Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 20 - Kaiwan's Journal >

During the visit to the free city of Yongho, the dungeon of the Mamon family undergone the renovation of the dungeon changed significantly, including the passageway and the location of each facility.

As he was on his way to the prison, Eligos couldn't help but explain the new dungeons.

“This could also be the first defensive facility in the dungeon. Previously, there was a structural weakness that the winding passageway was obsessed with lengthening the passageway and the wall between the passageways was thin. Because of this, the newly renovated corridor has almost an entire room of walls between the corridors. ”

It was a countermeasure to the destruction of the walls that Forest cast.

In the case of deactivated space, it was often empty inside, so it was weak to wall destruction.

The newly refurbished corridor has largely reinforced the wall between the corridor and the corridor that inevitably occurs after the money has been made. It was a solid wall by completely filling the inactive space.

Of course, it didn't fill all the space. In order to implement guerrilla tactics with activation as before, some spaces have been left unfilled deactivation spaces.

It would be difficult to distinguish between inactive and occupied spaces unless the dungeon had been infiltrated by a single fluoroscopic capability.

‘I think I'll have a real one later. ’

Magic was a real magic system. I didn't think there would be a lot of useful fluoroscopic magic.

But first, it was a later problem. Even with fluoroscopic magic, it would be difficult to see all the walls more than 100 meters.

“Previously acquired traps at the Dungeon Chamber will be focused on exits. In the corner, we've built a post where the guards can rest. ”

Eligos opens the door on the wall, just in the corner. It was a small room where two to three people could rest, with a cot and a chair.

An Orc sitting at the Guard Post rises from his seat and pays his respects to Yongho. It was previously armed with the remaining weapons.

Unlike the last three corners, there was only one new passageway. The passageway is that short, but I don't think I'll be as worried about being destroyed as before.

As you continue down the hallway, you see four or five other rooms of a large size.

Again, Eligos explained.

“This is the first interceptor Lord commanded. Ordinarily, we will leave them empty and wait for the enemy to arrive in the alleyway. ”

The primary interceptor was not just a large room. I had a defensive battle in mind, so I was still incomplete, but there were walls, moats, traps, and so on. It was like building a small castle indoors.

Eligos points to the circle of magic set in the center of the keep.

“This is the seat of Treant, the only resident minister in the First Interceptor. And Lord knows... Treants are returning now. ”

It's a slow Treant, so you'll have to arrive later than Yongho's group, who carefully scouted the hallway.

Katarina smiles awkwardly, and Skull stands in the middle of a magic circle, spreading his arms wide as if he were replacing a Treant.

A distance appeared just past the road extending from the first intercept site.

The dungeon was an "unknown space" to the enemy. Not only can such a slight detour confuse the enemy, but it could also lead to dispersion of troops.

Turning the dungeon into a maze would make life in the dungeon difficult, but it was a useful means of increasing the defensive strength of the dungeon.

Eligos, who stands in the middle of the range, points left and right, respectively.

“The road to the right, centered on the Lord, is a warehouse corridor. A room with an outdoor resource warehouse and so on. The dungeon attackers have hardly any useful timber, stone, etc. ”

The dragon nods quietly. I asked the enemy to arrange suitable things that were useless, but it seemed that Eligos took care of them.

“The road on the left is just a long one. We can install new ones later… First, we have a toilet for the workers going to the first intercept and a drinking water supply room. ”

Eventually, the real path to the interior of the dungeon was a straight line.

‘Well, I gave the order, but I'm a little nervous. ’

When people were in a situation where there was no information, people surprisingly often did similar things.

If there are 1 and 2, choose 1, or if there is a distance, go straight.

If the goal was to confuse the enemy, shouldn't one of the left and right passageways be connected to the actual passageway?

‘Well, we can fix it later. ’

Instead of looking down the left and right corridor, Yongho went straight ahead. It was about looking around the dungeon, but I also had to go to jail.

Straight ahead, you see a secondary interceptor. It's about the same size as the primary interceptor, but this time it feels empty.

“This is now the final defense line, the secondary interceptor. We plan to replenish our defenses at the Lord's behest. ”

The renovation of the dungeon was done with a fairly long view. Later, there will be a lot of Mamon Family combat workers, so it was right to build several interceptors like now.

After passing through the secondary intercept, the living spaces finally emerged. On the left and right side of the street corridor was a space with ministry lifeguards and a food warehouse.

The creation of two ministry habits was due to considering the ministry horses to be added later, but it was to separate the rest areas of Goblins and Orcs.

There was no rest more important than sleeping. Furthermore, the ministry lifestyle had to be a place to relax after a hard day's work.

I've never seen Orcs bully Goblins, but they were two different species. It was better to separate the space beforehand in case there were any problems.

In the vicinity of the food warehouse, there were toilets, canteens, and serving houses.

‘I should get a chef too. ’

The restaurant and kitchen were of considerable size, although it was instructed by itself. Currently, there are about a dozen Mamon housewives serving "meals."

I couldn't just let Eligos do this much man-made food. Sooner or later, I thought I'd have to get a professional housekeeper.

‘That's why the noble mansion was so used. ’

For a moment, Yongho thought of an English film about the lives of 19th-century nobles and nodded alone.

Not much yet, but Eligos, who was definitely looking at the spacious kitchen with a happy face, soon continued to guide him again.

After the second range, the third intercept area, which has not yet been installed, and the empty space for later, emerges.

