Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 22 # 3 >


The story suddenly speeds up.

Katarina rubs her lips a few times and eventually shuts up and looks at the dragon.

Katarina had the ability to read the context of the story. If what the Orcs are saying is true now, Dragon Ho had to move in some way. It was worth that much information.

But if it's not the truth,

If this is a well-constructed trap.

Katarina did not know her successor to the Forest family. Is he foolish enough to make a home run for his enemies? Is Junkeras cunning and evil enough to slay those who ask him to surrender?

There were no answers. Nevertheless, Katarina kept her mouth shut because she believed in dragons. Katarina couldn't help but notice the possibility.

But then, how will we judge the truth?

Katarina's expectations were not wrong. Dragon Hoe soon found the answer.


“Yes, Lord. ”

Ophelia answered the call of the dragon immediately. Yongho hasn't even ordered Moore yet, but he knows what to do.

Ofelia waits for the dragon's command. Yongho doesn't give up on her expectations like he did with Katarina.

“Can you reproduce what happened at the bar? ”

“We need some preparation, but we can do it. Let's see if it's true. ”

Without a proper explanation, the Orcs blinked their eyes because of what they were saying. Likum was embarrassed and asked Ofelia.

“Are you trying to get inside their heads? ”

“I can't believe it. Isn't it a little hard to trust just because you're an old subordinate? ”

Ofelia speaks directly, and Likum grips his teeth as if he were suspicious, but only for a moment. He nods quickly.

“Well... you're right. Forgive me, Your Highness. ”

After finishing his speech, Lycum bows to the dragon and takes a step back. The Orc, who was sitting on his knees in front of Yongho, looked back at Rikum in embarrassment.

“Boo, Squad Leader? ”

“It's nothing. I'm just trying to test if you're telling the truth. Nothing will harm you, so trust me. ”

At Rikum's calm voice, the Orc swallows a dry saliva and nods. He seemed quite anxious to sweat, but he wasn't afraid of being caught in a lie.

Dragon did not judge quickly. I decided to leave it to Ofelia, so I was going to wait until the results came back.

Ofelia took a white chalk from her vest pocket and started drawing magic jeans on the floor. It was a magician centered around a crouched Orc, but because Yongho couldn't see it, a similar magician was actually installed in the tavern bar.

I really needed to be prepared to peek into the spirit of the 'Demon King’ like Yongho, but this time it seemed especially simple among simple Orcs.

After about five minutes of drawing a magic circle on the floor, Ophelia stands up with her back straight.

“We'll get started right away. ”

Yongho nodded lightly and accepted. Orcs who didn't know what would happen in the future turned their anxious faces to look at Ophelia and the Orcs who were on their knees, and Likum insisted on preparing for the "if."

Katarina looks at Ofelia's lips because she remembers what happened at the bar.

Ofelia lowers herself to match the height of her eyes with the Orcs. I looked into the Orc's eyes and said,

“You're in luck today. ”

The Orc tries to blink again, as if to ask what it means, but it can't. The eyelid was fixed like a lie. The Orc gazes blankly at Ofelia, and Ofelia sees that Orc's eyes again. I've narrowed my distance to the Orcs.

and finally the distance between each other became zero.

The startled Eligos opens his eyes wide, and Katarina looks back at the dragon without my knowledge. Yongho narrows his eyes and waits for Ofelia's word.

The moment of contact was short. Afterward, Ofelia pulls out her handkerchief, wipes her lips, and turns to Dragon Hoe. The orc is still stunned with a blank face.

“It's true. That man... Gokan witnessed the death of the Forest family butler by Junkeras. ”

Likum vomits a breath of relief, and the dragon closes his eyes.

Now that the truth was divided, what was needed was a quick judgment.

‘It's impossible to hit the Abigails. ’

It was a long way away.

Moreover, Abigail was not out to draw power. It didn't make sense for Yongho to hit the Forest family to attack the Abigail family because the owner of the household had left.

‘Will you attack the Forest family or not? ’

There was definitely a geographical advantage. There was not much to be pushed down by the waterway, given the possibility that the Junkeras, the family owner of the Abigails, had been framed by the Forest family.

But it was definitely dangerous.

The Forest family was the enemy, and the low power of Junkeras and his men was unknown. If I did wrong, I could have lost my life to Jungkeras.


Profit was also great as the risk was great.

In just one battle, Jungkeras and Foras were able to reach the heart of the Foras dungeon, as well as the essence of their heirs. Not to mention what remains of the Forest family.

What you need is information.

And in the realm of information, the dragon was ahead of any other shareholder near the free city.

“Ofelia, what is the strength of Junkeras? What do you know about the Guardian and the Servants? ”

As an outsider of the Mamon family, Ophelia, the tavern mistress, quickly responded as if she had already prepared it.

“Yunkeras is not a porous Mutupa. However, there is a good chance that you will be good at it because you are so big and strong born. The name is unfortunately unknown... · It is likely to be a non-combat area. ”

The power of evolution by the dragon hoe was also a non-combat power.

There is no law that requires every Demon King to have the same fighting power as the cold of Forest.

