Dungeon Maker

< Chapter 57 # 3 >


Thanks to the blue water of Skazaha, I did not fall asleep for a long time, despite the overwhelming fatigue.

The dragon stroked Katarina's head, which is still idle because she slept a lot in the morning, lightly kissed Kaiwan who could not sleep, and then left the mansion in Skazaha.

Starting in the morning, a team of Skulls, who were busy farming, noticed the dragon's eyes. Skull was also digging for potatoes with his hand hoe. Maybe Skull was a good farmer, not a knight captain or a famous warrior?

Looking at the skull waving towards this direction, the dragon hoe imagines that he's gone out of the Garden of Life and into the Demon King's room.

“Good night! ”



Yuria, who had been cleaning the Demon King's room since morning, greeted him. The baby dungeon Meer Cat, which was mopping, seemed natural, but on Yuria's head, was quite unfamiliar.

However, all three of them were Mamon's servants, and I didn't really care because they were cute. I thought for a moment I'd buy you a dungeon hamster.

The dragon, who stroked Yuria's head instead of greeting, sat on the throne.

The throne was also different from the first time. Not only did the rustic stone throne now have some reasonable pieces attached to it, but it also had cushions on its back to ensure its softness.

The dragon, who was touching the smooth handle, called out to Lucia. I've accessed the virtual space above the dungeon.

“Dear customer, I love you very much, but I can't love you if you visit us this early. ”

Citri was almost immersed in a massive cushion that was indistinguishable from the bed or couch. It was a negligee in the sky, but clearly shining, and on its head was a cute sleeping hat that did not match the maturity itself, the negligee.

Dragon Hoe wanders around looking for a place to put his eyes on and smiles awkwardly.

“W-was it too early? ”

“Beauty sleeps. ”

Citri takes off her sleeping hat and flicks her fingers in succession. In the blink of an eye, a purple nightgown wraps around the citrus negligee. The large cushion Citrus was burying itself into a fancy chair.

Citri, who had been lightly cremated, came face-to-face with the dragon in a worthy posture. Yongho, who was trying not to steal the transformation process, said with a relaxed expression.

“There's something I'd like to discuss. ”

The fact that Citri was Mamon's lover was a blessing I had known from the beginning. However, it was only recently that I started asking for help in this way. Actually, it was the first time in the last auction.

Citri also slightly narrowed her glance at whether she wanted to point out the fact, but soon smiled softly. I answered deeply with my back to the backrest.

“Hmmm, I think you're being too blunt, but that's your charm. Tell me about it.”

Dragon took a single breath. I listed what happened yesterday as a point.

Amon's Restrained Servant Coin.

Defeating the Dozens, the underlings of the king of the appetites.

Request an exchange from the King of Fury.

Sitri, who listened to the story one by one, bit her lower lip once instead of answering straight away. I nodded a few times and finally opened my lips.

“The story is moving urgently. ”

The King of the Sylvester's attack was somewhat within the expected range. His sudden movements of the reign of the king of violence should have triggered him.

What Citri could not have anticipated was the move of the Furious King. I didn't think she would suddenly be so fond of the Mamon family.

‘Cause we met at the auction house? ’

Citri grins bitterly. It was because of the memories that came to my mind naturally. It was fun just to reminisce, and also heartbreaking. Citri opened her lips again someday. I buried my memories in my heart and saw the present. I told the new king of greed.

“If the alliance with the Furious King is successful, I think it would be an ideal painting. She's building a pretty good rapport with the king of violence. ”

The dragon had some conjecture about that. Both the king of violence and the king of fury marched towards the king of the appetizers, because they did not show any boundary movements.

What he needed was reassuring assumptions, and Citri's words weighed him down.

If I had a good relationship with the King of Fury, I could draw a big picture that would unite the entire southern hemisphere.

Citri stares at the rather excited-looking dragon and shakes her head. You vomit a sigh with a slight sigh.

“There's no resemblance to bad places, anyway. ”

“Mr. Citri? ”

Citri knows more about the Furious King than Dragon Hoe. No matter what anyone said, Citri has been one of the five directors of the Dungeon Congress since its founding. In fact, he still boasted a lot of information about his life close to seclusion.

If the meeting at the auction house really was the beginning of this exchange.

Citri lets out a sigh again.

“Well, you're a greedy king, no one else. That's enough service... Let's get back to business for a minute. ”

Citri grinned, teasing her fingers. Then a huge catalog appeared in the air.

Dragon was able to guess what Citri was going to say. And as expected of Dragon Hoe, Citri widened the catalog.

“You've asked for a Necromancer in the Undead family before? I've got the right horse for you. ”

The dragon's gaze leads to a picture of the Serpent in the catalog.


“Be careful not to make mistakes over and over again. Of course, one of our royal videos will overwhelm everything already, but don't forget that each and every one of your actions is connected to our royal honor. ”

Kirtimuka nags with a stiff face, and Gardymundi's voice echoes into his ears, fresh as always.

