracy]

[Body size/Power/Agility]

[Evolution Skills: 0/100]

[Special 2nd Level | (2.5)]

[Fastness Specialty Level 2 | (3)]

[Magic Specialty Level 2 | (2.5)]

[Power Specialty Level 1 | (2)]

[Salamander - Assault] | [Salamander - Fast]

The new ascension route was truly meaningful. The dragon has lightly touched the box of light and new silhouettes have been drawn on top of the salamander.

High-speed that looks much faster than it is now, just by looking at the Assault type and the appearance of it turning into a larger and more combat type.

‘This is really going to be a dragon. ’

Satisfied Dragon took a few steps back this time. I smiled at Salamander, who was still embarrassed, then pointed to the sky.

It was so clear what it meant.

You have wings, you can fly! ’

The dragon stabbed the sky once again, thinking that the chicken and the ostrich would become dull. Salamander gives you a firm expression and nods. I saw the wings I had for the first time, and I climbed up the nocturnal hill above the entrance to the dungeon in a quick pace.

Everyone looks at Salamander.

Salamander looked up at the sky instead, and soon began a fierce sprint of determination. You hurl yourself towards the bottom of the hill.


Someone shouts, and Salamander responds. The wings flare and spark. It rises from the ashes of the flames.

Goblins like it jumping around. The princess remembers the look on her face, and Cobalt howls and doesn't know what to do.

And Salamander returns. The magic of the flame, which painted a red trail in the sky of the horse system, landed on the ground, raising a huge wind.

Is this the end? No. Salamander had no intention of leaving the sky he had tasted for the first time. You shake your head at the dragon with a cheerful voice.

Dragon reacted to the action that was as clear as dragon's hands. Katarina and Eligos climb on Salamander's back without a chance to stop her. They grip the boulder as if it were a handle.

Then why did this happen? Did my idea of riding affect evolution? ’

I'm sorry, really, but Dragon has emptied his mind. I shouted, satisfied with the faithful grip of the handle.

“Let's go!”

Salamander responds. This time, you don't have to climb up the hill to flap your wings. Once more, the flame rises into the air.

A private plane. No - a private plane!

Dragon Hoe laughs loudly, thinking of a language play that seems to cut off the hand and foot of Dragon Hoe if his friends hear it. I looked away from the excitement.

Heaven of the Magic System.

And the land of the barons.

The swirling flow of magical power.

A cool breeze blew through all of them.

It was a wind blowing from the horizon, beyond the veil.



chu Yong-ryong