Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 34 # 3 >


The dragon's movements resemble Katarina's. It has not relied solely on the performance of the body so far. Magic power helped the dragon move, which produced an explosive instant speed.

When Tigris disappeared before his eyes, the dragon spread his gaze to the left and to the right. It was a reflexive action.

Among the chariots facing the Arena, there was one who was moving at an incredible speed. Even being chased by the snow was such a burden. But in the end, it was fast. The process of moving from the origin to the destination was necessary.

The vision was good. If I could find a small clue as to what path to follow, that would be enough.

But I didn't see anything. It really disappeared before my eyes.

The foot of the dragon, which plunged into the ground to rush forward, reaches back to the ground. The dragon's instinct reacts in that short moment when you can't even swallow a dry saliva. Ophelia's screaming elasticity erupts behind her back.


When the voice is finished. Dragon has already turned around. The opposing Pokémon disappears. Then, where will it reappear? Will it reappear from the front? No, the most likely is also the lateral or the posterior. And here's one more thing I can't explain. It may have been accumulated by Amon's death dozens and hundreds of times. Perhaps the experience that I have accumulated so far has given me an answer.

It didn't matter. Dragon intuited and turned. That is why I was able to face Tigris again, who had vanished before my eyes with the magic of near space leaping.

The reversal of the dragon was definitely faster than expected.

But Tigris did not panic. In the beginning, Tigris was almost twice the magical power he had. No matter what you did, it wasn't weird. As a ‘challenger’, he was just doing the best he could.

At the same time, two enchantments were prepared. One originated with the staff and the other from Tigris' left hand.

From the end of the staff, a chunk of magical power spills out like a machine gun. It was an energy missile, one of the simplest and most effective attack magic.

It was fast enough. A dozen horsepower chunks pouring from the front were clearly a threat.

That's why Yongho moved forward. You dodge sideways or step back, keeping your distance from Tigris. I saw the flow of magic. No, I feel it now.

It is like an arrow. The energy missiles draw a constant trajectory. The dragon detects and moves its trajectory. The dragon howls at you, dodging the energy missiles with its sudden car.


Tigris urgently fulfills the magic he has prepared in his left hand.

In front of the dragon, the ground loses its friction coefficient and becomes extremely slippery. I expected all sorts of attack magic, but I didn't expect a dragon to interfere like this. I stepped on the ground without hesitation, and the aftermath caused me to fall. Tigris blinks again, aiming for the gap. The desire to attack the dragon was like a chimney, but it was more important to keep your distance.

Tigrew's judgment was correct.

The dragon doesn't just fall. I did not anticipate the kind of magic, but I sensed that something was forming. That's why Dragon Hoe swings Amon as he slips. There was no ferocity in that swing, but in the beginning it was not necessary. A wave of rust from the end of the window swept through the place where Tigris stayed.

Tigris understands. The Mamon family's gazelles are able to sense the flow of magical power. Maybe I could see it at all.

It was possible for someone who was sensitive to magic. It was unusual to do such things in the battle against the countryside, but it was meaningless to question what was already being done in the yard.

Instead of once again taking control of the dragon's rear, Tigris takes a large step back, immediately triggering the next magic. It was not the time to save the magic numbers that had been memorized.

A colorful glow filled between the dragon lagoon and Tigris. The chaos was comparable to the heavens in the Magic System.

Even the slightest noise you wouldn't need to hear was excellent hearing. And that sensitivity could sometimes be a weakness.

Look, if you can see.

Feel it if you can.

Oversupply. For Dragon, who was focusing on the flow of magical power, the whole world seemed to be filled with the light of magical power.

Tigris fires an energy missile in a row. A hundred-foot mass of energy strikes the dragon like a bomb.

This time, Tigris felt instinctively. The attack was definitely a hit. But most of them couldn't do any damage.

The rust rises. Tigris' elaborate attack has turned to a standstill. Yongho shielded most of the energy missiles with a distortion shield, which was the force on Kaiwan's ring. You recover by causing rust and blocking the magic around you.

Tigris grins bitterly. He was no ordinary man. It was no coincidence that you defeated Forest and Junkeras in a row and defeated that Agarash.

But I didn't want to lose my rest. No, Tigrew himself thinks he can still win this moment.

Tigris switches sides with the cane. Instead of clearing the distance with the dragon again, you lunge. It was like a melee battle with dragons.

The rust has subsided in a moment. The dragon, which pierced the flame itself, swung amon at Tigris, who was swarming from the front. Tigris swings his staff at Amon, instead of avoiding the attack.

There was a noise. It was more than I could have imagined. It was so intense that I could feel the boredom in my arms.

Strength and Speed Boost spell, Haist.

Not only that, Tigris puts five magic supports on his body. It did not necessarily explosively enhance strong physical abilities.

The old man should not be deceived by his appearance.

Forest was also an old man by the looks of it.

Tigris blinks again. This time, you appear on the right side of the dragon and swing your staff. Dragon Hoe was able to evade the attack with close proximity.

It wasn't a random swinging staff. It was an orderly and skilled movement contrasted with the beast-like movements of the Forest. It was clear that I had learned certain martial arts for a long time.

As the melee battle unfolds, the spell grows. Energy missile-like attack magic as well as small-area Greek enchantments have perplexed the dragon.

But the dragon survived. I was never swayed by Tigris.

It was true that Tigris had exploded into his physical abilities. However, the dragon's physical abilities were not greatly compromised. It was a dragon's body that had undergone a transformation that would have been good even for the osteoclastosis.

Tigris has obviously been practicing his skills for many years. But what about hands-on experience? The number of battles that cost lives surpassed Tigrius. No matter what anyone said, I had already experienced death hundreds of times.