Eligos stops at a fork in the road.

“If you continue straight from here, you will find the passageway to the 'Demon King's Room', the Lord's room. It's not a random structure, it's a fork in the road. Other paths lead to armory, gold vaults, warehouses for storing gold, bathrooms, and more. ”

Catarina, who had always listened quietly, flashed her eyes at the word 'bathhouse.’ No, I could tell by the way my tail was wagging right now.

Instead of Eligos' direct guidance, the only explanation was that DragonHog had to go to prison for a while.

The dragon follows Eligos' lead and enters the hallway of the prison and the torture chamber.

As soon as I entered the passageway, Eligos' face was full of life. It was a newly built prison, so I took a deep breath as if the air was different even though I didn't have the heavy and dark smell of the prison yet.

As with other facilities, the prison has expanded considerably.

I've expanded my one prison room to four. The prisoners in the different prisons were placed in a row on one side of the passageway so that they could not see each other, and opposite them was the torture chamber, the dream palace of Eligos.

Eligos opens the first cell door.

A furry dwarf lingers on one corner of a clean prison. The dragon stood at the entrance and stared at the dwarf for a moment turned his gaze to Eligos.

“You didn't torture me. ”

“I didn't swear to Mamon. That's what it was like. ”

The dragon sees the dwarf again.

I lay limping helplessly, dead as if my eyes had rotted away. It was unusual for someone to enter the prison right away, but not even to be moved.

“You didn't... die, did you? ”

“No, I think he's being desperate. If possible, you may want to consider returning the item. ”

Eligos whispers in a small voice.

Yongho didn't answer me right away, but I thought about it for a moment.

So far, the labor horses bought at the Dungeon Chamber were almost all simple.

Goblins loved Dragon Hoes and Mamon Family, which evolved and fed and gave them a place to sleep. Treants felt like they needed a place to put their roots.

The golems were inanimate, and Skull didn't know what he was thinking, but he seemed relatively happy.

Catarina and Eligos were in the service, but they felt strongly that they were part of the Mamon family.

The new Orcs were freelancers, not slaves in the beginning. Despite losing the battle, I was practically half forced to work for the Mamon family, but I was not complaining about the situation.

But the dwarves in that prison were different.

According to the information I read at the Dungeon Chamber, that Dwarf was not even from the original horse market. He was from another world, like Yongho himself, and became a slave when he was defeated in a dungeon battle with a Demon King.

Yongho had a moment's imagination.

All the comrades with their lives are dead.

The one who barely survived was left alone in a strange world and became a slave and sold everywhere.

Come to think of it, it was pretty dark. Some people just obey and live, but as Eligos said, there are enough cases where they can be desperate and become obsessed.


However, I did not intend to give up immediately.

Furthermore, that minister was the one who commented "Recommendation" among the ministers who were on Citri's separate list.

Of course, there was no guarantee that Citri would do the Mamon family unconditional favors. However, considering the relationship so far, Citri did not seem to have left because she was willing to reconsider disposing of a useless waste.

Dragon has taken a step inside the prison. Katarina is combat ready in case anything happens to her. Skull is also swamped, but she doesn't leave the vicinity of the dragon.

The dwarf remains motionless, even though the dragon is just a few steps ahead. The dragon unleashed its power of evolution without haste. We looked at evolutionary information that would have been different from before the enlistment.

[Name: Burgrim]

[Race: Dwarf (South)]

[Classification: Non-Magician]

[Attribute: Earth Level 3 | Flame Level 4]

[Object Nature]


[Object Accuracy]

[Health/Magic Power/Skill]

[Evolution Skills: 0/100]

[HP Specialty Level 2 | (3)]

[Strength Specialty Level 2 | (2)]

[Magic Specialty | -] - Damage | More evolution skills required

[Skill Specialty Level 5 | (3)]

The dragon blinked at the sight of an invisible specialization and attribute level before registering for the ministry.

It was high. The potential itself was not bad, but overall it was already quite advanced.

This meant that the Dwarf-Bergrim had quite the ability to sail.

‘Skill level 5? ’

It was a level I had never seen before. Yongho's magical power is still only level 4.

Obviously, Citri was a recommended minister based on evolutionary information.

‘Then, how do you get your motivation back? ’

Yongho once again looked at evolutionary information. I alternated between the magical specialization marked 'damage’ and the magical power marked separately for individual aptitude.

I recalled a brief introduction to the Dungeon Awards, which I read when I bought Vergrim in front of my eyes.

[A dwarf from another realm.]

[A member of the Adventurer Party who invaded the Demon King Eduzon Dungeon linked to this world.]]

[The rest of the party, except you.]

[According to ‘Demon King Eduzon’ who entered the Dungeon Chamber, the Dwarves in the horse's hometown have more talents in producing magical weapons than any other Dwarf in the world.]

[This has been proven by the Dwarves from the same offshore trade at the Dungeon Chamber.]

High stats that don't match the price.

A history of slavery lost in dungeon battles.

Dead eyes.

Faction information that allows magic weapons to be produced.

Dragon Hoe lowers. He looked at Vergrim and said,

“I can't use my magic anymore. I don't think there's much we can do to recover. ”

It was more like a soliloquy.

But at that moment, Vergrim's eyes shook. I had a little bit of ‘expectation' in my dead eyes.

Dragon Hat looks back at Bergram.

This time, Burgrim turned his head and faced the dragon.



chu Yong-ryong