Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 57 # 2 >


“I am the best groom. ”

Kirtimuka said with a confident face. Gardi shakes his head as he sits across from you and chews off the chicken legs that are in his hands.

“Trying to get over to Little Muggler and swallow the dritara Stranimmel." Yum. Isn't that a little harsh? ”

I wanted to tell him to eat what was in his mouth, but he opened his eyes because he had been stepped on more than that. He looks at the chicken bones piled up in front of Gardi.

“Can chickens eat chickens? ”

“It's not chicken, it's powder! Your bitch eats pork all the time! ”

It was a pretty strong horse, but Kirtimuka laughs. It was because I was always satisfied with the fact that it made the gardi unique.

“Anyway, it's a comprehensive decision. It is not something that is hard to eat. ”

Kirtimuka takes his eyes to the king of fury seriously. In front of the King of Fury were four colorful boxes, all containing first-ever chicken dishes.

Kirtimuka raises a finger when the king of fury picks up soy sauce chicken.

“First of all, he's not under any king's command. ”

The king of fury, who tasted the saltiness of soy sauce chicken, shook his shoulders slightly. I turned my eyes to the seasoned chicken next to me.

“Secondly, he's a man. ”

The seasoned chicken was sour, especially the spicy chicken skin. The crunchiness of the fries and the oily flavors unique to the peel stimulated my appetite.

“Third, he is the king of the Southern Hemisphere, not elsewhere. Geographically speaking, it's good to be friends. ”

Kirtimuka draws a light in the air when she looks at the fiery king's gaze in the third box. I drew the recitation at once and then made a lump of a new color.

“If the secret alliance with the king of violence works properly, this way the entire South can be united and confronted in the North. And the geographic advantage is not the only one. ”

The King of Fury put radish between the chickens. A radish cut to just the right size soothed me with a fresh taste in my mouth. I also liked the crunchy texture.

Gardymoondi gives the furious king a satisfied look: cola.

While the two people were eating and drinking frantically, Kirtimuka continued to be solemn.

“I heard that there are fewer people in the Southern Hemisphere than there are in the land. And that's more and more what happened in this crisis. ”

It was the opposite of the land of the furious king.

The land ruled by the king of fury has many mountains, narrowing its place of residence, and bordering too many countries, minor conflicts did not end. The population density on the inland side was too high to be stable in nature.

“If the story goes well and you build a 'really good relationship’, you might be able to move some of your arms south. Even though the Southern region is somewhat rugged, it's still a habitable land, so there's nothing to live on. ”

Furthermore, the South was much safer.

It was Kirtimuka who still suspected the King of Violence, but the story changed if he could trust the King of Violence as a complete ally.

The Southern Hemisphere borders the lands of the three kings.

The king of violence, the king of fury, the king of appetite.

If two of these three were allies, all that remained was one king of the appetizers. Since there was only one hostile border and three hostile countries, the natural stable area had to be widened.

“The Southern Hemisphere was a land that none of the kings should have. But if you hold hands with someone in your possession, the other kings won't be able to help you. ”

It was consistent with the idea of the King of the Sylvester. However, the method of using the Southern space was different.

The king of the Sycamores set up a puppet king and tried to rule the Southern space behind him, while Kirtimuka tried to get the Southern space itself through his marriage alliance.

“Fourth, I have no interest in the inside of my arms because I am an outsider. It means that there won't be any fights. ”

The arms were made up of eight different factions, named after each other.

Deva, Dragon, Garura, Gandarba, Yaksha, Asura, Hilltop, Maharaga.

I couldn't help but argue as there were eight tribes. The situation was widespread with larger enemies, so there were no quarrels, but there were already well-connected factions such as dragons and powders, hillside villages and Maharagas.

One of the reasons why the King of Fury did not choose a spouse until this day was here. If the king of fury, the head of Gandarba and the king of all arms, chose a man of a particular tribe, it was likely that order within the eight tribes would become chaotic.

If you can't be an insider, you have to choose an outsider, and no one has ever deserved it. Every opponent who could stand against the Furious King has been led by other kings.

“Fifth thing is personality. I think it would be nice if a man could cook something this delicious and do it himself to give it to you -- you know what I'm saying? ”

Kirtimuka narrows her eyes. The king of fury, who was happy with the original fried chicken dipped in salt, was furious and quickly nodded.