The south of the void was a land where there were few dungeon battles between the settlers. The information about the households' direct combat strength was limited.

But it wasn't even about escorts and ministers.

“The protector of Yunkeras is an ogre who resembles my master. The head is simple, but has great strength and stamina. I've fought and won at the same time as ten Orc Warriors. ”

“How does that compare to you? ”

“I'm stronger. ”

It was a somewhat trivial answer, but it was not arrogance that was young in Ofelia's eyes. It was a tranquil look to discuss the obvious facts.

Ofelia has resumed her explanation.

“Living armor, mainly bought at the Dungeon Hall. Kokan also witnessed Junkeras clamoring with living armor. Right?"

Ofelia looks back at the go-kan at the end, and the go-kan sits dazed, nodding in surprise.

“That's right. I saw it with my own eyes. ”

Living Armor was a laborer who had never encountered it before. I've never seen it in the Dungeon Chamber catalogue.

Likum said as if to help Yongho.

“Living armor is virtually immune to slaughter and stabbing attacks without suffering because it is not a living creature. However, if you are armed with a blunt weapon rather than a blade, it is a worthy opponent. If I break or dente the armor itself, no matter how much I live, I will be forced to become incapacitated. ”

The word blunt force paralyzes Skull with a battle hammer.

Yongho tried counting again. I compared the forces that could be mobilized here with the forces that Jungkeras would have.

There was no such thing as absolute combat.

If such a thing existed, Yongho himself would never have defeated the Forest.

‘High Risk High Return. ’

Greed prevailed. Leading the way to the dragon.

“Prepare for battle. Construct an attack squad and attack the Forest family. ”

Yongho quickly said. I turned my eyes to Eligos.

“Eligos, I need you to defend the dungeon with Treant. I will lead Katarina and Skull, Salami, Ofelia, Likum and Orcs against the Forest family. ”

Eligos hesitates for a moment. I had a lot of thoughts at the same time in a short and short moment.

But in the end, the answer was fixed. Immediately following his posture, Eligos salutes the dragon.

“I look forward to seeing Lord Eligos return. ”

Katarina and Skull were already in a precarious position. Likum hurriedly saluted Yongho and said:

“I'll have them assembled in less than 10 minutes. ”

Yongho did not rush the registration of surrendered Orcs' labor force. I teased my finger and ordered Lucia to page Salami.

There are two battle wagons left for sale at the Dungeon Chamber. It was enough to transport troops.

Time was of the essence.

I had to wrap things up quickly before someone else could get their hands on the information.

Ofelia tells me you've read the inside of the dragon.

“Yunkeras is a hot-blooded person. There is no possibility of waiting around for the Forest dungeons to run out of magical power and stop naturally. They must be moving to find the heart of the dungeon. Damage from traps will also accumulate. ”

Jungera found the heart of the dungeon and was defeated when he left the Forest family.

Yongho once again asked himself for relief. Greed also demanded calmness, instead of pushing the back of the dragon.

Sometimes you have to wait for the big prey.

Dragon Hoe grabs Amon. You look north to the Forest family.


The wagon ran with all its might. It consumed the magical power of the stanchions embedded in the wagon generously, and the horses were also exhausted.

It was not operating properly. In this way, the wagon would actually stop functioning as soon as it arrived at the destination.

But I had to. Dragon saw Salami coming out the front window of the wagon while scouting in the air with Katarina on his back, focusing again on the inside of the wagon.

Likum draws a map of the Foras family dungeon on a large piece of paper. It relied on memory, but there was hardly any wrong place, because it was Likum who stayed on the Forest for many years.

The old men of Gokan and Rikum have marked on the map what has changed since the emergence of the new heir. It was only a few days ago that nothing changed.

The dungeons of the Forest family had many secret passageways. Forest stabbed a blind spot in the dungeon defenses prepared by Dragon Tiger for Wall Destruction because he was usually worried about Wall Destruction.

On the outside, there were large corridors, but there were many invisible corridors. Furthermore, as I went inside, there were more paths to call "alleyways."

“This is the last place Yunkeras was. And... we don't know where the heart of the real dungeon is. ”

Gokan scratches his head and says, Likum asked Gokan.

“Did the servants escape all the dungeons? Isn't there anyone else who can get caught and lead the way? ”

“Uh... I'm not sure, but I think we're almost out of here. In the beginning, Jungkeras and Gaju... I hardly ever got close to where Gaju met. ”

I didn't even know where the heart of the real dungeon was. But Likum pointed to an axis on the dungeon map. Yonkers is far from the caged room.

“I'm not sure, but the heart of the dungeon is most likely nearby. Some say it's dark under the lamp... but they must have dropped it as far away as possible because of the butler's personality. ”

Yongho nods, looking back closely at the dungeon map. Orcs were there to guide you, but I couldn't rely on them alone. It was the surest way to memorize the map yourself.

The wagon speeds up even more.

The dragon, who put a map of the Forus dungeon in his head, closes his eyes and thinks of an infiltration tunnel.

When you enter a dungeon on the Forest family, your top priority should be:

Time flies by.

Two battle wagons from the Mamon family arrived at the dungeons of the Forest family.

The End

chu Yong-ryong