Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 41 - Mamon Family Sword >

Chapter 41 - Mamon Family Sword

It's been months since the werewolf Demon King Embrio raised an army in the North.

Embryo fought constantly all that time.

And as a result, they unified the North and destroyed the West.

The difference was clear. Despite the same blaze of embrio embryos, the north and west faced very different results.

Most of the northern dungeons survived. The housewives were not extinct either. The housewives who entered under Ambrio's command and lost their lives have become quite a few.

The West, on the other hand, was destroyed thoroughly. Embryo has destroyed the heart of the dungeon once attacked to suppress the Western Household Alliance.

The death of the dungeon meant a life-based collapse. Moreover, Embryo has erased not only the dungeon, but also the 'territory' of households from the map.

Only ruins remain in the west. Most of the households also failed to save their lives. The western inhabitants who lost their homes had no choice but to become refugees or bandits in order to survive. Embryo has taken most of those refugees. It was meant to be used as an arrow holder for the next war.

On the day of the collapse of the League of Western Households, the last dungeon in the West, the Bern family dungeon, was struck down.

Embryo, who greedily devoured the heart of the dungeon, gathered his troops to the last remaining western city.

The battle that followed only devastating destruction had a bad effect on Embryo's army. Fatigue was different from that of the northern Union.

But Embryo didn't think about taking a break. Despite the upside down in the north and the west, I felt more urgent.

It was the only way. Embrio's own flame of obstacle has no longer served its purpose. The East and South were practically united under different flags. Instead of fighting each other like the northern housewives, the eastern and southern groups united to defend themselves from Embryo.

Of course, there was a choice to settle down. If Ambrio himself were to lead the troops back to the north, the east and south would not dare to act first.

However, the blank space could not be unified. It was against Ambrio's will, and the king of the appetizers would not allow it.

It was a good time.

The day after day conflict between the king of arrogance and the king of Jill, which was raging on the north side of the border, turned their gaze from the south to the north. Embryo was his most powerful patron, and so was the king of his foes.

So it was now. For the first time since Mamon, the great greedy king, the Genius of the Southern Hemisphere.

‘The problem is the east. ’

It was originally the eastern part where most of the households lived. Since only two housewives shared all their power, they could not ignore the tax.

Embryo wonders why they didn't fight the North while fighting the Western Household Alliance.

It's simple. They've been waiting for the western alliance to fall into Embryo's hands.

Then what are they going to do?

‘If you attack the south, you will march north immediately. ’

It was a war in each other's minds. Perhaps the east has already concluded a deal with the south.

The south becomes an anvil and the east a hammer.

Embryo smiles thinly. Then I was going to do what they thought.

‘You hit the south. ’

Fast and strong as possible. Soldiers left in the north block the east, destroying an anvil called the south. Instead, they march to the eastern seams.

If it had been a war in a different world than the horse system, it would have been difficult to make the same decision now.

The reason was supply.

The thoroughly destroyed west was unable to serve as a proper supply yard. If you hit the east through the south, the supply corridor will be unusually long.

Solving the supplies from the enemy with plunder was too unstable. No matter how well they fought, they couldn't fight without eating.

But there was a way to solve it in the magic world. Unlike in the West, it was harvested under the command of the southern dungeon without destroying it.

It was not about solving the supply of the dungeons under the command.

Use Dungeon Chamber.

I buy grain from the Dungeon Chamber using the newly acquired Dungeon as a transport point.

Where is the grain? If I had the money, I could supply as much as I wanted, including equipment and ministry.

The delivery of the Dungeon Chamber was swiftly and accurately, as all of the court admitted. Moreover, even the six kings were above the dungeons. The Southern and Eastern households could not interfere with the deal with the Dungeon Chamber.

I had enough money. The amount of money I collected in the process of destroying Western dungeons and cities was truly enormous.

Embryo draws troops from the last western city. He was one of the northern households, and now Ambrio has set foot in Bizarro, the Rain Lord, as his own longevity.

The troops are on the move.

Embrio's forces have finally begun their southern attack.