“Yes. I'm listening. I was listening.”

The red seasoning on his left finger was destroying his credibility, but Kirtimuka approached the king of fury instead of inferring him. He said in a strong tone.

“So you agree with me? ”

The king of Fury tries to nod at the ice, and looking at him quietly, Gardi tucks his tongue out. A hand full of chicken oil struck Kirtimuka in the back of the head.

“Gardi Mundi!”

Yaksha's nature was uncovered as a terrifying old man. However, Gardymoondi relaxes and gives the chicken legs to Kirtimuka. Even the furious Yaksha once again admired the magical power of the chicken that made him accept it unconsciously.

“I know it's urgent, but let's not rush the story. ”

Kirtimuka chews the chicken with a grumpy face. Gardi smiles as he approaches his butt to the furious king. I asked in a gentle voice.

“How are you? Do you like it?"

“I really like it. I especially like this marinated chicken... Hmm. ”

The king of fury blushed his cheek at the fact that the bundle was wrong, and relieved him of his anxiety with a clear-headed cough. He took a deep breath and said in a calm voice.

“We can't afford to spend the rest of our days relaxing because our current border moves are unusual. Kings of the Southern Spaces - I think we need to establish a proper alliance with the Mamons. If you join forces with the King of Violence and the Head of Mamon Family, you will not only be able to pressure the King of Eating effectively, but you will also be better able to control the North. ”

He was an angry king who didn't know that Yongho had literally crushed a dozen people, which could still be the core of the king's army of the appetizers.

If he had known that, he would have wanted an alliance with House Mamon more than the Furious King, as well as Kirtimuka.

Gardi nods as if to hear the story of the Furious King. You get close to the King of Fury.

“Then I have an idea. ”


The anxious King of Fury leans back slightly and asks again. Gardi Mundi's words come closer than the furious king's retreat.

“Yes, the draft. Let's meet. Whether you have an alliance or do something more, you need to meet Mamon Gaju first. ”

The king of fury cannot answer. Gardi is closer to his face.

“We're meeting. ”

Usually, it was time to beat the crap out of him. But for some reason, the King of Fury rolls his eyes with a shy face and nods somewhat.

The smile on Kirtimuka's face was young and Gardi was satisfied. I got up from my seat and said,

“I'll go back to Mamon Street tomorrow. Written letter... No, video please. ”



The King of Fury blinks. I swallowed a dry saliva without knowing it.


“Chicken and peace. ”

[Everyone seems happy.]

Both dragon hoes and mercenaries were floating in the gentle blue waters of Skazaha's mansion.

As soon as I dropped Gardi off, the Victory Celebration Chicken Party offered dragon hoes a hard time, but I also gave them enough joy.

‘Soon I'll have to go back and air the materials. Especially Coke.’

Dragon Hat, who had a really relaxed thought, closed his eyes. I wanted to sleep like this, but I still couldn't sleep. because I had to set a grand policy.

“It's about how the king of the appetizers moves forward. ”

Ofelia, who went into the blue water like Eligos, said.

“The ten men who were lost by the king of the appetizers were slave laborers of the king of the appetizers, as well as leading the army. Of course, there will be plenty of powerful Demon Kings left under the king of the appetizers, but there will be a substantial power gap. ”

Tigris has already mentioned it once. However, the situation was somewhat different from what Tigris first said. The messenger of the furious king has been to Mamon Street.

“The king of the appetizers is currently engaged in a neurological war over the border with the king of violence and the two kings of fury. There's a good chance he's trying to hide the fact that a dozen people died as a group. because this situation, which is a crisis for the king of the appetizers, would be a great opportunity for the other two kings. ”

“Then perhaps we should inform the King of Fury? ”

The fact that the Mamon family defeated the Dozens had many meanings.

Not only could the power of the Mamon family be revealed to the furious king, but it also had the symbolism of "giving secrets" to the furious king.

In order for a strong alliance to be made, there had to be some degree of separation between the two. The form of alliance in which either side held out their hands did not last for long.

Silent Tigris answers the dragon's question.

“I don't think that's bad. If the king of fury becomes more aggressive, the king of the appetite will become even more difficult to care for us. And as much time as we can get to Mamon's, ”


For everyone, it was a particularly valuable resource for the Mamon family.

It was only possible for beginners to become stronger in a short period of time. It was normal for those who had already reached some degree to have a breakdown in growth.

