Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 28 # 3 >


It was like an explosion.

It was a storm that started without notice.

Hidden horns rise from the dragon's ears. Those that did not bend and stretched straight drew a sharp triangle. It could be compared to a blade.

Concentrated magical power does not spread. The dragon howls ferociously and becomes turbulent, enveloping the chamber.

Crazy Oros swallowed a dry saliva. A total of four horns, two on either side. I thought it would be somewhat strong, but I didn't think it would be four horns.

The number of horns immediately reveals the power of magic.

Vacant housewives usually only had two to three horns. Although based on the total number of households, it was clear that the number of households with four horns was less than half of all households.

‘The horn is not the whole thing. ’

Oros shouts to himself. You straighten your mind to avoid the turbulence.

He was right.

It was clear that the number of horns was an indicator of magical strength, but it was not absolute.

Although there were three horns, there were some who were more magical than four.

Just because there were four horns, they were not even equal to the Covenant of Magical Power. Between them, there was definitely a sequence of commitments.

In a short time, Oros is comforted by his words, as he chooses to take a few short breaths. I managed to look at Dragon again without being embarrassed.

Horns aren't everything.

Also, magical power is not everything.

It was not just the power of the magical force that allowed us to discuss strength. It is true that the stronger the magical power, the better the battle, but there is no way that a swordsman can be a great swordsman.

Ogres and Trolls use their strong physical abilities to reverse their power. It was never just magical to cut through the battle.

By the way!

Oros felt himself atrophied. The sweat flowed down my back.

I felt uncomfortable breathing. The power emanating from the dragon hoe seems to chase Oros away violently.

I could not describe it simply as having strong magic.

It's heavy. It's nothing compared to Foras or Junkeras.

Oros grips his teeth. By activating the Trolls' outstanding physical abilities, I was trying to escape the pressure caused by Dragon's Magic Power.

I'm not strong! ’

Strong. Definitely strong. But not absolutely. It was only 1.5 times higher than the magical power of Foras or Junkeras, if you count it calmly. Agares' magic must have been much stronger than that!

But I couldn't escape the pressure again. It wasn't just the size of the magic. There is something in the dragon's magic, something beyond Oros' own perception.

Dragon Hat opens its magic and has at most 10 seconds left.

Oros cannot help but acknowledge the power of the dragon. You gave up your useless resistance. And so I realized the existence of Dagon that I had forgotten for the last decade or so.

Oros himself was merely caught in a magical storm. Dagon faces the source of the storm. The pressure that would be felt at this moment would not be comparable to Oros' own.


Dagon was also a magician. As an ogre mage, he was a few times more skilled at handling magic than Oros.

Dagon smiles. He puts the mace up and opens his mouth with difficulty.

“You're strong. There's nothing to fight about. You... No, I acknowledge you as the owner of the Mamon Family. ”

I had a bad voice. It turned out that it was squeezed.

Oros guessed the look on Dagon's back. I could see Dagon smiling forcefully.

Yongho looked straight at Dagon like that. And then I lost it.

“He who wields a sword must also be prepared to be struck by one. ”

You raise your right arm. The rushing stream of magical power calms down in an instant. But I couldn't be relieved. The static was like the night before the storm.

Magic was concentrated in one place. From the right hand of the dragon was the flame of the red flame, which soon turned into a single spear.

“You started it, but I ended it. I should test your strength, too. ”

His magical power became a blazing flame. Refined it gives you more pressure than when you thrashed it fiercely.

Magic wasn't the only thing. There was something inside. I couldn't say for sure, but Oros felt special.

It was the worst.

Dagon can no longer avoid a fight. Like Ofelia said, the Mamon family's family tree was not a fag. It was likely that it would not end with a simple struggle, and the outcome of this struggle was clear that it would completely destroy comparable relationships so far.

Dagon breathes a harsh breath. At some point, I vomited and grabbed the mace.

Oros is in conflict. The moment feels like an eternity.

What to do. Should I join Dagon? Should we fight the Mamon housewives together to stop him from taking the lead?

But it was a frivolous theory, and the relationship with the Mamon family heirlooms could be completely disrupted. It was a fight we shouldn't have started in the first place.

What to do. Will you take responsibility for failing to prevent Dagon from taking action and embrace the situation? Will you hand over your sovereignty to the Mamon family heirs? Would it be foolish of us to try and persuade a common enemy named Agares to fight amongst ourselves?

It was an instant moment.

The reversal took place where Oros, who had been focusing solely on dragons and Dagon, had never imagined.

“Turn away your anger, great Mamon family leader. Forgive Dagon's guilt and rebuke me for not stopping him. ”

A calm voice belonged to Ofelia.

Oros, who followed his voice, opened his eyes without my knowledge. The tavern mistress, famous for her pride, came down from her seat and knelt on her knees.

‘Ofelia?! ’

It was Oros who had seen Ofelia for over a decade. No matter how many housewives she encountered, she only spoke up and no more. I never thought she would take that stance like now.