Bizarro's advance troops, as expected, have turned the Landolt Road into an attack platform. It was a natural choice because it was the Embryo Army with a plan to keep the southern dungeons under control in the first place.

Visa, the Demon King of the Rain, was of a Silly nature. He knows exactly what to do with the arrowheads from the west.

There were no reasonable declarations of war or speeches to boost the morale of our allies.

Bizarro advances his troops to the dungeons of the Randolt family.

A desperate dungeon battle has begun.

Screams and cries fill the dungeon.

Dozens and hundreds of lighting fixtures purged the darkness within the dungeon. Nothing prevented the catastrophe from happening everywhere.

The dungeons of the Randolt family, with perfect fortification, have put Bizarro's army to shame. The usual dungeons continued their defenses, which should have been over by now.

The poison rising from the floor melts the armada's flesh. I made hedgehogs out of arrowheads poured out from the inevitable corridor.

Goblins and Cobalts pour out in horror, but there is no turning back. The Lizardmen in charge of the army's mainstay on the Visa were not hesitant enough to strike the fugitives on the head.

It was a truly insignificant march, using arrowheads to extinguish the trap.

Funnily enough, it was quite effective. The durability of the trap was not infinite. The pile of dead bodies blocked the leaking hole of poison, and the javelins that had already fallen from the walls did not harm Bizarro's army of dead hedgehogs. The javelin quickly ran out of stock.

The fire traps were run by magical powers. Every time I threw out a fire, I burned a pile of poor Cobalts and Goblins, but there was a limit to the number of shots. The dungeon's magical power was never infinite.

Bizarro sacrificed nearly 300 Goblins and Cobalts as food to the Randolt family's trap. And as a result, most of the traps were disabled.

Bizarro, the commander of the assault squad, has not even entered the dungeon of the Randolt family. Located outside the dungeon, along with a group of relatives, Visa compiled a map of the Randolt family dungeons, compiling real-time information.

It was a crazy dungeon. Depending on the owner, it was a dungeon of ten thousand distinct shapes, but usually it was not as big or as deep as a basin.

Visa, an experienced housekeeper, could almost accurately estimate the dungeon size of the Randolt family. That's why the crazy man's voice came out of my mouth.

The Randolt family has made more than 70% of the entire district a defensive zone. If you limit the living space to solve the rituals of the serving horses, other facilities would be practically invincible.

But that's almost over, too. I had to sacrifice three hundred of the seven hundred squadrons I led, but I was able to disable almost all the dungeon traps. All that remains is the final defensive zone, the rally point.

Bizarro was convinced of victory. That's why I relaxed and looked at the dungeon map. You wait for the advancement of your men.

“Crazy bastard. ”

Tigrew vomits in disdain as he normally would. I observed the entire dungeon through the soul of the dungeon and couldn't say anything else.

Just as Bizarro was perplexed by the fortifications of the Randolt family, Tigris was perplexed by Bizarro's tactics.

It's unreasonable. Sacrificing our allies without sacrificing them to clear the trap. What the hell is this?

But it was effective. At first glance, it was an extreme of ignorant inefficiency, but in reality it was completely different.

The dead are mostly Goblins and Cobalts who can't serve more than an arrow holder. Of course, the numbers were enormous, but few of the other major forces were damaged. Furthermore, we had to consider that the purpose of the trap was not only to kill our enemies, but also to ‘delay' them.

If Bizarro's forces had tried to break through the trap in a normal way, they would have spent more time than they do now.

All that was left was the rally point. The last line of defense was guarded by the Lycum and the Servants, but there were too few of them. Despite sacrificing nearly 300 troops, Bizarro's troops still counted hundreds. Even worse, outside the dungeon, waiting for close to a hundred troops.

He was a wanted man. We can't even use a secret passageway in the dungeon to ambush the commander.

But Tigris did not give up.

I used the link to enter the secret passageway again. While Lycum and the Servants were serving as anvils at the rally point, they gave up their mission to hammer out the troops that entered the dungeon. It wasn't very poor, but at this rate, the rally point would be breached before we could finish the division.

“Poison in your right hand, gust in your left. ”

I cast while running. I knocked on the door of the secret passageway and put my hands together. The wind of poison is gusting towards the front!