The king of fury, who fixed the video several times as he did when he wrote his handwriting, looked quite tired. But he still said with a bright smile.

“Take good care of her. If this alliance succeeds, the men in your arms will be more secure. We should be able to withstand less damage than the Great War in the North. ”

“I just want my personal affairs to be resolved. ”

In Gardi's reply, the king of Fury blushes, but is not angry. Gardi Mundi smiled as he liked it again. It was a question of whether a really personal and good relationship would be built with the Maon family heirloom, and I didn't have to, but I wanted it to be good.

“Then I will go south to Gardi, of the Garuda clan, the faithful friend and servant of King Dritarastra. ”

“Have a good trip. ”

The king of fury finally gives Gardi a little hug. Gardymoondi winks at Kirtimuka, who continues to nag without a sound on his face from over there, then turns around. You leap from the balcony of the Furious King's chamber to the ground without a moment's hesitation.

A strong wind blows. The red-winged gardi faces south.


The king of the appetizers leaves his palace at dawn.

As he cut through the red sky of the Magic Cube, he remembered the past.

It was a tough day. Born as the weakest Angler in the world of drug-eating machinery, it was like I was destined to disappear into someone's lap dog or a meal.

But the king himself stood up. I ate the same gazelles and strengthened them. I stepped on the stairs little by little. I'm finally in the king's shoes.

The king of the appetizers did not just remember the past to get sentimental. It was to remind him of his own essence that he had forgotten since he became king.

I didn't know the king of the appetizers would have stopped himself if the Dozens were alive. No, there was a good chance.

It was too risky. The king of fury and the army of the king of violence are showing a threatening move. The southern - the Mamon family's power is now almost unknown.

But that's why I had to move. There was a limit to what you could get without risk.

If I had only walked on a comfortable path, I would never have gotten up to where I am now.

The king of the appetizers lands on the ground. The aftermath of the magic of high-speed flying has warmed me up.

I swallowed my breath heavily. You can see the dungeon entrance of the Mamon family and the meerkats above it.

The king of the appetizers opened his hands. You have descended the undead army that you have prepared for the battle against the six kings.


A series of day-long raids have swept through the Mamon Family.

Lucia immediately disconnected the dragon arc from the dungeon chamber. Instead, the king of the appetizers showed a view that destroyed the entrance to Mamonga's Dungeon.

The king of the appetizers does not appear alone. Near it were dozens of Desknights. There were also five mighty Vampire Lords, also known as Norlive Kings.

If we discuss one by one, we are below the number of the Ten. But it was important that there was a king of the appetizers among them.

Yongho had two options.

One was to lead them to fight in the Garden of Life, just like when they fought the Dozens, and the other was to use the Mamon family outside to cut down the enemy's power.

Both sides exist. And Dragon Ho didn't have much time to think about it.

Dragon Hoe steps on the throne. There was no need to call for separate orders as all the serving horses were gathered in Skazaha's mansion. Yongho tried to calm down. The Dining King's surprise attack was obviously a bluff, but this was his dungeon.

Useless sacrifices had to be avoided. However, it was also reckless to greet the king of the appetite and one of the six kings intact.

Dragon has made a decision. I opened my mouth to give the order. But the moment Yongho arrived at the Garden of Life, he encountered the desperately expressing serving horses.

[Ground Destroys!]

[The boundary between the first floor of Mamon Street and the first floor of the greedy maze has been destroyed!]

Lucia's report was merely a description of the situation at hand. The ceiling of the Garden of Life collapses. The king of the appetizers, who was on his way without hesitation, destroyed exactly one spot. It was where the slope that the dragon led the Dozens to the Garden of Life existed.

A huge hole was drilled into the Garden of Life. The two options given to Dragon Ho disappeared and only one path remained.

Desknights and vampire roads pour down from the ceiling. The undead rise up beside them like a lie. The army of death summoned by the Vampire Lords.

Among them, the king of the appetizers takes a deep breath. It seemed like it was sucking out all the smells around it.

Taste of appetite.

If greed led the owner to ownership, it led the owner to eating.

The dragon's chest trembles. The king of the appetites was also roughly shaken.


The king of the appetizers said: As soon as I saw Dragon Ho from a distance, I was sure. He understood why he had sold his eyes to a stranger at the auction that day.

A short pause passed. It was like the calm before the storm.

One second or two.

Movement started without anyone having to go first. The undead legion of the king of the Sylvester reveals his horror, and the Skull forces rise with their own weapons. The servants of the Mamon family quickly reveal their power.

Storms of magical power erupt from everywhere. Yongho also summoned Silver Dragon Armor, staring directly at the Food King.

A silver armor encircles the dragon's body. At that moment, the king of the appetites plunged into the ground. I ran out of the army and became an individual, and I didn't stop running.

The garden of life was vast. But it was an indoor space. The king of the appetite was quick. He was never slow. I made more than half a trip across the garden of life in a blink of an eye.