Oros looks like his head is about to explode. Ophelia's sudden actions were confusing, but the situation that would have caused it was confusing for Oros as well.

Ofelia was a man equal to herself or Dagon. He knelt on his knees and admitted that he was below House Mamon. It was as if the other captains of the free city were also under the dragon. It was a better shape than Dagon's brutal defeat in the struggle, but it was a more perfect defeat.

“I beg your forgiveness, too. No, Bio. Forgive me for wanting to test you. ”

Dagon, the leader of the outlaws, said he was sensitive to the most powerful superiority among the leaders of the free cities.

The family heirlooms of the Mamon family were stronger than themselves. Now I had to admit it and back off. The fight against the stronger was not just for courage, but especially now.

It was foolish of him to ask for a duel in the first place. Ophelia, who is no one else, has done this to me. I can't afford it anymore. Bowing your head was the only answer.

With Ofelia and Dagon successively admitting defeat, Dragon's gaze naturally turned towards Oros.

Oros closes his eyes. As Ofelia and Dagon did, they set an example for Yongho. In fact, the declaration of defeat was put in my mouth.

“Forgive me. ”

The words were short, but this was enough.

The dragon nods slowly, keeping its cool and bitter gaze. You ignite the flame of magical power.

Ophelia looks at such a dragon, her eyes wide with intense intent.

‘It was too much, wasn't it disgusting? You started it, but I'm the one ending it. ’

Ofelia was weaker in terms of connection than Katarina. But Dragon understood that, and I deliberately swung my right arm to hide the smile that was about to leak out. He said with his eyes, retrieving Amon.

Is it okay to kneel? ’

‘Kneel down a day or two. It's in front of the owner anyway. Anyway, I'm glad it worked out the way it did. ’

It was one of the expected scenarios.

Ofelia knew the nature of Dagon and Oros, and knew how they would react to the situation.

‘But……. ’

Ofelia was amazed at the power of Saab Dragon. It was only a matter of a month after the first encounter with Dragon Hoe. But Yongho grew tremendously in between. It was truly a terrifying growth rate.

The dragon's role was to succeed in today's operation. If the magic of the dragon in the beginning had not become as powerful as it is now, today's operation would not have been possible if it had not become powerful enough to capture Amon's overwhelming power.

‘You'll get caught. Stop smiling. ’

‘What should I do? Best investment of my life, really. ’

It wasn't voluntary, it was a compulsory investment.

Around the time a warm conversation between Gaju and his servant servant came, Dagon and Oros, who had never even dreamed of it, accepted the reality with a misshapen face. The family heirloom is now more than just a mercenary.

Skull picks up a battle hammer, and Katarina looks at the dragon's back with deep affection and respect. Thankfully, Dagon and Oros were unable to determine the psychological state of the Howler, although their tails and ears were pounding as hard as ever.

Dragon has walked towards the Round Table. It was all a round table symbolizing equality, but it wasn't anymore. The moment Yongho sat down, the seat became the top.


“Then I will explain Agares from now on. ”

It was Ophelia, as expected, who was in charge of the meeting. She stood in front of a moving chalkboard with various materials, like a presentation, pointing to a map of the south of the blank space.

“Agares is currently situated in the dungeon on the Eastside of the Free City. Our scouts report that they have no intention of hiding anything. Soldiers from the dungeons owned by Agares are gathering at Eil Street. ”

The Eil housewives and gasoles were literally devoured by Agares.

As you already know, Oros frowns. He wanted to put a cigarette in his mouth right now.

“Currently, the estimated total number of troops is a minimum of seven hundred to a maximum of a thousand remaining. ”

If you think that the Forasmans and the Jonkeras were two hundred to one, it was truly a tremendous number.

Ofelia subsequently described the power of the three free cities. Dagon and Oros had no choice but to swallow the immersion again, because the number was more accurate than they had imagined. I had no choice but to sit naked in front of Dragon Hoe.

The number of people who can fight in the tavern is seventy.

Each of the producers' guilds and mobs of outlaws had more than a hundred and dozen troops, so the numbers were the best, but the elite force ahead of Ophelia was never outnumbered by the two remaining forces.

“It's a matter of honor in the free city, so we can ‘commandeer’ more people. And they're in the castle, so I don't think it's much of a disadvantage in numbers. ”

As the battle grew larger, the group became stronger than the individual.

Common sense in such wars has also been used in the hegemony. But it couldn't be very much like handover.

Magic was a real magic system.

A transcendent being with powerful magical powers could replace tens and hundreds of troops alone. It was the battlefield of Mahjong where the man who turned the tide with his own hands was real.

After all, it was Agarez who broke the victory and defeat of this Water Temple.

The leaders of the free city sought the help of Dragon Ho in the end to save them and those who would defeat Against them.

Ophelia's explanation followed.

It was about the composition of Agares' troops and his many known abilities.

A week after the meeting goes down.

An occupier led by Agares sets off from the Eil family dungeon.

Chapter 28 - The End of Opening, Chapter 29 - The Weather Service


chu Yong-ryong