A green wind filled with deadly poison swept through the Lizardmen attacking the rally point. In an instant, more than a dozen Lizardmen fall into the camp.


Likum came running screaming. As proof of a struggle, he opened his path with a battle axe stained with Lizardman's blood and flesh.

The situation was not as good as Tigrius expected. All the traps set at the rally point have been disabled. The fortification was also almost collapsed, literally wreaking havoc.

After being temporarily disabled by the aftermath of the merged magic, Tigris quickly rises to his feet. The battle axe of Likum severs the head of the Lizardman once more.

“Come this way! Make room! ”

Extreme fortification has brought simplification to the rest of the space. Right after the rally point was the heart room of the dungeon.

Tigrew smashes Lizardman's head with a stick. At the same time, I ran towards Likum and prepared a new order.

There were not many spells that could be used in a confined space, even where there was a mixing. Just like Bizarro did, he had to be prepared to sacrifice his allies.

“Firewall in your right hand, gust in your left. ”

The flaming storm swept through the gathering area. The damage to our allies was also great, but there is no way now.

Likum vomited. Lizardman's Lance pierced Likum's shoulder. The Orc, who was fighting right next to Rikum, is wrapped up in a steel net cast by Lizardman. I was dragged away in no time and became a chopped piece of meat.

At that moment, Tigris hesitates. I gathered the magic that I gathered in both hands.

“Merge Magic! Fire Storm!”

A massive wave of sparks envelops the interior of the rally point. We swept through our enemies and allies.

But it was strange. The color of the flame was not red. It wasn't even hot.

The fiery Randolt family members of the military struggle with reflexive screams, and then stop. Despite the green flame sweeping through them, no injuries were sustained. Even though the Lizardmen are dying in flames.

Tigrew looks at his hands in embarrassment. Fire Storm is still in his hands. Some of the sparks, which should have leaked out, were swallowed up by the green flame and could not emit the light.

And at that moment, Likum shouted. The Mamon family's servants vomited in joy. He roared, forcefully plunging into a green flame!

“The Fiery Demon King! ”


The green flame subsides. And this time, the Black Magic Blade swept through the area. What has happened since the entrance to the rally point has nearly slaughtered the Lizardmen who barely survived in the greenery.

The Randolt family servants are now able to see it. Tigrew rejoices at last in front of his own state troops.


“You've done well. Tigris.”

Yongho smiled and said. Since there were so many Lizardmen at the rally point, they seemed to have survived despite the waves of flames and the whirlpool of black blades, but they didn't care.

Yongho was neither standing with many reinforcements. There was only one guardian who was always with him.

However, the Lizardmen never dared to come forward. Unconscious, but instinctively superior ogres stomp back and forth.

It was no longer the chapter of the marriage. Not everyone thought to fight without distinguishing the pia.

Tigris unravels the magic he holds in his hands. And I thought,


He was different from his master at the time of the duel.

What the hell happened in that short time? Furthermore, it was not just the Lord.

Tygryus, the Demon King and Wizard, has not missed the fact that Katarina wielded the blade of black magic.

It was more magical than I imagined. It was a sudden burst of magical power that could not be accurately extrapolated, but at least it seemed to be equivalent to Tigris himself. Furthermore, I felt an unexplainable peculiarity in the power contained in the magic.

Tigris shakes his head. Now was not the time to think about these things.

There are still many enemies. Beyond the dungeon, Bizarro waits with elite soldiers.

But Tigris blinks for a moment. I felt a strong sense of camaraderie in my own mind.

How the Lord is standing here. The alleyway is crawling with enemies. Bizarro is waiting outside the entrance of the dungeon with a hundred elite soldiers.

Tigris looks at the dragon. Yongho smiles maliciously instead of explaining it to Tigris.

After realizing something, Tigris swallows a dry saliva. I urgently summoned the soul of the dungeon and ordered it to explain what the Dungeon Meerkats saw.

And horrified. I shuddered.

Outside the dungeon.

Only four men were crushing a hundred of Bizarro's armies.


The End

chu Yong-ryong