Dragon has surpassed Tigris' expectations. The moment I thought I was going to step back, I moved forward. I showed a movement I could only think of as reckless. It was like he had entrusted everything to heaven.


Tigrius has gone to his grave. It wasn't like that. It was all calculated behavior. It wasn't luck or recklessness. I could see it in those eyes!


Amon spills out. You press down on Tigris' staff to secure it to the ground. I did not stop there, releasing intense rust. A glittering green bloom rises towards Tigris, as if a hawk were rising.

It's close. There's not enough time to activate the Blink. No, I might have run out of Blinks already.

Time is fleeting.

Yongho and Tigris' gaze crossed. Tigris releases the hand that was holding the staff. The rust envelops Tigris like that.

And now Tigris has surpassed dragon expectations.

Tigris takes a step back. The salt has been scattered without harming Tigris. It was not because the dragon weakened the output of rust to save Tigris' life.

Flame shield.

A wall of flames that prevents the attack of several flame attributes of the spleen prepared for today's duel.

With the aid of the staff, Tigris was originally able to work three magic simultaneously. Nevertheless, it was only for the maintenance of the Flame Shield that triggered only two magic.

The first rust I ever shot by Dragon Hoe.

In fact, I didn't have to avoid it. I could have survived with the power of the Flame Shield, even if I turned it upside down.

But I avoided exaggeration. One moment, to seize the chance of reversal!

The Flame Shield is burning red. Tigris did not spare his magical powers. You charge straight for the dragon and concentrate your magic on your right hand. The blade of white magic rises.

Salt doesn't work. It is too short a window.

The Flame Shield would be a barrier against not only rust but other dragon attacks as well.

Right now.

The goddess of victory turns to herself. Perfect check mate!

But Tigris saw a strange thing at the moment when victory was decided.

Yongho also placed Amon. Otherwise, you leap forward to narrow your distance to Tigris. It's like throwing yourself into a burning Flame Shield.

Is it really reckless this time?

It wasn't.

It wasn't as much as dragon hoe, but it was still Tigris who could feel the magic. I was frightened by the energy that should not be felt at this moment.

The intense heat surged in. The blast from the dragon's left-hand arena breaks through the Flame Shield. The flame shield was broken in vain like a thin glass window.

‘Two attributes?! ’

It wasn't magic. It was pure magic. That's why I had to vomit more horror. Come on, come on, come on!

I couldn't connect my thoughts. The dragon's left fist, which destroyed the Flame Shield, is followed by a heavy right fist. Tigrew takes a large step back using the last link. It was so sudden that I couldn't even think about gaining the back of the dragon.

And the dragon has tracked down such a Tigress. It was an unhesitant rush, as if he knew he was going to step back.

Blink was clearly a magic leap through space. The process between the origin and destination could not have been seen.

But it wasn't magic. The magical power of the destination has been distorted. It would have been hard to detect if you had gone back so far, but this time it was Tigris who opened the blink within the dragon's eye.

Amon is once again held in the dragon's hand. However, in the arena of the left hand, there was still a great rush.


I didn't have time to think. Tigrew unleashed the Demon King's power. He crossed his limits and combined the two enchantments into one.

Flame shield that fights off flames.

An aqua shield to stop the cold.

The dragon saw it. I saw two colors and attributes in front of my eyes.

That's why I didn't stop. Dragon Hoe heaves Amon overhead and slams him toward the wall unfolded by Tigris. And then lightning struck. Not a metaphor, a real lightning bolt!

It was a brainstorm.

A third attribute disables the attributes of the Flame Shield and Aqua Shield.

Tigris is appalled. And so are the servants of the Mamon clan watching.

I knew before that dragonhoes had flame and cold properties. But a concussion, that doesn't exist. That doesn't mean Dragon learned the magic of lightning strikes.

But Skull understood. The Brigada Necklace absorbs Skull's magic.

In succession, Katarina could also know. I felt it lead to dragons and one. The Black Magic Power was transmitted through Brigada to the dragon.

The sudden depletion of magical power caused a palpable pain, but it wasn't just pain I felt. The deep loyalty of the dragon hoe fills Katarina's heart. Joy was greater than pain.

The dragon was able to convey the magical power of greed to the slave laborers through Brigada. Thus, enslaved servants have been able to covet their magical power.

Brigada's role is to amplify, adapt, and store power!

Greed contained within Brigada absorbed the magical powers of the enslaved. Delivered to Dragon Ho.

The next step that Old Zion mentioned.

The reason I told you that slave laborers must also be strong to draw out the true power of Brigada!

Yongho realized for himself. I unleashed that power in action. The raised amon condenses the Katarina's Black Magic Power.

I hit him again. The black magic that transformed into a giant, giant sword reveals Catarina's organs has completely destroyed Tigris' shield. Tigris can't take much more of that overwhelming power. I sat down.

Amon did not harm Tigris like that. The Black Magic Power only cuts through the air.

Tigris sighs. You look at the dragon with trembling eyes. And I understood.

It was time to keep the contract.

“I admit defeat. No, my lord. ”

A clean ascension. The dragon vomits violent breath as well. The unfamiliar management of Brigada was quite difficult. However, I gathered Amon with a smile. You also reaped the stage of the horse and reached out to Tigris. He raised his hand and said.

“Welcome, Tigrius. Wizard of House Mamon. ”

Tigris smiled at the obvious title.

Instead of saying more words, I set an example of a gentleman once again.

It was a moment when the Mamon and Randolt families became one.

Chapter 34 - The End of Randolt, Chapter 35 - Dungeon Making


chu Yong-ryong