However, there was still a lot of room for growth in the Mamon family. There was still half a maze of greed, and the Arena had a lot of floors to climb.

Critically, Yongho had the power of evolution.

Evolutionary skill can be accumulated through combat. With considerable skill in the battle against the Dozens, all the slave laborers would be able to harness the power of evolution once again if they had to work a little harder on the Arena.

Mamon, the greedy king, also had the power of evolution.

And Yongho understood why the 12 servants were so strong.

It was the power of evolution that led the 12 laborers to their defeat.

“By the way, you said merger evolution is possible with items, right? ”

Dragon Hoe looks at his right arm and asks, as if he suddenly remembers. Amon gives me an instant response.

[Yes, my master.]

[As I said, it can only be done once per yard. I hope you'll reconsider.]


Dragon has alternated between Katarina and Kaiwan, who are in the blue water like her. Katarina glanced at the chicken-- no, no, Kaiwan, no matter what. He asked me to bring at least a Dragonheart.

“Okay, then I'm going to announce a policy. ”

The eyes of all the slave workers gathered around Dragon Hoe. The same was true of Skazaha, who sat alone in a chair and ate chicken.

Yongho said.

“I'm going to see Citri tomorrow. I have a favor to ask of you, and I'd like some advice on politics. Then let's break through the Arena together. ”

I also had to find out about the magicians and materials needed to install a magic field that detected or interfered with the flying magic. In order to relax and reorganize all the vacancies, he had to first block the threat of the king of the appetizers, and to do so, he had to strengthen himself as well as the serving horses.

“It's been a long day. Let's really get some rest. ”

“See you tomorrow. ”

“Good night. ”

“Get some rest. ”

The voice followed in succession.

Dragon Hoe closed his eyes this time to ask for a deep sleep.


The king of the appetite's mouth and two hands constantly coveted food.

At the same time, his head thought: What will Mamon's family heirloom think? How the king himself will react when viewed objectively.

The answer was short and curled up.

It was the best way to protect what I had already acquired.

But it shouldn't have. As a defensive act, I was only eaten by more panic, a little chaos.


The king of the appetizers gained the power he had activated as a test. I turned around in a large cavity.

I saw a garrison of dead knights and vampires. I encountered the Bone Dragons behind them.

It was time to take a risk.

I had to walk everything I had to gain more power, as I have always done since I was a lowly magician and an Angler.

The king of the appetizers turns again. I felt the power of wonder as I looked south. He ruled over the power of sin and power that fluctuated in the flesh.


It was time to go hunting again.


chu Yong-ryong

Author's Words

* Let's wrap up a few questions and move on: D

1) Restrained Servant


2) The Curiosity of Greed

Life - Immortal Witch Skazaha: Blue Light

Death - Devil of Carnage Baphomet: Borate Black

Justice - Night Slaughter Elun: Moonlight Yellow

Creation - Eight Handed Varuna: Mysterious Green

Honor - Knight of the Sun Asclepius: Glorious Frequency

Harmony - Yin Yang Yuyuan: Soft Silver

3) The state of the greed maze

1st Floor: Garden of Life - Garden: Skazaha

2nd Floor: Main Gate + Defense Facility: Baphomet

3rd Floor: Gambling Director: Elun

Fourth Floor: Baruna's Workshop: Baruna

5F: Armory + Storage: Asclepios

6th Floor: Prison/torture room + living facilities: Yuyuan Yuyuan

7th Floor

8th Floor

9th Floor

10th Floor

11th Floor

12th Floor

4) Mamon's 12 Servants to Date

???: Amon

Water Strap: Skazaha

Goat Strait: Baphomet

Head Office: Asclepios

Bull 's-eye: Old Zion

Syllabus: Elun

Crab: Varuna

Twin Straits: Yuyuan

5) Characteristics of each sin revealed to date

Greed: ownership - detection of property/more slaves/can also possess things that are generally difficult to own (such as essences of death)

Appetite: Appetite - Digestion (does not lose what was absorbed once. Losing a slave horse does not significantly lose its magic)/Predatory (eats and evolves itself)/Complete (completely absorbs what is eaten)

Rage: The angrier you get, the stronger you get.

Colorfulness: Gives reason to desperate pleasures.

There is no public record of the rest of the crimes. (The power of anger and color is not only that = 3 =; of course greed: D)