Katarina and Kaiwan hit the ground at the same time. Skull lunges through the ranks to stop the undead. Ophelia and Eligos immediately awakened the beast and followed behind Katarina and Kaiwan.

Rather, it is. If the king of the appetizers provokes himself, it is only easier to attack from this side.

Skull and Tigress have thought of stopping the undead forces. Katarina and Kaiwan flew into the space between Dragon Hoe and the King of the Dining. Silver Dragon Armor completely surrounds the dragon. Skazaha hurriedly unleashed the power of life in the garden of life.

And then...

The king of the appetizers has launched a second leap. At that moment, I caught Katarina and Kaiwan, but ignored them. I didn't attack them with anything. I saw only Dragon Ho. I only thought I was getting closer as if I wasn't afraid of a siege.

Six horns rose above the king of the appetizers. Even a bomb could be a magical force that opened up in an instant. A magical explosion struck Katarina and Kaiwan. In addition, even Ofelia and Eligos had to pause for a moment.

The king of the appetizers looks at the dragon. I forgot the 'appetite’ and the ‘appetite’ that initiated resonance for a moment. I also did not think of the wonders of longing for a new sin in his hands.

The power I gained when I first took the place of the Lord.

Another driving force to bring him here now.

The Demon King of Borders, as we call him.

The king of the appetizers unleashed his power. I opened up a new world between worlds.

There was only heaven and earth.

There were no gardens of life, undead armies, or storms of powerful magical power that shook from all sides.

Yongho sensed a loss of connection with Lucia. I couldn't feel her presence, as I did when I entered the Arena.

It wasn't just Lucia. I couldn't feel Katarina or Kaiwan. The magical power of the slave laborers who were always transmitted through Brigada was also cut off.

Suddenly, the dragon stayed out of sight in a sense of isolation. At the end of his gaze was the king of the appetizers.

“I call this the hunting ground or the dining table. ”

The voice of the king of the appetizers was relaxed. His wonder, responsive to the enormous magical power emanating from the six horns, reveals the appearance of the claws of the beast.

“My power. There are only hunters and prey here. Only the eater and the eater exist. And it never disarms until one of them eats the other. ”

This power allowed me to grow without an army. The king of the appetizers was able to hide himself until he had enough power.

There are only two people within this boundary. So it didn't matter if it was in the other person's dungeon. No dungeon support, no slave laborers. There was only a pure struggle between the eater and the eater.

The king of the Sylvesters brought an undead army not to defeat the Mamon family with them. It was only for the fight until we took the distance that would give the Mamon family heir power.

The king of the appetizers, who had so easily succeeded in his power, forgot the urgency. In fact, I felt cozy in the hunting grounds that I had encountered for a long time. The anxiety that plagued him has now turned into anticipation.

“You've grown to eat well, greedy king. ”

It was worth the wait. It was the right answer to give me enough time to be young. Though the time of harvest was twisted by the king of violence, this was a satisfactory result.

It doesn't matter how you defeated the Dozens after the power came on. There was no way he could conquer the king of the appetizers in this land without the support of the dungeons and the help of the enslaved.

I mean, you know.

“I'll feed you, greedy king. ”

As if the nature of the goblin was revealed, the gourmet king began to drool down his lips. The king of the appetizers released his magic as he swallowed his elongated saliva.

Dragon saw the king of such appetites. It was definitely a terrifying magical power. It was a strength fit for a king.

Yes, King.

A strength fit for a king.

The dragon reaches out. You grip the air and grab the Spear of Crimson Flame.

Dragon Hat and one thing you can say. Therefore, despite the power of the king of the appetites, he is with the dragon.

Amon said, as one of Mamon's 12 ministers, he asked for the strength of the 'true king’.

[Show me, my Lord. Great king of greed.]

The king of the appetizers flinches in a foreign voice he must never hear. But I couldn't wait to react. The thought of a voice rises up in front of your eyes like a huge magical force about to blow away.

Six horns. That will not be left to the king of the appetizers if he only discusses numbers.

It just didn't stop there. The dragon did not waste the time the king of the appetizers had been baffled. You hold Amon in your hand and bring him to the chest with a right hand. In order to fill the gaps in power that still exist at this moment, we triggered the heart of King Massin, the legacy of Mamon.

It was as the king of the appetite had said.

Lucia was not available in this space. I could not harness the magical powers of the other servants except Amon, and I could not even get support from Skazaha.

But that was not necessary.

The king of the appetizers was also alone.

Standing here were two kings with the power of sin.

The claws of the Heart of the Drinking King dug into the chest of the dragon. Every time you dig, you raise the power of the dragon to a higher ground.

Four triggered claws in total. The maximum Yongho can afford right now.

Hunting ground or dining table.

Where one must die to escape.

The dragon doesn't say anything out of the ordinary. The user lunges at you with an explosive force.

I became the only hunter.


chu Yong-ryong