Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 32 # 2 >

Gu Zion has asked for a favor. Furthermore, the request was to talk to Kaiwan.

It was a suspicious story. In the beginning, it was Gu Zion that prevented even a short conversation with Kaiwan.

Gu Zion faced the suspicious gaze of the dragon and burst her throat as if she was hiding her anxiety. Dragon Hoe folded his arms and glanced at Gu Zion like that.

In the end, it was also Gu Zion who opened his mouth first.

“Time doesn't flow normally here. ”

“Amon speaks very highly of you. Time hasn't stopped, but it doesn't flow naturally, does it? ”

For over a thousand years, the secret to the survival of the fighting horses in the Arena.

It was no exaggeration to say that the Arena was another world that existed in the conclusion created by Mamon.

Gu Zion nods.

“Yes, I can't feel the flow of time here. A year is like a minute, and a minute is like a year. I've spent at least a thousand years here. But my senses don't remember the last thousand years. Sometimes it feels like a year, sometimes it feels like only a few days. This space is such a place. ”

Dragon Hat was able to empathize to some extent. When I enter the Arena, I can't really understand how time flows. I thought I had stayed for more than a day at the last visit, but after I came out, it was only two hours.

But what is the connection between the nature of these Arenas and Kaiwan?

Gu Zion opened her lips. He cut off his last hesitation and said.

“Kaiwan's spirit is about to collapse. ”

Gu Zion was not joking. His eyes were as serious as those of Mamon.

“Did I tell you when you first came here? It's been decades since Kaiwan disappeared. ”

Dragon Hoe remembered that time. I remembered Kaiwan's pale face.

“I don't know how time flows... but I can't even deceive the absolute limit of time. No matter how we feel in the Arena, time is certainly ticking by. ”

The voice of Gu Zion sinks heavily. It wasn't just the decades of Kaiwan. In the voice of Gu Zion, there was a thousand years after the death of Mamon.

“Kaiwan was in bad shape from the start. He didn't accept the fact that he had to return to the Arena. She left so many things outside the Arena. ”

There was the Mamon Family, which had barely begun to rise again.

There were loyal servants, and there was a young, frail brother just waiting for him to return.

Kaiwan wasn't the only one. Previous generations of Kaiwan, the villagers who eventually succumbed to the Defeat Arena also had to leave many things outside the Arena.

But Yongho was able to understand Kaiwan's heart. The poison seemed to know why she was so obsessed.

The previous housewives were better off. The Mamon family was healthy, and there were rightful successors. Unlike Kaiwan.

Kaiwan should not have been so desperate about the fact that he could not leave the Arena.

The Mamon Family, which cannot be established without Kaiwan, was clearly concerned about the brother who would be left alone at the Mamon Family.

“Kaiwan retained himself as a believer. You can call that faith faith faith. ”

Yongho could also tell. I remembered the questions she asked the day I first met Kaiwan. I vomited without knowing it.

“Your brother... is coming to the Arena? ”

“I can't do it, even the descendants. ”

Dragon has closed his eyes. The voice of Gu Zion continues.

“Anyone who visits the Arena must challenge at least once. But if you have company, it doesn't matter if you challenge one of them. Kaiwan was looking forward to it. He said there was a strong man on the first floor who could get through lightly. Was his name Endelion?”

It was a wish that could not be fulfilled.

Ofelia's father, Endellion, is disappointed in Cairn and leaves the Mamon family without Kaiwan.

Furthermore, Cairn was unable to resist the sudden attack by the Crazy Ants. The only passageway to the Arena is lost.

“That's how time passed. Decades, to be exact. But for Kaiwan, that time seemed like hundreds of years. ”

Kaiwan, depicted in Cain's journal, was a woman like steel.

However, Kaiwan faced the Dragon Horde Arena like a glass glass that was about to break.

“And then you showed up. ”

The dragon opened its eyes. Gu Zion faced such a dragon.

“I had a hunch. You don't want an answer from Kaiwan. It's the worst thing she could possibly imagine, so there's even the possibility of giving an answer she doesn't even think about. ”

“Is that why you interrupted? ”

Gu Zion smiles bitterly.

“I am the administrator of the Arena. Kaiwan is a fighter at the Arena, and I like him quite a lot among Nari's descendants. ”

Ultimately, it was the concern of the Old Zion. Dragon vomited. He was as clumsy and clumsy as he looked.

Gu Zion kept saying.

“Kaiwan can no longer sustain himself just by believing as before. Because you showed up with the right answers. You're the one who knows about Cairn, who might bring him in. ”

Kaiwan was sick. And finally, I reached my limit.

Dragon has bitten his teeth. I truly understood why Gu Zion interrupted me.

Is it reasonable to announce the fall of the Mamon family to Kaiwan now?

Gu Zion decided that it was time. I had to face the truth even though I was about to break it.

The dragon swallowed a dry saliva. Katarina is silent, even with the sound of her breath.

“Kaiwan's younger brother Cain was a soldier. ”

The dragon squeezes out his voice. Just as I practiced my rehearsal, I told Gu Zion what I knew.

It's a tragic panorama. Old Zion sighs no longer at the part where the previous owner committed suicide.

“That's the worst.”

Yongho thought so too. It was terrible to imagine how Kaiwan would react to this fact.

“But there's also the positive part. ”

Gu Zion said, "I didn't just say that out loud. His voice was still fading, but he was calm.

“Kaiwan's younger brother Cain became the head of the Mamon family and got married and had a child. You continue the Mamon Family on your own terms. ”

It was an ordinary story, but it was important that the mediocrity was fulfilled.

Gu Zion smiled bitterly. After spreading my lips a few times, I finally stretched out my hands.

“Save Kaiwan. It's time for him to get out of his obsession. ”

I didn't need an answer. Gu Zion retreated, and the beast mask man led the dragon again. Yongho ordered Katarina not to follow.

As Old Zion said, I couldn't feel the flow of time properly. I only took a few steps for a long time.

The man in the beast mask led the dragon to the arena's waiting room. On the waiting room chair, Kaiwan sat nervously. Between the gray hair, the two eyes were filled with anxiety, fear, and very little hope, instead of bitterness.

Kaiwan raised his head and looked at the dragon. I opened my lips, but I couldn't vomit. It was not even easy to squeeze the voice out of the cravings.

Yongho recalled the first time he saw Kaiwan. Her memory of magic. A small, humble girl. The girl who cried with evil intent that she would never fall.

I swallowed the needle again. I confronted him face to face without avoiding Kaiwan's gaze. He said in an incredibly bold voice.

“Kaiwan, Cainan is dead. About a decade from now. ”

There were no screams or cries.

Dragon took hold of Kaiwan's sheep shoulder. I told her a story that seemed to be crumbling to ashes in no time.


I felt like I couldn't express one word of tiredness.

Gu Zion, who left the waiting room and came back to the Arena, smiles increasingly. He tapped the dragon's shoulder as if pretending to be friendly.

“You've done enough. And then there's his problem. As the manager of the Arena, I give my sincere thanks. ”

Dragon Hoe recalls the Old Zion he saw in Mamon's memory. This kind of touching proved that Gu Zion was revealing the truth.

Kaiwan, who heard all the stories, fell asleep tired of crying in his arms. After waking up, it was a matter of Kaiwan, no matter what Gu Zion said.

The dragon squats in the nearest chair. I asked Gu Zion who was naturally sitting next to me.

“You said conquering the Arena will liberate the soldiers at the Arena? ”

“You said you could collect. Well, if it's just your wind, it's the same thing after all. And……. ”


“No, thank you. I'll hide this for now. Anyway, are you going to challenge me to the fourth floor? ”

Dragon Hoe is gone. I don't know why Old Zion felt like a crocodile.

I shook my head a few times and searched my back.

“Before that, I want to ask you something. Amon, so are you. I want to know the identity of this metal. ”

In the dragon's hand is a piece of the crown. Gu Zion saw it, and smiled a little differently than before. Instead of taking the metal out of Dragon Hoe's hands, Dragon Hoe asks a question he never thought of.

“Is that all? ”

“No, a blacksmith under my command is making jewellery for his servants. ”

Originally, I was going to explain what I could do with metal. I've been watching Amon, but he wasn't a Gu Zion.

However, the reaction of the Old Zion made me feel like that.

“You did the right thing. You're my successor. Isn't that right, Amon? ”

The flame of the Crimson Flame rises in the air as if answering to the Old Zion. My voice was continuous.

[Brigada. Metal of God. Shrapnel of King Massin's flesh. [Responding to shrapnel]

Gu Zion rolled up its sleeves instead of explaining it like Amon. You reveal the black bracelet that was hidden in the white suit.

I wouldn't have known if I'd seen it before. But now I know. It was the same material as the metal that made up the crown.

“I received this from you. You are the first person to invent how to use what you have found in the world. All of us except Amon... He handed out trinkets made of Brigada to the 12 servants of Mamon. ”

It was a voice of elegance and deep longing. However, Dragon Ho was unable to respond to such feelings of Old Zion. As the King of Drinking, I was not surprised by the great story of a fleshy fragment. When I heard the story of Gu Zion, I had a question that came to my mind.

Gu Zion said Mamon invented the first way to use 'Brigada’.

Were the Demon Kings of before Mamon unable to discern Brigada's qualities? Or was Brigada discovered for the first time in Mamon's time?


Yongho remembered one possibility.

Mamon's 12 Servants.

They are enslaved by the labyrinth of greed even after the death of Mamon.

Gu Zion knew what Dragon Ho was thinking. I burst my happy smile again. I gave Dragon Hoe a good answer.

“Yes, Mamon's 12 Servants. We are the first slaves to the throne. The current system of enslavement is nothing more than a copy of the original Nari made by other Demon Kings. ”

The flames of the Crimson Flame burn. Amon's voice echoes through the dragon's head.

[My young master. You can now elicit the power of greed.]

[The kings who ruled the magic system for generations were the ones with the power of sin. And now, it's time to know why.]

Light rises from Brigada in the palm of the dragon's hand. Along with the guidance of Amon and Guzion, the greedy rust burns.

The true power of seventh generation sin revealed its convenience.


“Poor fourth-floor owner. ”


chu Yong-ryong